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Kol's pov

I open my eyes and look to my right to see Davina standing naked in front of her wardrobe, I smirk raking my eyes up and down her body biting my lip this is definitely a nice view "I can feel you staring" she says making me chuckle "sorry love can't help but stare since you're standing in front of me naked" I say quickly getting out of bed and slipping on my boxers then I come behind her wrapping my arms around her waist, kissing her shoulder "maybe I'll be like this every morning" she says giggling as she pulls put a top "ohh that I'll like" I say pulling away to let her get dressed "you should get dressed I'm going to wake the boys" she says slipping on a pair of panties "okay so what did you name our sons?" I ask pulling on my jeans as Davina puts on a skirt which I might just have to tear off later and sneak in a little quickie with her since I have a lot of sexual frustration left over but I'll deal with it "Zander and Jace" she says facing me once I've thrown on my shirt "Zander and Jace Mikaelson I like it you chose perfect names for our kids" I say kissing her lips causing her to smile and kiss back.

We pull away after a few minutes "if you wait here while I wake the boys then come to the kitchen when I tell you to come out" she says heading to the door "okay" I say sitting on her bed as she leaves.

Davina's pov

I wake the boys and get them dressed "alright boys take a seat I have some news for you two" I say as we enter the kitchen "what is it mommy?" Zander asks pulling himself up on a chair at the table "well you know like I told you about your daddy being away because he's very ill?" I ask facing them as I hand them an apple each they nod "well daddy is better now so he's finally come back" I say "daddy's here?" Jace asks I nod "yes he's in my room and he's so excited to see you" I say "does he love us?" Zander asks "yes" I say they smile in relief "you ready to meet your daddy?" I ask them "yes mommy" "yes momma" they say in sync making me giggle "Kol you can come out now" I say knowing he can hear me with his vamp hearing.

Kol's pov

I take a deep breath before exiting the room and heading to the kitchen where Davina and my sons are. I feel my eyes water as soon as I step foot in the kitchen and my eyes land on the two identical boys sat eating an apple at the table "Zander Jace this is your daddy" Davina says moving to stand next to me, Zander and Jace put down their apples as they get off their chairs and they slowly walk towards me "daddy" they say as they near me I crouch down so I'm at their height level "hi boys I'm your daddy I'm so sorry I haven't been here but I'm here now" I say I'm caught by surprise when they throw themselves into my arms but I hold them close to me "it's okay momma said you were sick" Jace says I think I better it right "that's right I was but now I'm better and I'm going nowhere" I say pulling away tapping them both on the nose making them smile "we missed you daddy" Zander says "I missed you both too" I say even though I didn't know they existed until the other day but the moment I found out I was a father I missed them "will you stay with us now?" Jace asks unsure "of course you guys are my home I have to look after my family after being away for so long" I say smiling I can't contain the amount of joy I'm feeling right now "I love you Daddy" Zander says "I also love you Daddy" Jace says "I love you both too and I also love your mother" I say "duh she's our mommy" Zander says cheekily making me chuckle oh they're definitely my sons I can't believe I'm actually a father this should be impossible yet I stand in front of these two wonderful boys as proof.

Aww a cute moment with Kol and his sons there's more to come of that. Kol's also still sexually frustrated which makes sense since he was asleep for four years and had no sexual/physical contact with anyone so you will see that sexual frustration in him show which will be fun. Stay tuned for more

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