Off on a witch hunt

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Here's a new chapter, sorry it's been a while. I had a bit of writers block which I'm hoping I've gotten over now. Anyway read and enjoy.

The next day...

Kol's pov

I enter the living room after putting Nova down for a nap, the boys are upstairs playing in their room.

"Hey love" I say to Davina who's sat at the couch with a grimore and other witchy stuff sprawled across the coffee table. She's been trying to track down the voodoo witch that tried to curse our daughter but so far she hasn't had any success.

"Hey, I found her" she says looking up at me "you have? Where is she?" I ask sitting next to her "Ohio" she replies handing me a piece of paper. "What's this?" I ask "turn it around" she says I flip it around to see it's a sketch of a woman "that's her, I had a vision of her when I was trying to locate her" she explains "great, now I can kill her for what she did" I say clenching my fists I'm still beyond pissed that some witch tried to curse my innocent baby girl.

"Be careful Kol" Davina warns "I will love" I respond "here" she says handing me a necklace "what's this?" I ask "it's a protection token. I read about it in the grimore and it protects one from all kinds of dangers including voodoo. I don't want you going in unprotected" she explains I smile at her and press a kiss to her forehead "I won't take it off until I return" I respond "good, so are you leaving right away?" she asks "no, I'm gonna book a flight for tonight after the kids go to sleep. I don't want to leave without saying bye" I respond "okay, I'll keep an eye on her whereabouts in case she moves" she says "okay, do you have an idea of where she is in Ohio?" I ask "yes, here" she says writing the address down on a piece of paper. 

"You should find her there, she will try to run if she sees you" she says "oh I count on it but she won't get away. I won't let her get away with what she did" I respond "I know and I want you to make her suffer but make sure you get answers about Morgana before you kill her" she says making me smirk "that is the plan love" I respond before giving her a quick kiss.






Later that day...night time

Davina's pov

It is nearing 8 o'clock and Kol is leaving for the airport in a few minutes. Nova is asleep so he's said goodbye to her even though she doesn't really understand but the boys are still awake and Kol is saying goodbye to them before they go to bed.

"Where are you going?" Jace asked "I'm going on a little trip" Kol says "can we come?" Zander asks "sorry buddy, this is a one man trip that I need to do on my own and you two need to stay here with mommy and your sister" Kol explains "okay, will you be gone long?" Jace asks "no, I'll be back before you know it. I promise" Kol assures him "you better be" Zander says making him chuckle as he pulls them in for a hug. "Okay you two time for bed" I say as they pull away "I don't wanna go to bed mommy" Zander replies "I know but you have to go to sleep. Little boys need a good night sleep" I say "okay mommy" he replies as him and Jace start walking up the stairs. 

I look at Kol "I'll be right back" I say before following the boys up the stairs to make sure none of them trip and fall and that they actually go to bed.



10 minutes later..

I walk down the stairs after reading a quick bedtime story to the boys. I find Kol in the living room "hey, they're in bed. Are you ready to go?" I ask glancing at his duffel bag "no way but I must" he replies grabbing my hips and pulling me close to him making my heart flutter.

"Is there anything you want to do before I leave?" he asks looking into my arms "I can't think of anything" I respond "well how about a bit of you know before I go?" he suggests wiggling his eyebrows making me giggle ."Oh you wanna do that now?" I ask wrapping my arms around his neck "why yes, I do. Call it a little goodbye" he says with a cheeky grin on his face making me smirk "I don't think there's a lot of time. You have a flight to catch mister" I respond gently tapping his nose. "There's always time for sexy time" he retorts dipping his hands downward and squeezing my ass making me giggle. "Oh no you don't mister" I say pulling myself away from him "you're not getting any of this..." I say gesturing to my body "until you come back" I add making him smirk. "Well then I'll be back before you know it" he replies "oh I don't doubt you won't. I'll be waiting" I respond pulling him to me and pressing my lips against his.

"You'll always be waiting right?" he mumbles against my lips making me pull away "of course I will" I respond looking into his eyes before pressing my lips against his once more. "I will always wait for you Kol Mikaelson" I say as I pull away causing a big smile to appear on his face as his eyes soften. "I love you Davina Claire" he replies "and I love you" I respond smiling as he gives me one last kiss before grabbing his duffel bag and throwing it over his shoulder.

"Call me if anything happens" he says as I walk him to the door "you know I will" I respond "and if necessary, remember Enzo is nearby so just give him a call" he rambles making me smile slightly "Kol we'll be fine, I can look after myself and the kids on my own for a day or two" I assure him giving him a peck on the lips. "I know you can but I worry, you four are my family and I don't want anything to happen to you" he says I bring my hand to his cheek "it won't, I promise you that we'll still be here in one peace when you return and I shall have a little sexy something in store for you" I respond with a wink making him perk up slightly and he growls lightly making me giggle. "Ey ey sexy mama" he says making me giggle and blush "okay get going before you miss your flight and don't forget to keep your protection token on you at all times" I respond "I got it right here and I don't plan to take it off" he replies showing me the necklace I gave him earlier to protect him against the voodoo witch so she can't harm him with any voodoo magic.

"Bye darling, I'll call you when I land" he says before beginning to walk backwards "okay, don't do anything stupid" I respond "I won't" he assures me before turning around and heading over to the taxi that is taking him to the airport.

He gets in the taxi and waves to me, I wave back and blow a kiss just as the taxi driver drives off. 

Once the taxi is out of sight, I shut the door and lock it before placing a locking spell on all doors and windows just as a safety precaution since there's some crazy bitch out there that wants to harm my babies.

End of chapter

What did you think? Kol's going to hunt down the voodoo witch and kill her for what she did. Davina's alone with the kids. Will Kol be gone long? What will happen?

Stay tuned for more

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