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Kol's pov

I stop at a cheap motel that's near to the border as me and Davina decided it's not fare to be driving around all day and night as the boys need to eat and get some sleep in a proper bed. Me and Davina agreed that we should call in at a motel for the night and get up early in the morning to continue our journey home and Davina's going to put a cloaking spell on us just incase my brother decides on getting Freya to find out where we are.

"Okay boys as soon as we get to the room I want you to put on your pajamas and brush your teeth then straight to bed" Davina says as we make our way up the stairs of the motel after receiving a key from the receptionist "okay momma" Jace says dragging his little bag behind him too lazy to pick it up "can we watch TV mommy?" Zander asks "Zander it's late and you two need sleep" Davina says "please mommy" Zander pleads looking up at his mother with puppy eyes "nice try buddy puppy eyes won't work on mommy" I say chuckling as I open the door to our room for the night which consists of two big beds, a nightstand, a small desk in the corner, a tv on the wall and a connected bathroom. "Why don't I read you a bedtime story instead?" Davina suggests as Zander continues to ask if he can watch TV while she starts pulling out their pjs "okay mommy" Zander says jumping on to the bed landing on his bottom with a bounce making me chuckle yeah he's definitely a mini me.

I help Zander put on his pajamas while Davina helps Jace put on his "okay boys go brush your teeth" Davina says handing them their toothbrushes once she's applied a small amount of toothpaste on them. Zander and Jace take the toothbrushes and run into the bathroom to brush their teeth leaving me and Davina alone. "I'm sorry how things went between you and Klaus" Davina says breaking the silence "it's okay" I say "I wish I could make it better as I feel as if it's my fault" she says I shake my head pulling her into my arms "don't ever think it's your fault for my brother being an absolute wanker he's never been my biggest fan and if he doesn't want to see his own nephew's then that's his loss" I say gently pressing my forehead against hers. "I just wish I could prove him wrong about them because they are the most wonderful kids ever and I know it makes me sound biast since I'm their mom but I don't say it because of that it's because I know them better" she says wrapping her arms around my neck as my hands move to her hips "it doesn't make you biast if it's true and our boys are wonderful because they have you as a mother" I say looking into her eyes.

"Mommy daddy?" A little voice asks from behind we turn to see our boys stood there with their toothbrushes in hand and toothpaste all over their faces Davina pulls away from me "why do you two have toothpaste on your faces?" I ask with a raised eyebrow "he flicked his brush at me so I flicked mine back at him" Zander says "it was an accident" Jace says defensively "okay no fighting let's get you cleaned up" Davina says pulling out some wipes from the bag we brought up as I sit them both on the bed.

After Davina's cleaned their faces we tuck them into bed making sure they're fully covered and comfortable "okay story do you want me to read?" Davina asks lying down beside Zander while I make my way to the bathroom so I can get ready for bed "any" Zander says lying on his back so he can look up at his mother.

When I reemerge from the bathroom I find all three of them fast asleep on the same bed but not in the way I left them. Davina is now situated between Zander and Jace with their heads on her chest and her arms wrapped around both of them, the sight warms my heart and it's a memory I forever want to keep so I pull out my phone and take a picture of the three sleepy heads and quickly send it to Rebekah knowing she will like it. I try to keep quiet as I lean down to kiss the boys foreheads "sleep tight my boys" I whisper before sitting on the bed and reaching out to stroke Davina's cheek "sleep tight my love" I whisper leaning over slightly to press my lips against her forehead which wakes her up "hey" she whispers tiredly "sorry did I wake you?" I ask "no" she says "why the sudden change?" I ask referring to why she's now in the middle "halfway through the story they started arguing because they both wanted to cuddle me so I hopped into the middle and they shut up" she explains I chuckle softly "such momma's boys" I say with a smile as I look at my son's who are happily sleeping away with their mother close by and it warms my heart even more as I catch them both snuggle their heads against her chest with calm little smiles on their faces. This is what I need in life it's all I've ever need these three people are everything to me and I won't let them be taken from me because without them I'd be sucked back into the darkness and would go back to the old me the angry lonely me who always destroyed everything in his wake I don't want to go back to being that man I like this new me the man I am now, a loving and proud father to two wonderful boys and a loving, caring and proud boyfriend of the most beautiful, strong and amazing girl in the world.

What did you think? This might be the last update for at least a week as I'm going on holiday tomorrow so I probably won't get any time to update but I might try to squeeze in another update at some point it all depends on if the place where I'm going has internet.

I hope you liked this chapter, what do you think will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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