= My Home =

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Also this is somehow based on my own pov because I'm sad as fuck and I need something stupid to cheer me up so enjoy this crap:)

As I walked slowly into the living room making sure not to trip into anything, I heard some rattling and hushed laughter. Children.

"Really guys? What are you-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" The lights came on and everyone jumped from their hiding places with huge smiles on their faces as I held on to the couch beside me trying to find a pulse on my neck.

"Don't! Ever! Scare! Me! Like-" I didn't even finish my sentence when a set of familiar hands carried me from behind, "Can you stop whining? It's OUR birthday!" Sam placed me down as I gave him a big hug. We both had the same birthdays and as hectic as that sounds, I didn't really care anyways because it was extra fun.

"And happy birthday to you Sam," I said as I let him go. The living room looked amazing with all the decorations and I couldn't help but be in awe. These assholes were too extra for me.

"You guys didn't have to do all this." I said as Wanda led me to the huge table that was literally filled with every junk food possible. "Don't start with that shit, we spent a surprisingly long amount of time doing all this for you. You deserve this." Clint said and the others agree.

"Plus, it's Sam's birthday too and he was the one demanding for all this so..." Steve rolled his eyes at his best friend when Sam gave him the stink eye.

"Enough yapping, let's get on with the celebration!" Scott was already ready to dig in the ten layer ice cream vanilla cake when Tony stopped him. Sam and I were at the center of the table as the guys started singing. Apparently it was directed to me as Sam said he was too old for all this. I couldn't keep a straight face because of one, I was a hundred and ten percent sure Scott and Clint were drunk because they started recording the event but didn't realize that they were recording themselves and two, I couldn't help but feel emotional because of these goofs. My birthdays were never that special but with them, they never ceased to make me feel loved and appreciated.

"Who did I assign the candles?" Natasha asked as she noticed they weren't on the cake and a few of us could see it was Pietro for he was visibly shaken when Nat stared at him blankly so he sped off to find them. As the rest were making sure everything is in order for the thirtieth time that night, I slowly backed away from the group and steeped outside the balcony for some fresh air.
The breeze was cool as it crawled up my skin making me shiver in the best way possible. The night was quiet and peaceful when I felt a presence beside me.

"Tell me why I actually thought you finally decided to run away because we're too crazy for you," Sam laughed lightly as he leans down on the rail.
"I don't think you guys can ever get too crazy for me," I remarked.

I stared into a far distance as my thoughts took over again but were immediately interrupted, "What's going on, little panda?" Sam asked with a hint of concern in his voice. I mentally groaned at the nickname he gave me a while back when he found out I had an unhealthy obsession of baby pandas. He never stopped teasing about it.

"I don't wanna bother you with it right now,", I sincerely answered. It was stupid anyways and it was Sam's and I's birthday. Why ruin the mood with some sad shit that no one cared about? Sam smiled and turned so that his back could lean on the rails and looked at me, "Enlighten me." He encouraged me because I could never keep anything from him, he'd find out anyways.

"I'm scared I guess?" I started off as I started fiddling with the rings on my fingers to should eye contact. "I'm scared I'm losing myself again."

I couldn't keep the tears from falling because it was true. I felt like I was sinking back to the black dark hole that I fought so hard to get out a while ago but it's calling onto me again, wanting me to fall back in with no hopes of getting back up again this time.

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