Torture and answers

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Continues from previous chapter....

Kol's pov

I laugh at Gloria's frustration when she attempts to use voodoo magic to subdue me but only fails "sorry you can't hurt me. I'm all protected" I respond before lunging at her and knocking her out cold.

I grab her by the foot and drag her into the living room. I quickly draw the curtains just in case anyone looks through the window. I don't want to be interrupted as that will only delay me and I don't want to be here too long.

I walk back over to the witch and put her in a chair before tying her up as she starts to stir.

"Wakey wakey" I say leaning against the doorway as she lifts her head and looks around. She scowls at me "what do you want?!" she snaps making me narrow my eyes "I wouldn't use that tone with me love. You've pissed me off enough as it is" I warn as I walk towards her.

Just as I stand in front of her, my phone buzzes so I pull it out of my pocket to see Davina sent me a picture so I open it and my eyes widen and I almost choke as I find it's a picture of her posing in front of the mirror in sexy lingerie with the caption 'hurry home' written at the top.

I smirk sending her back a reply before saving the picture just for my entertainment because now I have something to keep me occupied during my journey home, knowing I have a treat in store when I return home. 

Kol: Such a tease darling, I'll be home very soon. Keep the bed warm xxx

Just as I'm about to put my phone back in my pocket, it buzzes and I see Davina's sent me another picture making me curse as I open the picture and instantly suck in a breath as she sent me a picture of her cleavage. Damn it, she's gonna be the death of me.

I quickly send her a text back before switching my phone off so I won't get distracted by anymore pictures she might send.

Kol: curses you're gonna be the death of me love xx

I clear my throat as I put my phone in my pocket and look up at Gloria who is glaring at me "I wouldn't glare at me if I were you" I warn sending her a glare making her look away.

"Now I want to make this quick as I'd rather much be elsewhere but because you decided to mess with my daughter I had to come out and make you pay" I say "I'm sorry" she apologizes making me scoff. "Spare the apologizes. I know you're not sorry, you're just sorry you got caught" I respond "I didn't know it was your child I was cursing. If I knew I would've never done it" she insists but I just roll my eyes. 

"So it's okay to curse any child is it?" I ask making her go silent "it's none of your business on who I curse or not" she retorts making me scoff "you tried to curse my daughter and caused her to be ill so it is my business and you are not getting away with what you did" I respond before beginning to circle around her and I instantly feel her fear spike making me smirk.

"I know you're here to kill me so just get it over with!" she snaps "correct I am here to kill you but I can't just yet" I respond as I come to stand in front of her. "Why is that?" she asks "I have questions regarding the witch who asked you to curse my daughter and you will answer every single question" I say "I won't tell you anything" she insists making me laugh "oh but you will tell me unless you want me to make you suffer before I kill you. I'll make you beg for me to kill you just so the pain will be over" I threaten making her gulp and I feel her fear spike even more.

"Fine, what do you want to know?" she asks "what do you know about Morgana?" I ask "she's the daughter of some crazy witch who started a cult along with two other witches. Her name was Edith and she believed in supremacy and was a massive fascist" she says "tell me more" I insist and she sighs "she wanted witches to be more powerful and have power over werewolves and vampires. She wanted to evolve the witches into a higher power and make them immortal without having to become vampires. She brainwashed a lot of witches to believe in the cause so she gained many followers and then conducted abductions of babies and toddlers who would either be brainwashed into joining her cult or they were sacrificed and slaughtered to give the witches powers" she explains "there's more" I say knowing there is, I can sense it.

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