= Tease~ Stony =

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Warning: Light smut !


It was late at night and the Avengers had fallen asleep in their rooms, except for Tony. He was in his lab as usual, working himself hard and drowning himself in coffee. Steve couldn't remember the last time Tony came to bed and they cuddled in each other's arms until the morning.
It pissed him off that he locked himself in there and doesn't come out in a long time but he decided to respect his boyfriend's privacy and give him space. Until this day, he had enough.

He got out of bed and wore his shirt. He walked down to Tony's lab. "J.A.R.V.I.S, open the door please," he asked the AL.

"I'm sorry captain but access denied." He responded, ticking Steve off. Is he serious?!

"I need to talk to Tony" he commanded, his Captain America's voice taking over signalling he wasn't in the mood of any bullshit at the moment.

The door opened and Steve walked in and saw Tony chugging his coffee down his throat like his life depended on it. Well it does. He was on his table of tools, working on the Iron Suit he was building for Peter.

"Tony?" The super soldier called his boyfriend softly walking towards him.
Tony turned his head quickly, ready to shout at whoever interrupted him when he saw Steve, concern written all over his face.

"J.A.R.V.I.S I swear to God you had one job," Tony sighed rubbing his eyes tiredly. God he looked dead. His skin was pale from lack of water and food, big black bags were under his sunken red eyes, his hair was in a cute mess...
Even if he looked like a zombie, he was still gorgeous to Steve.

"Tony please come to bed, this isn't healthy for you" Steve pleaded to his boyfriend. Tony turned back to his work.

"I'm fine, just go back to sleep darling," he said, his voice weary.
Steve approached the smaller man and wrapped his arms around his waist. He buried his face onto Tony's shoulders and slowly started kissing it going up to his neck. Tony quickly melted into his arms and moaned, tilting his head for Steve to have better access.

"No you're not. You need to rest and eat, you're starting to lose weight." Steve continued kissing him. He stopped at his lover's ear and tugged it with his teeth slowly, "please?" He whispered softly into Tony's ear which sent shivers down his spine.

The smaller man didn't respond as he was enjoying Steve's attention. Steve then unwrapped his arms off of Tony waist and removed the thin coat he was wearing to keep him warm. Steve started trailing his fingers up Tony's exposed arms, earning a satisfying moan from his lover. He reached the shoulders and started massaging them smooth and slow.

"Oh fuck...." Tony moaned as he leaned onto his boyfriend's chest. He hasn't relaxed in like forever and this type of treatment he was getting made him feel do good, high and somehow turned on.

"Language, my love," Steve whispered huskily into his ears, his hands traveled down Tony's chest onto the arc reactor. He spun him around making the genius face him. He looked up into Steve's eyes, which was once blue in innocence but now it's dark, lust covering them.

"I'm sorry daddy," Tony said looking up at him with an innocent smile. Steve growled and smashed his lips onto him. Tony quickly jumped and wrapped his legs around Steve's waist, deepening the kiss. The super soldier squeezed Tony's ass softly making him moan. He quickly slipped his tongue in his mouth and their tongue fought for dominance, Steve winning. The room was filled with breathy moans mostly coming out of Tony as Steve trailed his lips again down to his lover's neck, harshly sucking his sweet spot.

"Please.." Tony whimpered as his hands started roaming under Steve's shirt, feeling his boyfriend's muscular chest.

"Please what doll?" His voice was hard and deep, nearly making Tony fall because of how it made his knees weak. Damn he was so horny. Steve hands were on Tony's sides slowly making his way down to his sweatpants. Tony could feel his boyfriend's hard on pressing against his thigh.

"Please...ngh oh God!" he couldn't finish when Steve grabbed his hard erection suddenly making the small one jump, a loud moan coming out of his mouth. He started pumping it through the boxers, feeling pre-cum oozing out. God, Steve wanted to turn him over and fuck his tight ass against the table until he was numb, screaming his name louder, panting and moaning like a beast.

But.... Steve removed his hands out of Tony's boxers and licked the little cum that covered his fingers, looking at Tony's diluted eyes. He gave him a little peck on the cheek and left the lab with a smirk on his lips.

Tony's eyes widened "You little bastard!" He shouted as he ran after him. He reached his room and saw Steve already asleep in their bed.

"Oh well... I guess I have to take care of this by myself in the bathroom.." Tony said a little too loud as he started walking to their bathroom alone. He knew what he was doing. Steve never liked the idea of Tony making himself feel good, he preferred him doing it.

He entered the bathroom and waited to see if Steve would come. He didn't so he decided to play him. He started off slow, moaning softly. He wasn't doing anything. Then it got louder and louder.

"Oh no you don't!" Steve barged in, seeing Tony sit on the bathtub smiling at him innocently. He laughed when he saw Steve confused. "I knew you'd come" he said.

"Now, wanna finish what you started daddy?" Tony walked over him and smashed his lips onto Steve.

"Damn right I do"


I'm so sorry I LITERALLY suck at writing smut😭😭🤧😂

Idek what this turned out to be so.... Enjoy? Gosh I need to stop writing 😂


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