Erupt arrival

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Here's a brand new chapter, I really am sorry about the lack of updates for this story. I've been having a little bit of writers block, so if you have any ideas of what you would like to see open in the story then please feel free to let me know. any suggestions are acceptable and you will get a mention if I take your suggestion into the story. Thank you, now enjoy the story

Four days later.....

Kol's pov

Me and Davina were sleeping peacefully in bed with her in my arms when we were rudely woken up by loud banging at the door. Davina groans "who is that?" She asks tiredly "I don't know. Stay here I'll go and check" I reply kissing her on the forehead before getting out of bed. "Wait what if it's Morgana or one of her witches?" Davina asks sitting up in bed "then I'll simply kill them" I respond before leaving the room. Rebekah stands in the hallway obviously woken up by the loud banging at the door "who the bloody hell is that?" She asks "I don't know we certainly weren't expecting anyone. Were you?" I ask she instantly shakes her "of course not" she replies as the banging gets louder and Nova starts crying, startled awake by the loud banging. Davina walks out of our bedroom at this point and heads straight to Nova's room while I head to answer the front door and give whoever's at the door a piece of my mind for banging at my door at stupid O'clock in the morning and disturbing us all as well as waking up my baby daughter.

I get to the head and hesitate slightly before unlocking the door and opening it. I immediately scowl as I see it's Nik, Freya and Elijah "hello brother" Nik says with a grin "what the hell are you three doing here?!" I whisper/shout "well Rebekah was taking too long doing whatever she said she was doing so we became concerned and decided to find her and what do you know we find her here with you" Nik replies "this is good though because we can bring you and Rebekah plus your children home so we can protect them together" Freya explains making me scoff "me and Davina are protecting our children just fine on our own. Now beat it because you're not getting in this house and me, Davina nor my children are going anywhere near you or with you" I spit "aw come on brother, that's not a very nice welcome. We merely want to protect the children together as a family" Nik retorts "no all you want is more people to protect Hope and don't get me wrong I love my niece but I won't have my children come second best or being mistreated by the likes of you three!" I snap before slamming the door shut in their faces but as soon as I shut the door Nik kicks it open making it break off it's hinges. "Are you bloody mad?!" I ask glaring at him "yes but that's not the point you need to come home" he replies "I am going nowhere with any of you so get the hell out of my house!" I snap "Kol what is going on? Nik" Rebekah asks as she walks round the corner. "Hello sister, we came to find you because we were concerned about why you hadn't returned after you claimed to have found a witch who could help you track down Morgana" Nik says "well I'm fine" Rebekah replies "you lied to us why?" Freya asks "because I knew you would follow me if you knew I was going to see Kol and Davina. I know they didn't want either of you three to know where they were so I lied and kept my mouth shut" Rebekah replies "well you're to come home with us as are you Kol along with your children. Davina can stay here alone" Nik says making me growl "Bugger off Nik! We're going nowhere I'm staying right here with my fiancee and children!" I snap "you're engaged?" Elijah asks stunned "yes we are and none of you are invited to the wedding" I respond "why do I hear crying?" Freya asks suddenly making me freeze. Nik looks at me and smirks "she's had the third little brat hasn't she?" he asks making me clench my fists and before I can say or do anything Rebekah marches forward and slaps him across the face. "Don't you dare insult his and Davina's baby!" she snaps "when did she give birth?" Elijah asks "a week and a half ago" I reply "why didn't you ever inform us?" Freya asks making me scoff "because I don't want you poisoning my newborn baby with your vicious words and behavior!" I snap "we wouldn't do such a thing" Elijah replies "oh but you already had done with my sons. Neither of you treated them the way you treat Hope. You only looked at and treated my sons like they were trash and they deserve better than that and so does my daughter" I respond pissed off that he would try to deny how they treated my sons. "You have a daughter?" Nik asks with a sudden softness to his voice but I don't buy it for one second. "Yes I do and she's amazing" I respond "we want to meet her" Freya says "absolutely not. I don't trust you with my children" I retort "I'm not going to hurt them. I'm their aunt" she says defensively "yeah their aunt who had no trouble in murdering and sacrificing their mother!" I snap in response making her scowl. "When are you going to let that go? I did what I had to do in order to save our family!" she snaps "bullshit! You didn't have to sacrifice her, you could've used some other bloody witch but no you had to sacrifice the witch that means everything to me! You sacrificed her when she was pregnant with the twins for crying out loud! You could've harmed them, they could've died because of you!" I snap "I never knew she was pregnant, none of us did and she and them are alive now so you can drop it" she retorts I shake my head at her "I'll never drop it. I will never forget what you did and it's why you need to get the hell out of my house!" I respond "stop it!" Zander and Jace yell running down the stairs. "Stop yelling!" Zander says "yes Kol stop yelling" Nik retorts with a grin "leave daddy alone" Jace says glaring at him as he stands by me "yeah we weren't talking about him" Zander adds also sending Nik a glare his way. "Don't speak to me like that little boy!" Nik spat "back off! You're beginning to sound exactly like Mikael" Rebekah says as Davina appears at the top of the stars with Nova in her arms. "Boys come upstairs please" she says "ah there's the bitch I want to see" Nik says with an evil glint in his eyes so before he can even do or say anything "Bekah cover the boys eyes" I say she instantly does as I tell her and I quickly snap Nik's neck. Freya and Elijah gasp "that was uncalled for" Freya says "no what was uncalled for is coming down here and harassing me and my family, now get out and never come back. I don't want any of you near my children or Davina" I say sternly Elijah sighs "we are sorry. We only want to protect the children together and be united as one whole family" he says "me and Davina can protect our children perfectly fine and I am with my whole family. Davina and my children are my family Elijah and you all need to start accepting that" I respond with a sigh as I grab the boys hands and begin leading them to the stairs. "Just leave them alone" Rebekah says to them "we need to resolve things" Freya insists "no you need to leave. I can't stand to see the sight of any of you three" I retort "you heard him, leave before I kick your ass out of here" Davina says stilling standing at the top of the stairs glaring down at Freya and holding Nova close to her. Freya glares at her for a moment "don't glare at her Freya just take Nik and go. You too Elijah" Rebekah says "aren't you coming with us?" Elijah asks "not today, just go back to New Orleans without me. I'll join you in a few days" Rebekah replies I hear Elijah pick up Nik and he and Freya leave. "I'll fix the door" Rebekah says "no you help Davina with the kids. I'll see to the door" I say stopping right at the bottom of the stairs and letting go of the boys hands. I turn around "okay" Rebekah replies walking over and taking the boys hands in hers before walking up the stairs with them towards Davina while I head to fix the door Nik broke. I'm not going to bet getting anymore sleep tonight.

End of chapter, what did you think? Any good? Klaus, Elijah and Freya returned up and woke everyone up. Kol wasn't too happy. Nik and Kol argued. Kol and Freya had an argument. Kol's siblings now know where he and Davina are should they be worried? What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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