Time to strike

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Two weeks later....

In Mystic Falls...

Kol's pov

I watch from the doorway of the living room as Davina does another spell to try and locate Morgana who we've been trying to hunt down for the past two weeks. Rebekah informed us they had went to this place where they suspected Morgana had been but found it completely abandoned so we were all left at a loss but me and Davina are determined to find her so we can kill her and get this drama over with.

Zander and Jace are currently over at Caroline's house having a play date with Lizzie and Josie who they actually get along with very well now after their hesitance when they first met. Enzo is over at Caroline's giving her a hand since handling four children isn't easy and my boys can be difficult sometimes.

Nova is with me and Davina I currently have her in my arms and she's wide awake clutching my shirt as her eyes focus on Davina.

"Still nothing" Davina groans leaning back on the couch and burying her head in her hands "take a deep breath love and clear your mind, if you're stressing and thinking about too much it will have an impact on the spell" I advise making her sigh.

"I know, I'm just worried the longer we don't find Morgana, the longer she's a problem. I'll give it to her she is crafty but she's no match for me, I'll find her one way or another" she vows with a dark glint in her eyes and I smirk. She's pulling out all the stops to find Morgana and protect our children and Hope at the same time, sometimes she doesn't even sleep despite me trying to convince her to sleep. She's hellbent on ensuring nothing harms our children which I love about her, seeing her in protective mama bear mode is honestly enduring and quite the turn on.

"I agree she's no match for you and you will find her, we will find her but perhaps you should take a little break, have something to eat and have a nap because it's obvious you're tired and if you're tired no spell is going to work if your magic is weakened" I say as I gently rock Nova in my arms.

"I will have a look at things while you eat and rest" I say noticing the hesitance in her eyes "okay, do you want me to take Nova?" she asks getting up from the couch "no it's okay, I've got her" I respond leaning my head down and giving her a kiss as she reaches me making her smile before she leaves the room.

"Okay princess let's see what spells mommy's been looking at and see if perhaps I can help someway" I say as I walk over to the couch and sit down, shifting Nova in my arms so she's somewhat sat on my lap but I'm still cradling her and supporting her head since she's still a little too young to support her own head, she's 9 weeks old and she can briefly lift her head and she can turn it from side to side but she can only do that when she's on her stomach, having tummy time.

I pick up the grimoire Davina had been looking through and I start reading through it with one hand since Nova is grasping my other hand with both of her hands as she quietly sucks on her pacifier watching me flick through the grimoire.


No one's pov

Morgana was stood in front of the line of witches who aided her and were part of her coven. She had a few new witches join her coven but it wasn't as many as she would've liked but she would take what she got.

She had enough of waiting around, she wanted to strike and get what she desired, the four Mikaelson children so she could sacrifice them and take their power to make herself into the most powerful witch on Earth and also resurrect her mother.

"We ready to go Morgana? I want to see my man" a woman spoke as she popped up beside her, she had pale skin, sea green eyes and dark blonde hair and looked to be in her mid 20's. "In time Louise, I'm readying the coven" Morgana replied rolling her eyes at the woman who she deemed annoying but she was here because Morgana had brought her back to life thinking she would be a distraction for Kol Mikaelson after mistaking their history. She knew Louise had a thing for Kol but she didn't know Kol didn't return any feelings for her, Morgana figured any of the women from Kol's past had to have an impact on him and just went for Louise.

"But I want to see him now, he's waiting for me" Louise whined with a childish pout "I said wait! I'm giving my order now be quiet!" Morgana hissed glaring at the woman who gulped and took a step back as she bowed her head.

"Listen up you lot, I've waited long enough so now it's time to strike. We have two destinations, New Orleans and Mystic Falls where our targets the Mikaelson children are located. You will be split into two groups, one will go to New Orleans and the other will go to Mystic Falls, I will meet with you halfway to give a hand" Morgana spoke as she walked up and down in front of the witches lined up. There were a total of 16 witches in the coven if you didn't count Morgana herself and Louise didn't count as she wasn't initially part of the coven, she wasn't even a witch.

"Louise will be going with the group to Mystic Falls as she will be a distraction for Kol Mikaelson so you can deal with the mother and get the children" Morgana said and Louise's eyes lit up along with a crazy look crossing her face at the mention of Kol.

"Morgana" Marie spoke looking nervous "yes Marie?" Morgana asked "are you sure about this? I have a bad feeling about this. The Mikaelson's are strong and powerful, they will slaughter us the second we step foot near them" Marie said and Morgana scowled, rolling her eyes "well if you be smart about it then nothing will go wrong" Morgana replied before starting to put the witches into two groups as Louise silently washed, she didn't care for what the witches were planning, she just wanted Kol who she was desperate on making him fall for her, she believed he had to have some sort of feelings for her and was determined to get his love but she was very delusional if she thought he ever loved her let alone liked her.

End of chapter

Uh oh Morgana and her coven are on the move but Kol and Davina are hard at work trying to locate Morgana, will they find her before she gets to them? Louise has made an appearance and is eager to get to Kol. What will happen next?

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