A vision of truth

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Here's a new chapter, I hope you like it. Enjoy..

Continues from previous chapter...

Davina's pov

I had just finished making a healing remedy to give Nova that Kol helped with. I'm hoping it will work and make my baby feel better because I hate seeing her cry. I hate it when any of my children cry or when they're sad because it just breaks my heart.

"Okay baby, here's some medicine to make you feel better" I coo as I insert some of the medicine into a baby syringe. Nova sniffles and just blinks at me with tired eyes "don't worry baby. Mommy's gonna make you feel all better" Kol coos from beside me pulling a face in an attempt to make her laugh or even crack a smile like she usually would but she doesn't do anything.

I sigh and place the tip of the syringe at the corner of her mouth. I push the little nozzle a bit making some squirt out and she frowns before licking her lips, tasting the substances I squirted into her mouth. "It's okay, it's just medicine" I respond gently stroking her head making her coo and she opens her mouth, allowing me to insert the rest of the medicine in her mouth which she swallows without any hassle. 

"I think she likes that" Kol chuckles as she licks her lips and attempts to suck on the syringe to get more but I pull it away earning a look of disappointment from her making me giggle. "Sorry baby girl, you can't have too much as you're only little" I respond as I gently tickle her stomach making her coo when I suddenly see a vision of a random woman holding a little figurine doll making me gasp and stumble back into Kol.

"Whoa darling, what's wrong?" he asks concerned "I saw something" I say turning to him "what did you see?" he asks "I saw a woman holding a small figurine and she was chanting as she did something to it" I explain a look of concern appears on his face.

"Why would you see something like that?" Kol questions before something suddenly dawns on him by the look on his face. "What is it?" I ask "unless what you saw was something bad. Something that meant harm to Nova" he replies making my eyes widen. "That woman could be why Nova fell ill so suddenly" I say making him nod "yes and if I'm correct there's only one sort of person that can make a person ill without physically touching them and that's a voodoo witch" he explains and I instantly move back over to Nova and place my hand on her forehead and begin chanting.

I suddenly feel like I'm being pulled elsewhere and I see the woman I saw before. She was at a shop, sitting at a table and making a little figurine, casting chants under her breath. She suddenly stopped and frowned "why is it not working?" she mumbled before beginning to chant again but this time a bit louder with more force only for her to go flying back in her chair due to an unforeseen force. "Impossible. How can a baby be able to fend off my spells?" she asked herself making me gasp. The witch stands up from her chair and approaches the table and does a little chant before she suddenly stops short and gasps, her eyes widen in horror before anger and flickered through her eyes. "A Mikaelson child. That bitch!" she hissed and the vision stops there as I become weak for using too much magic and I stumble back but Kol catches me.

"What happened? What did you see?" he asks helping me stand straight "a voodoo witch attempted to curse Nova but the spell failed" I explain gently picking up Nova before turning to him. "What?" he asks anger flashes through his eyes "a witch tried to curse Nova through voodoo magic" I repeat and his jaw clenches and I can feel his anger radiate off him but he's trying to keep himself calm so he doesn't frighten Nova.

"From what I saw the spell failed and I think it's because somehow Nova managed to fend herself but I don't think she's even aware of it" I explain "the witch failed to curse her but the spell still had some sort of effect on her as it made her ill. I swear to god I'm going to hunt down that witch and kill her!" he growls quietly clenching his fists. I gently bounce Nova in my arms as he begins pacing around the room.

"Morgana was obivously behind it meaning she can't be far and she's planning something" I say "whatever she has planned, we'll be ready for. If Morgana or her little posse think they're gonna get away with trying to harm my family then they can bloody well think again. I'm going to find that voodoo witch and that Morgana bitch and oh I'm going to give them a slow painful death!" he growls trying to keep his voice down as his temper rises and honestly I'm really turned on right now which isn't good timing and I'm not going to voice this to Kol because it's definitely not the right time but god damn my man is hot when he's angry. Why have I never noticed this or is this just my hormones talking? It's probably the hormones.

"We both will Kol. We will protect our children and we will make sure Morgana and anyone who follows her suffers" I say "to right we will. Starting with that voodoo witch, I'm going to find her and I'm going to kill her" he promises "I'm not going to stop you, just make sure you get some answers on Morgana from her before you kill her. She could have vital information about Morgana that we might need to know" I respond "oh don't worry. I will and if she doesn't cooperate then I will torture her until she tells me" he replies with a sadistic grin.

"Okay Kol, I know you're angry and you want revenge for Nova. I do too but just try to keep the threats and temper down while Nova's in your prescene. She doesn't need to hear any of this" I say making him sigh "I know, I'm sorry. It's just knowing our little girl was ill as a result of a lunatic voodoo witch trying to curse her for some other sadistic bitch makes me so angry to no extent. She is just a baby and someone tried to harm her, our innocent daughter who has done nothing to deserve it" he says sniffling as tears fills his eyes. Bless him he gets so protective over Nova and fusses over her, he dots over her, she's his only daughter after all and he'd do anything for her. I'm the same I dot over and will do anything for her but Kol just becomes this whole different person with her. He's so gentle with her and one of his weaknesses is her crying. One night when she couldn't sleep and just kept crying, he actually climbed into her crib and slept next to her, cuddling her which helped her fall asleep. The sight was so cute and I even took a picture which I plan to frame and put in the picture book.

I hand Nova to him so he can hold her "Kol, I know, I'm angry too but we know what happened and we know how to make her feel better. We just have to comfort her and make sure she's okay. She is our priority right now along with the boys and that witch will pay for what she did. Remember she can sense how we're feeling and we don't want her to get upset because we're angry" I respond he sighs and kisses her forehead, gently bouncing her in his arms. 

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I just got upset but I'm gonna be okay. Me and Mommy know why you were sick and we're going to make sure it never happens again. Okay? Nobody harms my little girl and gets away with it. No, no they don't" he coos speaking in a gentle tone making Nova coo making my heart melt as he rubs his nose against hers. Like I said he's so gentle with her and it honestly makes me fall even more in love with him. 

End of chapter

What did you think? Davina discovered why Nova was sick. Kol's gunning for blood. Davina's the voice of reason and Kol's a softie with his little girl. Davina thinks Kol's hot when he's angry and she got a bit turned on. What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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