Attack at compound

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So this chapter takes place in New Orleans around the same time Kol and Davina's apartment was broken into by an uninvited guest. Warning this chapter contains violence

No one's pov

It was 9:44 pm Hayley and Elijah were busy canoodling in their bedroom while Freya was trying to contact Keelin who had escaped after Hayley released her and Klaus was just making his way to his room but stopped as he neared Rebekah's room as he heard her talking on the phone to someone. "Look now is not a good time to declare your feelings for me and tell me you want me back especially after you attempted to kill my family" Rebekah said Klaus's posture changed as he realised she was talking to Marcel "I didn't want them dead I just wanted them to feel how I felt when Davina was killed and sacrificed" Marcel retorted "first of all it wasn't Kol's fault he was cursed one that he couldn't control and second of all only Freya and Elijah had a part in sacrificing Davina heck Nik wanted her to be saved for your sake and Kol's but you didn't care about that you just wanted to get rid of us" Rebekah said Klaus suddenly felt guilty at the way he treated his little brother and how he spoke of Davina and their kids but as quick as the guilt came it quickly went away as Klaus told himself that what he did was for the best. "Maybe I did and I regret what I did but at the same time I don't I was angry that you and your family don't seem to think anyone else matters apart from yourselves" Marcel said Klaus could practically see Rebekah roll her eyes but he knew guilt flashed through her eyes. "Me and my family aren't perfect I know that and I understand that others matter too but when it comes down to survival my family will come first" Rebekah said "oh so you're okay with what Freya and Elijah did to Davina?" Marcel asks Klaus could hear the anger in his voice "no of course not I would've stopped them" Rebekah assured him "right I'm sure you would've" Marcel replied sarcastically "I would've Marcel believe it or not I care about Davina" Rebekah retorted which was then followed by silence.

"You know Davina's alive don't you?" Marcel questions "she is?" Rebekah asks as if she didn't already know "yes I discovered she had somehow been resurrected four years ago but I've been unable to track her down" Marcel said "you've been looking for her?" Rebekah asks "well I've had my guys go looking for her but they return with nothing I think she may be trying to hide from me and I don't understand why" Marcel said his voice filled with pain. "Maybe she knows about what you did to Kol and the rest of us" Rebekah points out "I was avenging her death by doing that" Marcel defended Rebekah scoffed and Klaus rolled his eyes "no you weren't don't lie to yourself" Rebekah retorted "I know this is a long stretch but is Kol with Davina?" Marcel asks "why do you ask?" Rebekah questioned "well I've noticed Kol hasn't been in New Orleans he didn't come with you guys to get Klaus which leads me to believe he knows she's alive and he's with her right now" Marcel said "maybe he is maybe he isn't look Marcel I have to go it's getting pretty late" Rebekah said wanting to end the conversation before it ends in them arguing again. Rebekah hung up on Marcel after that and exited her room only to come face to face with Klaus "Nik what are you doing outside my room?" She asked curiously "I was heading to my room and sort of stopped as I heard you talking" Klaus explained "so you were earsdropping on me? Why did you think I was talking to Davina or our brother?" She questioned "no I just got curious I apologise for earsdropping" Klaus replied before vamp speeding off to his room.

It's 10:35 pm the compound was quiet as all the Mikaelsons were either busy or sleeping in their rooms when suddenly the lights started flickering on and off which quickly grabbed Freya's attention. Freya stood up from her desk and walked around her room as she eyed the flickering lights "intruder" Freya muttered as she felt a tingle run up her spine as she sensed a new presence in the compound.

The said intruder was a man who was currently making his way towards Hope Mikaelson's room on the intent to kidnap her for his leader. Freya Mikaelson left her room as she felt a sense of danger consume her and as she stepped out her room she saw a glimpse of a man entering Hope's room "Klaus!" Freya yelled startling the intruder who quickly grabbed the sleeping child and threw her over his shoulder waking her up "mommy!daddy!" Hope fearfully yelled "shut up!" The man yelled trying to open the window so he could escape but there was no luck as it was shut solid.

Hayley and Klaus appeared outside Hope's room the minute she screamed "put her down now!" Hayley yelled stepping into the room "no!" The man yelled facing the two with a crying Hope on his shoulder "don't be foolish now put her down" Klaus seethed clenching his fists as his anger grew dangerously. "Stand back or I'll slit her throat" the man warned roughly grabbing Hope and placing her in front of him with a knife held to her throat "you sick monster" Hayley gasped in horror "mommy!" Hope yelled "shut up brat!" The man yelled digging his nails into her shoulder blades causing her to yelp. Hope went quiet as she kept still before a sly little look appeared in her eyes as she eyed her father "daddy I think this man wants to fly" Hope said Klaus grinned as he stepped closer to them "I think so too love let's make him fly shall we?" He questioned confusing the man "yes daddy let's make him fly" Hope replied giving her father a look before stomping her foot down on the man's foot hard causing him to release her allowing her the chance to run to her mother as her father grabbed the man who threatened her.

Hayley quickly sped away with Hope so she doesn't witness what her father does to the intruder. Klaus wrapped his hand around the man's throat as he roughly shoved him against the wall "you have five minutes to tell me who you are and why you came after my daughter before I shove my hand down your throat and rip out your insides" Klaus warned his eyes glowing golden as his fangs appeared. "I will tell you nothing" the man sputtered as he struggled to breath due to the hybrids tight grip on his neck "oh yes you will" Klaus said grabbing his arm and twisting his hand causing the man to yell out in pain as he felt his bones snap "now tell me!" Klaus barked "my names Bart I was sent by my leader to take your daughter" the man now known as Bart said "who's your leader and why does she want my daughter?" The hybrid questioned just as Elijah appeared with Rebekah. "I only know her name Morgana and I don't know why she wants your daughter but she does and it's not just your daughter she wants" Bart said "who else does she want?" Elijah questioned "she wants your brother's kids too she's sent someone to kidnap the twins" Bart explained causing fear to rip through the three Mikaelsons as they feared for their brother, Davina and their nephews despite the fact Elijah and Klaus haven't exactly been good uncle's. "Well I think that's enough talk for today" Klaus said before ripping into Bart's throat causing him to scream but the scream is quick as his heart stops beating.

Klaus threw the man to the ground as he looked at Elijah and Rebekah "call Kol and Davina check if they're okay and tell them to come down here urgently" Klaus ordered Rebekah instantly grabbed her phone and left the room to make the call as Elijah walked up to him "a new threat ahead?" Elijah questioned "yes and I feel this might be the worst threat we've faced yet" Klaus said before grabbing the dead body and dragging it out behind him.

End of chapter

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Trouble is rising you guys it's going to get dark and interesting with many twists and surprises ahead. Stay tuned for more

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