Fill me in

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Continues from previous chapter....

1 hour later...

Zander and Jace finished their breakfast an hour ago and are now sat watching batman cartoons on the TV in the living room. Davina fed Nova and winded her before putting her in the baby sling wrap we recently brought so me or her could carry Nova around as we chill out and do chores around the house. Apparently she use to carry the twins around in a baby sling, one at a time of course. Davina said she liked carrying them around like that as she liked having them close to her.

Davina currently has Nova securely wrapped up in the baby sling, strapped to her chest.

(Pretend the blonde woman is Davina and the baby is Nova)

I chuckle as I hear Nova cooing away in the baby sling "she likes that" I comment making Davina stop washing the dishes as she looks at Nova who waves one of her little arms around

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I chuckle as I hear Nova cooing away in the baby sling "she likes that" I comment making Davina stop washing the dishes as she looks at Nova who waves one of her little arms around. "Yeah, she really does although I'm not surprised since her brothers liked it too. Zander more so than Jace though, Jace tended to get restless after a while, he'd never fall asleep in it" she says with a smile as she gently strokes Nova's head making her coo.

"So once I've finished cleaning. Are you going to fill me in on what happened with the voodoo witch?" She asks making me sigh. "Of course, just let me have some blood first" I respond feeling a little parched so I walk over to the fridge and grab a blood bag which I instantly rip into too and sink my fangs in, drinking the blood.

Davina finishes washing the dishes and putting the dishes away before heading into the living room to check on the boys. I finish my blood bag and dispose of it in the bin before exiting the kitchen.

I stand in the doorway as just as Davina goes to bend down, placing a hand on the back of Nova's head to secure her as she goes to pick up a few toys but I stop her. "Stop love, you don't need to that, you're carrying Nova" I say helping her stand up "Kol it's fine, Nova is perfectly secure in the baby sling and I can bend down and stuff" she responds waving me off making me shake my head "I know that love but still let me or the boys do the stuff that requires bending down. I don't want you to do your back in" I say kissing her cheek making her blush.

"Zander, Jace could you please pick up your toys for mommy?" I ask Jace gets up straight away and starts picking up toys that are scattered around by the couch "no" Zander replies making me turn to him "excuse me?" I ask "we need them daddy" Zander protests "not right now you don't. You're watching tv so come on, get up and help your brother pick up the toys and put them away in the toy box" I say sternly making him sigh.

"Okay" he replies with a bit of an attitude "Zander Ash Mikaelson don't you give your father attitude" Davina scolds making him pout and look down "sorry daddy" he apologizes giving me puppy dog eyes. "It's okay but the next time you give me or your mother attitude, you'll have a time out with no toys and no tv" I respond making his eyes widen and he nods vigorously. "I'll be a good boy daddy, I promise" he exclaims as he quickly starts helping Jace pick up toys and I look at Davina with a smirk.

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