Zander and Jace

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Now the story is in the present so I hope you enjoy. The picture above is of Zander and Jace

Davina's pov

I have my hands over my eyes as I count out loud "1....2...3...4...5....6...7....8....9...10 here I come ready or not" I say loud enough for them to hear, I'm playing hide and seek with Zander and Jace it's one of their favorite games along with twister and guess what I am. I smile when I hear giggling come from my room so I quietly enter the room "mmh I wonder where they could be hiding?" I say to myself grinning when I hear muffled giggles coming from under the bed and my closet but I decide to play with them "oh no I can't find my babies" I say dramatically before flopping on the bed on my back "I've lost my babies" I fake cry covering my face I hear the closet door opening "momma" I hear Jace say "what was that? Who said that?" I ask "me momma I'm here" Jace says jumping on to the bed as I hear Zander crawl out from under the bed and getting on the bed crawling on to my lap "mommy we're here don't cry" he says moving my hands from my face and I can't help the smile that appears on my face "ah gotcha!" I say grabbing both of them and pulling them close to me "mommy" "momma" they giggle as I sprinkle kisses all over their faces.

The sound of their laughter brings warmth to my sad heart which is still broken from being apart from Kol, it's been 4 years since I was resurrected and found out I was pregnant with the boys, it's been 3 and a half years since I gave birth to my beautiful sons who are now 3 and a half years old and I'm still looking for Hayley and Hope to help them find the cure for Kol and Elijah but I've been unsuccessful due to some complications, a few months after the boys were born I was close to finding Hayley and Hope when I was ambushed by some enemies of the Mikaelsons they had remembered my connection to Kol and when they had seen the boys they put two and two together and started following me waiting for the perfect moment to strike and kill us but they were unsuccessful as I killed them along with Josh's help who had been right behind me when they attacked, I've had a few encounters with the Mikaelsons enemies since then but I've always managed to kill them or escape them and because of that I had to put finding Hayley and Hope on hold as I couldn't live with myself if I sought them knowing I may possibly be followed by enemies and I don't want to put them in harm's way so for the past 3 and a half years I've been in hiding with Zander and Jace to protect them, the only people who know I'm alive and in hiding with the twins is Josh, Vincent and Marcel yeah Marcel found out I was alive 2 years ago and he tried to find me and bring me back to New Orleans by sending out his men to find me but I didn't allow them to find me, I couldn't allow them too also Marcel doesn't know I'm a mom that's the one thing Josh and Vincent managed to keep under wraps.

Two hours later

I turn on the TV in the living room as the boys sit themselves on the couch "alright what movie do you want to watch?" I ask facing them "Shrek" Zander says Jace shakes his head at his brother "no Alvin and Chipmunks" Jace says I smile at him he loves Alvin and the Chipmunks it's his favorite movie so much so I bought him Alvin and the Chipmunks bedding along with an Alvin and the Chipmunks jumper last Christmas he was so happy that day he didn't take off his jumper for three days until I bribed him that I'd buy him a pair of flashing Alvin and the Chipmunks shoes for his birthday and Shrek is Zander's favourite film his favourite character is donkey he has Shrek bedding and Shrek plush toys along with a pair of flashing Shrek shoes. "How about we watch one today and the other tomorrow as it's late?" I suggest so they don't fight "that's okay mommy" Zander says nodding "yeah momma" Jace replies after his brother "okay so which one?" I ask Jace sighs looking at Zander "we can watch Shrek tonight" he says Zander smiles "really?" He asks "yes" Jace says Zander hugs his brother making my heart melt they're such good brothers to one another.

"Alright sit here while I get you both some juice" I say once I've put the movie on I place a kiss on their foreheads as the movie starts before heading into the kitchen to make them their juice. I pour apple juice into their sippy cups, apple juice is their favorite drink it's a must have in this house. Once I've given the boys their juice I start cleaning up the toys scattered around the living room.

"Mommy?" Jace whispers tiredly as I put him in his bed, the boys had fallen asleep an hour into the film so I turned the TV off and took them up to bed but before I put them in bed I quietly changed them into their PJs Zander didn't wake up but Jace had "yes baby?" I ask "where's my daddy?" He asks I sigh sadly as I stroke the top of his head "he's ill and somebody's looking after him for us while he gets better" I say as my heart aches "we can take care of daddy" he whispers "I know but he doesn't want you or your brother to see him like that trust me baby daddy will be better and back in no time" I say "do you think daddy will love us?" He asks "of course he will how could he not love you two you're his sons" I say he smiles "I hope daddy gets better soon" he says "me too baby now go to sleep we have a big day tomorrow" I say leaning down to kiss his forehead "okay momma" he says a little yawn escapes his mouth "goodnight baby I love you" I whisper "I love you too momma" he whispers I smile and get up from where I was sat on the bed and quietly exit the room but not before taking a good look at my boys, they're my everything and I will ensure they get their father back but first I have to make sure I don't have any more enemies on my back.

End of chapter,hope you enjoyed it. Don't the twins sound cute they have a cheeky streak which you will soon see so stay tuned for more

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