Jumping on the bed

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Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I updated this story but I've had trouble with writers block regarding this story. I may just very well just start over with this story but I haven't made my mind up about it yet, anyway for now I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Two weeks later....

Davina's pov

I walk downstairs cradling Nova in my arms. I've just given her a bath as she was sick in her moses basket and it went all over her clothes and the bedding in the moses basket. I took to cleaning and bathing her while Kol took to getting all the bedding off and putting it in the washing machine.

"Shh baby girl, it's okay" I coo as I gently bounce her in my arms as she whines, clearly still not feeling too great which worries me because she just randomly came down with a fever and started throwing up out of nowhere. She had a bit of a fever last night but me and Kol thought it was just down to teething as babies do get a high fever when they're teething but something tells me it's more than just a fever.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs, my ears perk up at the sound of laughter coming from the living room. I poke my head through the door and smile as I see Kol drawing and coloring at the coffee table with the boys and they're laughing.

"Daddy that's mine!" Zander yells as he grabs a crayon off Kol who gasps "no it is not. It is mine thank you for very much" Kol replies in a funny tone making the boys giggle. "Jace sit still" Kol says to Jace who can't seem to keep still "I can't daddy" Jace replies "why can't you?" Kol asks "because I don't wanna sit" Jace replies with a cheeky smile as he stands up and jumps up and down on the couch to which Zander decides to join in and jump up and down on the other side of Kol who just looks between them and shakes his head. 

"Boys no jumping on the couch" Kol says trying to be stern but fails as a grin tugs at his lips "why not?" Zander asks "because you're getting your stinky feet all over it" Kol replies faking a look of disgust making them giggle. "You got stinky feet too!" Jace exclaims making me slap my hand over my mouth to stop myself giggling at the look of shock on Kol's face.

"I do not have stinky feet" he retorts "yeah you do" Zander replies he and Jace then pinch the bridges of their noses and waft their other hand under their noses "pewww" they say making me giggle "I can't believe I'm getting roasted by my own sons" Kol says with a chuckle as he slumps back against the couch making the boys giggle. 

"Okay stop jumping now" he says "we don't wanna!" they respond as they keep jumping up and down like the energetic little monkey's they are. "You don't see me jumping up and down on furniture do you?" Kol retorts "you do daddy" Jace replies making Kol suddenly look confused. "I don't, when have I ever jumped on a piece of furniture?" Kol asks "you and mommy sometimes jump on the bed" Zander retorts making mine and Kol's eyes widen. 

"What ever makes you think we do that?" Kol asks which was a pretty daft question to ask "we hear banging sometimes" Jace explains "yeah and aunt Bekah said it means you and mommy are bouncing on the bed" Zander adds making Kol go red in the face so I take that moment to officially make my presence known. 

"What are you three talking about?" I ask making them look up and the boys instantly stop jumping up and down. "You and daddy jumping on the bed!" Jace yells with a huge grin on his face "we don't jump on the bed" I respond "yeah you do. Aunt Bekah said so!" Zander retorts "when did she tell you this?" Kol asks looking a bit embarrassed and annoyed. 

"Yesterday on the phone" Jace replies "okay, that's the last time I leave you talking to your aunt on the phone alone" Kol replies shaking his head making the boys giggle. "For the information me and daddy do not jump on the bed" I say "then why do we hear banging?" Zander asks innocently making me smile. 

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