sending her minions

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No one's pov

In an abandoned warehouse far far away from New Orleans, a woman stood at a table chanting with her eyes closed. This woman looked to be in her mid 30's and was 4 foot 7 in height, she had black hair, tanned skin and had a slim figure, she had an innocent looking face but she was anything but innocent. This woman was Morgana the leader of the Folklore coven, she had restarted the coven after it had simply faded away from existence but she brought it back, she became a leader she got new witches to join her coven and to follow her.

The Folklore coven consisted of twenty-two members but Morgana wanted more members because the more members she had in her coven, the more power she gained. Suddenly two men and a woman walked into the room where Morgana was chanting "Morgana" one of the men said causing Morgana to snap her eyes open in anger and glare at the three witches who dared disturb her "What!?" She yelled clenching her fists "sorry to disturb you but we have some news" the woman said stepping forward, this woman Carla was in her late 30's and was 4 foot 5 in height, had blonde hair, olive skin and a curvy figure, Carla had more confidence in her when it came to talking to Morgana than the two men stood beside her did. Morgana straightened up her posture slightly at her words "okay what's the news?" She asks "it's about Jeff and Bart" one of the men said "are they back? Did they succeed in their mission? Do they have the brats?" Morgana inquired the three witches looked at each other warily. "no Morgana they haven't returned and we haven't heard anything from them" Carla explained making Morgana angry as she grabbed a candle from the table and hurled it across the room making the three witches flinch and take a step back "Find them! I need to know if they were successful and if not I will have their heads!" Morgana yelled flipping the table she was using previously. Carla and the other two witches scurried out the room leaving Morgana reeling in anger. "why haven't they returned? Why haven't they gotten in contact yet?" Morgana muttered anxiously to herself while chewing her nails.

Another witch entered the room looking nervous to be there "M-Morgana" she stuttered this witch was a little bit younger than most of the members, she's actually a relative of one of the original members of the Folklore coven back 20 years ago. "Yes Marie" Morgana said with a fake smile she always made sure to play nice with Marie considering her father was a founding member of the Folklore coven before he turned his back on it for love. Morgana manipulated Marie into joining the family by saying it's her birth right when really she only needed her to be in the coven for her blood and power for it was her father's power and blood that made the Folklore coven into what it was. "I have some information about Jeff and Bart" Marie said while fiddling with her fingers "what is it?" Morgana asks "they're dead it seems as though whatever it is you sent them to do didn't end so well" Marie explained causing Morgana to clench her fists and hold back the raging scream that she so desperately wanted to let out "oh well thank you for letting me know now please go away" she said Marie nodded and scurried out the room. As soon as the door was shut Morgana let out a scream "Idoits! Stupid Idoits!" She yelled kicking the flipped table "I warned them not to get caught!" She yelled her face was red from screaming and the anger she was feeling "Morgana?" Carla asks as she entered the room having heard her screaming "Jeff and Bart are dead fucking idoits! They got themselves killed!" Morgana yelled Carla flinched slightly "do you know what this means? The coven is now down two members making us less powerful!" Morgana yelled "what do you need?" Carla asks "a bottle of wine and send me Gareth, Katrina, Pauline and John!" Morgana demanded Carla nodded and left the room.

Morgana took a deep breath and pulled up the table along with a chair and sat down waiting for her bottle of wine and her minions, she didn't refer to the other members of the coven as friends or family in her mind they were her followers, her minions who did anything she asked because they feared her and admired her.

Carla entered the room holding a bottle of wine in hand with Gareth, Katrina, Pauline and John walking behind her "here you go Morgana" Carla said handing her the bottle of wine which Morgana gladly took and swiftly opened. Morgana took a swig from the bottle she didn't care how she looked drinking wine from the bottle if anyone said anything she'd simply hurt them or kill them. "Carla leave please" Morgana said doing a shooing motion with her hand at the blonde witch who quickly left the room "step forward come come" Morgana said to the four witches who were stood away from her. Gareth, Katrina, Pauline and John glanced at each other before walking over to the black haired crazy witch "you called for us?" Katrina inquired "indeed I do I have a mission for you four" Morgana said "what's the mission?" John asks "well as you know this coven is requiring more power and I figured that by killing the Mikaelson children we'd gain their power and be immensely powerful and well I sent Jeff and Bart to kidnap the little brats but unfortunately they got killed so I need you guys to finish their mission" Morgana explained the four witches gulped at her words yes they too wanted more power for the coven to be very strong and powerful but to them Morgana was insane, she was talking about breaking into the home of the Mikaelsons and stealing their children, it was a death sentence.

"Morgana we would do it but this is the Mikaelson's children" Pauline said Morgana shrugged as she took a swig of wine "I don't care" she said with no emotion what so ever "do you know who the Mikaelsons are and what they can do?" Gareth questioned "I've heard stories but I've never actually met any of the Mikaelsons and from what I know they're very family oriented and most of them have anger issues it's nothing I haven't dealth with" Morgana replied "why don't we just kidnap some other kids to sacrifice for power?" John suggested making Morgana angry "No! The Mikaelson children have immense power and we need that power so get out of my face, go to wherever the Mikaelsons are and get those children! I will not rest until those little powerful brats are right in front of me!" Morgana yelled making the witches before her tremble with slight fear "yes Morgana" they said in sync making her smile "good now go!" She yelled making them all run out in a hurry making Morgana chuckle to herself as she took another swig of wine.

Morgana placed the bottle of wine down and turned round to look up at the portrait hanging on the wall, it was of a woman who had similar features to Morgana "it's okay we'll get those kids and we'll take their power for ourselves and I'll be the most powerful witch in the universe and I'll be able to bring you back mother" Morgana said grabbing the wine and taking a sip as she eyed the picture of her late mother. Morgana's mother Edith was a co-founder of the Folklore coven along side Marie's father, her mother was said to be ruthless, cruel and insane but she was a loving nurturing mother to Morgana despite the fact she was very controlling and pushy with her most of the time but she loved her regardless. Edith was caught 22 years ago and killed for her crimes, her mother's death came before the Folklore coven started disbanding with the members either getting tired of their evil deeds or being forced into hiding out of fear because witches and vampires wanted them dead. In Morgana's mind her mother was a role model she set an example for the Folklore coven she made them be feared she taught every member to be careless and have no empathy or guilt for what they did because they had a goal to reach and she taught them to take what they want when they want and not care about the consequences.

Morgana never loved anyone except her ex-husband who is dead after he had an affair and divorced her for another woman who he got pregnant, Morgana murdered her ex-husband and his lover along with his unborn child out of revenge. Morgana loved her mother more than anything she looked up to her and admired her, she wished to be like her and after her death she vowed to do whatever it takes to finish what her mother started, she vowed to do anything to get more powerful and be the most powerful witch in the universe and make herself even more powerful than vampires.

What did you think?

The next chapter will be longer and it will either be up tomorrow or the day after that.

This chapter was just forshadowing Morgana and introducing her and giving an explanation of who she is and a little of what she wants. What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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