The proposal

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Here's a new chapter, sorry that it's been a while since I updated this story, I've been really busy with other stories and college, anyway I hope this makes up the lack of updates.

Next Friday.......4:45 pm

Kol's pov

Tonight is the night I'm going to propose to Davina, I'm taking her to a nice restaurant in town and then I'm taking her to the lake where I'll ask her to marry me. My sister Rebekah is coming down from New Orleans to babysit the kids, she's had to sneak away under the guise she's found a location of a witch who can help track down Morgana. I've yet to tell my other siblings that Davina's had the baby, I honestly don't want them knowing in fear they'll come and hurt our baby girl. I don't trust Nik, Elijah or Freya with my children nor does Davina, I don't want my daughter to know how cruel her aunt and uncles can be like my sons have already been exposed too. 

"Daddy" Zander says from the couch where he and Jace were sat watching Batman on the TV "yes buddy?" I ask "where's mommy?" he asks "she's in the shower" I reply "where's Nova?" he asks looking around the room "she's in her Moses basket sleeping" I respond pointing to the Moses basket in the corner of the room where Nova is sleeping. "Daddy" Jace says "yes buddy?" I ask "can I have a drink of apply juice please?" he asks holding his cup out to me "of course, I'll get you some" I say taking the cup from him and heading to the kitchen.

I pour some apply juice into the cup and head back into the room as I put the top back on the cup "here you go buddy" I say as I hand it to Jace "thank you daddy" he says giving me a big smile "you're welcome buddy" I say turning my attention to the Moses basket when I hear a little whine come from Nova. I walk over and pop my head over, a smile appearing on my face as my daughter slowly opens her eyes and looks around the room before they set on me and an adorable little smile appears on her face. "Look who's wake?" I coo as I pick her up into my arms and gently sway her in my arms "just on time too. Your aunt Rebekah's going to be here any minute and she's just dying to see you" I coo gently tapping her nose making her giggle which warms my heart. Rebekah hasn't yet met Nova since I told her Davina gave birth but she's constantly been on the phone to me or Davina and she makes us put the phone to Nova's hear so she can hear her talk which I don't think is necessary since she's nearly a week old and she's still getting use to noises around her, saying that it's adorable seeing the confusion on Nova's face when she hears Rebekah speak through the phone, she looks around the room in search of where the voice is coming from before realizing it's coming from the phone. 

I look up from Nova when there's a knock on the door, I quickly place Nova back in her Moses basket and I exit the living room to answer the door. I open the door to find Rebekah stood there with a smile on her face "hello brother" she says I smile and bring her into a hug "hi Bekah. It's good to see you" I say "aunt Rebekah!" the boys yell running out the living room and over to us. "Well hello boys. I've missed you" Rebekah says smiling as Zander and Jace wrap their arms around her waist "we've missed you too" Zander replies as they pull back "well I sure hope you have. I bought gifts for you boys and your little sister" Rebekah says as she enters the house and shuts the door behind her "give me, give me!" Zander and Jace chime making grabby hands at Rebekah making me chuckle "what's the magic word boys?" I ask they turn to me and blink their eyes for a moment as they stare at me before turning back to Rebekah "please" they say Rebekah giggles and pulls out a bag from behind her bag. The boys bounce on the balls of their feet as they eye the bag making me chuckle "this is for you Zander" Rebekah says pulling out a wrapped present and handing it to Zander "thank you" he says holding the present to his just as she puts her hand back in the bag "and this for you Jace" she says as she hands him a wrapped present "thank you" Jace says as he takes the present and he and Zander run back to the living room "did you have to wrap the gifts?" I ask she shrugs "of course I did. I like wrapping things" she replies. "Now where's my niece?" she asks I chuckle and nod for her to follow me "she's in here" I say as we enter the living room. I walk over to the Moses basket and pop my head over "hello again sweetheart. Someone's here to see you" I coo as I pick her up and Rebekah gasps once Nova's in her view. I walk over to her "she's beautiful" she says smiling at her "yeah she is" I say as I look at her. Nova looks at us both in wonder making me smile, I lean down and place a kiss on her forehead making her coo at me "oh she's perfect" Rebekah says as she reaches out and gently strokes her cheek. "Aren't you just adorable" she coos Nova looks at her and her eyes widen in recognition and a smile appears on her face "she recognizes your voice" I say Rebekah smiles and tickles her stomach making her giggle. Nova lifts one of her arms and plays with a strand of Rebekah's hair that was hanging close to her and she giggles as she gently pulls at it. I hand Nova to her and her eyes widen for a moment in surprise before she relaxes and sways Nova in her arms "you've done well brother" Rebekah says "I can't take all the credit. Credit goes to Davina too" I respond "correction you and Davina have done well. You have two beautiful boys and now a beautiful daughter, you've got yourself quite the family brother" she says  "I do don't I?" I retort she looks at me and nods "you're very lucky. Anyone would kill for what you have. I'm happy for you brother" she says "well you'll be happier to know that I'm proposing to Davina tonight on our date" I say she gasps and smiles "no way! I'm so excited for you brother. I hope it goes well" she replies "me too. I hope she says yes" I reply nervously "oh she will say yes, she loves you, I mean come on she wouldn't have had three children with you if she didn't love you" she replies "I have no doubt she loves me. I just fear she'll say no because I'm a Mikaelson" I say admitting my fears "Kol she knows who you are and she accepts you are a Mikaelson. If she didn't accept you were a Mikaelson then you and her wouldn't be together right now" she replies "good point" I say she sighs "speaking of which. Where is Davina?" she asks "getting ready. She'll be down in a few minutes, we're not due to be at the restaurant until half past five and it's only just gone five to five" I reply she nods and gently bounces Nova in her arms, smiling down at her as she coos up at her.

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