Had Enough

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Three days later

Kol's pov

I smile from the top of the stairs as I watch Davina play with our sons. They're playing a game of guess who I am. "Rawww! I'm angry and scary!" Zander roars playfully stomping around with a pretend angry face on. "What the hell is going on here?!" Nik asks walking into the room scowling "relax Klaus we're just playing a game" Davina replies "I don't care go play somewhere else!" Klaus snaps "ohh look at me. I'm bossy and mean too" Zander roars causing me to hold back my laughter as I now realize just who he was pretending to be. "Excuse you?" Nik asks stalking towards him and Davina immediately stands in front of him "leave him alone Klaus" she says in a warning tone "he needs to learn some respect" Nik says I scowl and flash downstairs. "He's four and he was just playing a game. They were playing guess who I am and he was being you" I say defensively he glares at me "he's going to end up like you an arrogant little twat while your other son he's going to be a weakling who sucks up to his mother. He'll end up just like Finn!" he snaps I growl and push him up against the wall. Davina quickly grabs the twins and heads upstairs with them "don't you dare insult my sons! Neither of my sons are arrogant or weak and don't you ever dare compare any of them to Finn. Jace is a mommy's boy and so is Zander but they don't have a sick twisted devotion like Finn did with our mother!" I snap he glares at me "how blind are you? They follow Davina around like lost puppies just like Finn did to Esther" he retorts "they follow Davina around to keep an eye on her and their unborn sibling. They're protective over her and the baby now Finn never was protective over any of us" I snarl snapping his neck. I step away from him anger filling my body "screw this" I mutter before flashing up the stairs to mine and Davina's room where I find Davina consoling two very upset little boys "I didn't mean to upset him" Zander cries clutching on to her top "I know baby your uncle is just a very tricky man" Davina replies stroking his head "am I weak momma?" Jace sniffles "no baby you are a very brave and strong boy. You both are and never think otherwise" she says I smile as I look at them. They hadn't noticed I was here until I fully stepped into the room "hey" I say they look up at me and Zander removes himself from Davina, climbs off the bed and runs over to me "I'm sorry daddy" he cries I kneel down and pick him up "it's alright buddy. You have nothing to be sorry for" I say before pressing a kiss to his forehead "I was just playing" he sniffles "I know buddy but your uncle doesn't understand that. He has a complicated mind" I say he leans his head on my shoulder and I look at Davina "we can't stay here any longer" I say "we can't exactly leave because of Morgana and the Folklore coven being out there" she replies I sigh and walk over to the bed and sit down with Zander still in my arms. "I know but darling we're more capable of protecting our children by ourselves. We don't need my siblings help all they will care about in the end is protecting Hope, my brother doesn't give a damn about us and his actions right now prove that. It might not be safe out there but it's also not safe here, I don't trust my siblings enough to stay here anymore. I only trust Rebekah but even that's not enough to stay here" I explain Davina nods "you're right so what should we do?" she asks "I've already been making some arrangements just in case of emergencies and I got us a nice house, it's not too big and it's not too small. It's perfect for our family" I explain she nods "where is this house?" she asks "Virginia, Mystic Falls" I reply her eyes widen "that's where you were killed the first time. Why the heck would you want to live there?" she asks "because despite it's where I died. It's a nice place when there isn't drama going on plus I have a friend who lives there" I say she frowns "who is she?" she asks narrowing her eyes making me chuckle "darling there's no need to get jealous for two reasons. One I love you with all my heart and nobody could or ever will change that and two my friend is not a she, my friend is a he" I explain she blushes "oh well who is he?" she asks "his name is Enzo St.John. I befriended him when he was human and I had briefly seen him a few times after he became a vampire. Truth be told he's the only vampire I deem tolerable aside from Josh because he's sort of fun to hang out with when he's not making googly eyes at some random guy" I reply she giggles when I mention Josh making googly eyes at random guys. "Well then I suppose we should get packing and bid goodbye to Rebekah and Hope" she says I nod "I'll pack our stuff and you pack the boys stuff. We'll say goodbye to Rebekah and Hope together" I reply she nods and gets up lying Jace on the bed as he had stopped crying and had fallen asleep. Davina leaves the room to sort out the boys things as I place Zander on the bed "daddy where are you going?" he asks sitting beside his brother "nowhere buddy. I'm just getting the suitcases out" I reply heading into the coat closet where the suitcases had been placed and I pull them out. "Why daddy?" he asks "because I've got to pack mine and mommy's things. We're moving" I explain "are you and mommy leaving us?" he asks frowning I look at him stunned he would ask such a thing "no buddy. Me and mommy would never ever leave you and your brother. Why would you ask such a thing?" I ask sitting on the bed, he looks down and fiddles with his fingers. "Zander look at me" I say he looks up at me "why would you think me and your mommy would leave you?" I ask "uncle Klaus" he says I clench my fists "what? Zander did he say something to you?" I ask "he said you and mommy don't love us and will leave us because you're having a new baby" he explains I close my eyes for a moment and take a deep breath to control my anger. "Did he say anything else?" I ask "he said you're not really my daddy and that mommy is a liar" he explains I feel angry and hurt that Klaus actually stopped so low as to tell my own sons that I'm not their father and that me and Davina' don't love them. "Zander listen to me okay? I am your father and your mother is not a liar. We love you and your brother so much nothing could ever change even having a new baby won't change that. It just means our love for each of you grows" I say he smiles a little "I'm sorry daddy for upsetting you" he says I shake my head "you didn't upset me and you have nothing to be sorry for. Your uncle had no right saying the things he did" I reply he suddenly climbs off the bed. "Buddy what are you doing?" I ask as he pulls out a draw "helping you pack daddy" he replies pulling out a few of my shirts and handing them to me "why thank you" I reply chuckling as he grabs a bunch of clothes and hands them to me. I place the pile of clothes on the bed and start folding them up as he continues to pull out more of my clothes. "There's no more daddy" he says frowning "that's because we have all my clothes packed. Now do you think you could get mommy's things?" I ask he nods, shutting the last draw he had gone through and runs over to the wardrobe where Davina placed her clothes. He opens the doors "there isn't much daddy" he says "that's because mommy didn't bring much over when we came here" I reply walking over to the wardrobe to help him get the rest.

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