Mikaelson twins meet Saltzman twins

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The next day..morning

Kol's pov

Caroline is bringing her daughters over to meet Zander and Jace, we did discuss bringing the boys to her house but decided against it since it's likely that Elena or one of the Salvatore's would go there and we don't want them finding out I'm in town.

Bonnie and Caroline swore they wouldn't tell anyone I'm here, me and Davina literally had to have them swear to it before we let them leave yesterday because we don't want to take any risks.

"Okay boys today we have a few guests coming over" Davina explains as she enters with Zander and Jace. "Who mommy?" Jace asks "well do you remember Caroline who came here yesterday?" Davina asks "yes mommy" Zander replies "well remember how we were talking about you two possibly meeting with her daughters to play?" Davina questions "yes" they answer nodding their heads "well Caroline's bringing her daughters over today so you can meet them" Davina explains as she sits them on the couch.

I'm currently stood by the entrance to the kitchen and I'm holding Nova who is just peering up at me with her beautiful blue eyes which are identical to her mothers "who's daddy's little princess?" I coo holding the back of her head to support her as she looks up at me, a little smile tugs at the corner of her lips which warms my heart. "You little lady are going to break my heart one day" I say making Davina giggle as she heard me when suddenly the door bell rings.

"I'll get it" she says before leaving the living room to go answer the door while I stay with the kids. "Hi Caroline" I hear Davina greet "hi Davina" Caroline replies "this must be Lizzie and Josie" Davina says "yes" Caroline replies "well come in everyone's in the living room" Davina says I hear the door shut and footsteps approaching the room.

Davina and Caroline appear in the doorway with two small girls, hiding behind Caroline. One has blonde hair and the other one has brown hair "boys come here" Davina says motioning Zander and Jace to come to her.

They look at each other before getting off the couch and slowly make their way over to her. "Boys this is Lizzie and Josie" Davina says as Caroline kneels down between her daughters "girls this Zander and Jace" Caroline says "they're boys!" Lizzie injects "Lizzie you already knew they were boys as I told you both yesterday" Caroline says "boys are icky" Lizzie replies "so are girls!" Zander butts in "Zander what did daddy tell you yesterday?" Davina asks "that girls aren't icky" he replies "yes that's right so apologise" Davina says "but she called me icky" Zander says "Lizzie will be saying sorry won't you?" Caroline says looking at Lizzie.

"I'm sorry" Lizzie apologises "I'm sorry too" Zander replies "there that's better now we know you're not use to playing with other kids but me and Davina think the four of you could get on great. Zander and Jace are special like you two" Caroline says "really?" Josie asks looking interested all of a sudden.

"Yes they are" Davina replies as she kneels down "they're witches and while yes you two are siphon witches but you're witches like them regardless" Caroline explains "can you do spells?" Jace asks "only a few" Lizzie answers when Josie suddenly looks my way and sees Nova in my arms. "Baby!" she squeals her little face lights up "oh yeah I forgot to mention that Josie loves babies" Caroline says as she stands up "I like babies too!" Lizzie exclaims with her hands on her hips.

"She's our baby sister" Jace says "cool! We be friends now!" Lizzie claims "we see baby?" Josie asks "ask Kol and Davina because she's their baby" Caroline says and the two girls look at me and Davina. "Can we see baby?" Lizzie asks "of course but you have to sit down and sit still" Davina says and they rush over to the couch and sit down.

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