Kol Gets Romantic

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Here's a new chapter, I'm sorry for the lack of updates for this story. I have a little bit of writer's block with this story but I'm not giving up on it. I'm still working on the story but it may take time for the updates to come so do bare with me. Anyway, I hope you like the chapter. Enjoy.

Warning chapter contains sexual content...

Continues from previous chapter....

No one's pov

So after another hour or so at the theme park. Kol and Davina left with their kids and went straight home although they did stop on the way back for something to eat and because Nova needed a feed. 

It was around 5 pm when they got home and the twins went straight upstairs to play in their playroom before Kol and Davina called them out for a bath. Kol bathed the boys while Davina bathed Nova, it was a rather cute scene. The boys splashing and playing around in the bathtub with Nova squirming and kicking her little legs in the baby bath as Davina washed her. The boys got bubbles from the bath everywhere, they even got bubbles on Kol's hair which Davina found hilarious and couldn't stop laughing, she even managed to take a picture and send it to Rebekah before Kol blew bubbles at her making the kids laugh. 

After they had bathed the kids, they got them ready for bed and Kol got the boys settled down on the couch, watching tv while Davina put Nova straight to bed since she was a baby and she always went to sleep earlier than Zander and Jace.

Kol was sat on the couch, watching cartoons with the boys while Davina was rocking Nova to sleep and singing to her. Something many people didn't know was, Davina had a really nice singing voice. It was really soft and soothing but it was also strong and she could belt out a few high notes when she wanted too and the kids loved hearing her sing. Kol recalled the first time he heard her singing and he was stunned by her voice as he didn't know she could sing. His heart went crazy when he heard her sing and it went even crazier when he heard the boys laugh since Nova hadn't been born at the time he first heard Davina sing.

Kol glanced up at the clock seeing it was now 7 pm and time to put the twins to bed so he turned to them "okay boys, it's bedtime" he said "aw" Zander and Jace whined "don't whine at me boys. Bedtime now" Kol responded "we know daddy but can't we just watch one more?" Zander asked "yeah daddy, can we?" Jace asked both of the boys looked at their father, giving him the puppy dog eyes making him chuckle and shake his head. "I'm afraid not boys. You know the rules, your bedtime is at 7 O'clock on the dot" Kol replied making the boys sigh "alright then daddy" Zander responded as he stood up on the couch and jumped off making Kol chuckle "you gonna put us to bed daddy?" Jace asked grabbing Kol's hand as he got off the couch. Kol smiled at his son "of course I am" he replied gently squeezing Jace's hand while he grabbed Zander's hand with the other as they left the living room. "Will mommy come and kiss us goodnight?" Zander asked "of course she will. Mommy always gives you a goodnight kiss" Kol responded as they walked up the stairs. Kol could hear Davina singing to Nova as he neared the twins bedroom. "Mommy has a pretty voice" Zander comments making Kol smile "yes, she does" he replies as they entered their room. Kol let go of the boys hands and they ran to their beds. Kol walked over to both of them and tucked them in. "Good night boys" he said as he kissed them both on the forehead "g'night daddy. We love you Daddy" the boys chimed in response making Kol smile and chuckle "I love you both too. Sleep tight my boys" Kol responded glancing at his twin boys before leaving the room and quietly shutting the door behind him.

Kol headed to his and Davina's bedroom and looked around the room, deciding he needs to make the room look a bit more romantic. Kol headed to the little storage cupboard in the room and pulled out a box of rose petals and some candles.

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