I'm okay

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Kol's pov

I enter the bathroom and find Davina hunched over the toilet throwing up, I walk over and get on my knees behind her, I gather her hair away from her face so she doesn't get any sick on her hair. I rub her back as she continues being sick "hey there" I say as she finishes being sick and slumps back against me "definitely not period cramp. I think I have a stomach bug" she says weakly "do you want some of my blood? It will heal you?" I ask rubbing her back as I turn her a little bit in my arms so now she's sat sideways. "Well usually I'd say no and deal with it like a normal person but if it is a stomach bug I don't want to get the boys sick" she says I take that answer as a yes and I bite into my wrist then bring it to her lips and she slowly drinks my blood. I feel her gain some strength back "better?" I ask pulling my wrist away from her mouth "much better now let's go downstairs and see what Marcel has to tell us" she says going to stand up but stumbles slightly so I keep a hold of her "that can wait. You need some rest" I say she shakes her head "no we have to know what Marcel knows about Morgana, it's important" she says "go get some rest I'll fill you in on what Marcel tells us" I say as I walk her out the bathroom. "No I want to be there when he tells you I can't miss out anything" she says pulling away from me and heading for the stairs. I follow after her making sure to remain close as she goes down the stairs just in case she stumbles again because I don't want her to fall down the stairs and end up hurt.

As soon as we enter the main room Zander and Jace run over to Davina and hug her "are you alright mommy?" Zander asks clinging onto her waist as he looks up at her with worried eyes "yeah momma are you okay?" Jace asks looking up at her as he clings onto her leg. Davina smiles down at the twins and runs a hand through their hair "I'm fine boys I just got a little sick" she says the boys smile at her touch and snuggle into her side which just warms my heart at how much my sons love their mother. "Come sit down mommy" Zander says pulling away from Davina but he and Jace grab her hands and pull her over to a chair and sit her down before climbing onto the chair to cuddle up to her making everyone in the room smile in awe. "So Marcellus tell us what you know of Morgana" Elijah says "who's Morgana momma?" Jace asks looking up at Davina "Morgana is a bad lady" Nik says before Davina can even respond making me narrow my eyes at him. "Maybe the children shouldn't be here to hear this" Marcel says we all nod in agreement "I'll take the kids upstairs and keep an eye on them" Hayley says getting up and helping Hope up "I want to stay with mommy" Zander says curling into Davina's side as Hayley approaches her to get the boys "well tough now get up and go upstairs with Hayley!" Nik snaps making Zander start crying and everyone glares at him "good going Nik" I say glaring daggers at him. "Baby it's okay ignore your uncle he's just a big meanie" Davina says to Zander as he cries into her chest "I want to stay with you" Zander cries Davina frowns and makes him look at her "sweetheart if you go upstairs with Hayley, Hope and your brother I'll take you out for ice cream" Davina says "I don't want ice cream I want you" he cries I frown as Zander has never been this clingy with Davina. I know he's a mommy's boy but he always does as he's told with some resistance and very rarely gives up a fuss about being away from Davina, usually it's Jace that gives up a fuss about being away from Davina. "hey buddy" I say walking over to him and kneeling down in front of them "mommy and I need to talk with your aunts and uncles as this man has something to tell us and you're too young to know. Mommy isn't going anywhere you're just going upstairs to play with Hayley and Hope and your brothers coming to play too" I say he wipes his eyes "can't mommy play with us too?" he asks glancing at Davina "I'd love to play sweetie but I need to be here. I'll come up and see you in 10 or 15 minutes" Davina says "make it five minutes and we have a deal" he says with a serious face making me chuckle "okay five minutes it is" Davina says and he cheers before planting a kiss on her cheek "yay. come Jace let's go play" Zander says to his brother before running up the stairs ahead of Hayley and Hope making everyone chuckle. Once they're upstairs I stand up and glare at Nik "what?" he asks I walk over to him and punch him in the face "that's for yelling at my son" I say giving him the stink eye as I walk back to Davina. "Now let's get on with this talk. I told Zander I'd be upstairs in five minutes" Davina says "so Morgana is the daughter of Edith Chapman. Edith was a leader of a very bad coven nearly forty years ago" Marcel starts "the Folklore coven?" I ask he nods "yes the Folklore coven was created forty years ago by four witches Edith Chapman, Ronald Newton, Dustin Hughes and Cassandra Hurst. They hid in the shadows for the first twenty years committing horrific crimes before they eventually emerged twenty years later having been fed up of hiding and started creating havoc on the streets of New Orleans, they snatched new born babies from their beds and killed them to gain power no matter if the babies were witches, werewolves or humans, they corrupted my code and they corrupted witches luring them in and slaughtering them stealing their power from them" he explains "Edith was at the center of it all, she made the orders, she decided who lived and who died and she brainwashed teenagers to join the coven to double the coven's power" Marcel adds "what made her do those horrible things?" Davina asks "she was power hungry and one thing she wanted more than anything along with immense power was to live forever without having to become a vampire" he explains "she thought it was possible for witches to become immortal without having to be a vampire. She wanted immortality and power she craved it, she killed for it she even made her own daughter kill people" he added "Morgana?" Freya says Marcel nods "yes. I eventually managed to capture Edith and I had her killed for her crimes" he says "what of Morgana? I'm guessing by the looks of it you let her escape?" Nik questions "I let her go because she seemed innocent despite the fact her mother made her kill people. I thought of her as a victim and thought with her mother gone she'd go live a normal life" he explains I glare at him "well she's clearly not living a normal life because she's after the twins and Hope all because you thought she seemed innocent" I say clenching my fists in anger. "I didn't think she'd be a problem but of course I was wrong and I'll do anything to help stop Morgana from getting her hands on the children" he says looking sincere "how do we know we can trust you? How do we know you won't just team up with Morgana and help her take the children and destroy us?" Freya questions Marcel glares at her "do you really think I'd case harm those kids. Yeah sure I hate the lot of you except for Davina and Rebekah but I wouldn't dare hurt them especially Davina's kids" Marcel defends "well if you're going to help us, we'll have to know we can trust you" Nik says Marcel looks defeated "do you really think I'd let Davina down? Do you really I'd do anything that would upset her?" he asks "you bit Kol and I'm pretty sure she was upset about that" Rebekah says he looks down. "Look I'm sorry for everything I did, I was just angry and hurt for what happened to Davina and what Elijah did to me" Marcel explains Elijah looks down in guilt "for the sake of the children we should at least trust that he will help us" Rebekah says "we need the most help we can get to defend our children and our home" Nik says before looking up at Marcel. "Okay we'll give you the benefit of the doubt but know this Marcellus if any harm comes to my daughter or my nephews because of you I will kill you" Nik warns before vanishing upstairs "so Marcel lets go take a walk shall we?" Rebekah suggests walking over to Marcel and dragging him outside "I'll go get the boys and we'll take them out for lunch" Davina says getting up "okay lunch sounds good" I say giving her a smile as she walks to the stairs.

"Kol is Davina alright?" Freya suddenly asks "yes she's fine why?" I ask "well she threw up" she says "she has a bit of a stomach bug but I fed her my blood to heal her as she didn't want the boys to catch the stomach bug" I explain getting off the couch and heading for the stairs. "Where are you going?" Freya asks "upstairs to see if my girlfriend needs a hand with the twins" I explain rolling my eyes, does Freya have to be so nosy? Can't she keep her nose out of my business?

End of chapter

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What's wrong with Davina? Why do you think Zander was being so clingy with Davina and not wanting to leave her side? Do you think Marcel can be trusted? what will happen next? stay tune for more

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