= I'll always be here~ Spideypool =

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A/N: I honestly don't know that much about Wade/Dead pool's character so I'm really sorry if it's kinda off 😂


Wade's POV
It's twelve minutes past three a.m and I couldn't sleep.
It was a usual thing for me, considering that the boxes always keep me awake but this time... It was different.

Why, you ask?

Peter was beside me, sleeping peacefully and clinging onto me like his life depends on it. Earlier that day, he came bursting through my door, crying so hard and was at the verge of a panic attack. He was shaking so hard, he was barely able to stand still. His face was red from crying and screaming and the first thing I did was to throw myself at the poor kid... My baby boy.


"What happened darling?" I asked softly while running my scarred fingers through his soft hair.

"T-They kicked me out Wade" Peter practically whispered.

My breath hitched. Peter's parents, The Tony and Steve Rogers-Stark, warned Peter that if he was ever seen with me, a menace, they'd have no choice but to kick him out because they couldn't live with the thought of their superhero son dating an insane, broken menace like me. It was ridiculous honestly!
Yes I warned Peter to stay away from me for his own good but he didn't want to listen!

"I'd rather stay in the streets with you Wade, the person I love, than living in an empty home where no one cared about me!" Peter once said.

I held him closer to me and sat there with him whispering sweet nothings to him while rocking him backs and forth. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't provide a good home for my baby boy, hell I couldn't even provide myself a home nor food! He deserves the world and so much more..... I wanted to give it to him....but I didn't know how.

*End of flashback*

I smiled down at him, caressing his cheek softly.

You don't deserve him, you know that right?

Sh! I'm trying to admire the angle sleeping!

He needs someone who can take care of him and love him wholeheartedly! Not you. We'll never be enough for him.

Look who's talking, dumbass!

Wade we'll never be there for him, make happy nor have a beautiful future with him. He needs someone who can give him the world.... He deserves it.

Sorry Bud...

I had already gotten out of bed.

'Can you guys shut up?! I'm trying to think!!'

We are making your thoughts clearer by telling you the harsh truth!
You love him but he'll never be happy when he's with us! We are broken and no one can fix us OK?! Not even him!

It's hard for you but we are looking out for him

He's here stuck with us because he has nowhere to go. We are the reason why he got kicked out. We are the reason why he's not happy...

I grabbed my gun off my night stand.
They were right. I mean look at me!
I'm an insane menace who kills innocent people for money! I'm broken, I'm fucked up! My skin is too ugly! I hate myself! It won't take long until Peter does too...

The voices were getting louder and my breaths were becoming heavy. I needed to shut them up! I cocked the gun that was already pointed on my head and before I could pull the trigger, a web trapped it on a wall.
I turned around and saw Peter looking at me with a horrified face.

His face went pale. He quickly got out of bed and hugged me tightly....sobbing?

I hugged him back, kissing his head. "Why?" He asked sobbing slightly

I just kept quiet. I was immortal, even if I shot myself repeatedly on my brain or heart, blown myself up, fall from the highest mountain.... I'd never die. That was a curse I was gifted with. I didn't want to tell him I tried doing it all every single day though.

"Answer me please," he said, his voice breaking.

"You deserve someone better baby boy-"

"Bullshit!" He pushed me away.
"You keep telling me that and what do I always reply with?! It's you Wade. You make me happy! You make me a better person everyday! You make me smile in my worst days and I'd trade anything in this whole damn world just to be with you! You are my world Wade! I need you." He looked at me with sadness written all over his brown eyes. He gripped his hair hard making me flinch at the pain he might be feeling.

"It hurts ok? Seeing you broken, seeing you empty, not willing to save yourself. You always push me away when I want to help you. You're drowning and I-I can't save you..." He broke down, his back hitting the wall and he slid down. He hugged his knees and started crying silently.

I hated seeing him like this...and it was because of me. Never in my whole life have I ever had someone love me for me, for my voices in my head, for my scarred body, for my fucked up personality..... but Peter, he took me all in. With my insecurities, he loved me so dearly.

I slowly approached him and kneeled down to his position. "Baby boy?" I called on him softly. He raised his head up and saw his puffy red eyes, his red cheeks, runny nose and swollen pink lips. That sight broke me so much.

I carried him off of the floor and took him on the bed. I got in and put him on my lap, holding onto his waist. He buried his face into my neck and wrapped his arms around me. We sat there for a few minutes and I could hear Peter's soft whimpers.

"Please let me help you, Wade. I can't imagine my life without you" Those last words sunk in my heart, breaking it into pieces. I'll always be there for him...but he'll have to leave someday, leaving me alone in my cruel world.

I turned and looked at him. I smiled softly and wiped the tears that stained his cheek with my thumb.

"You're here. That's enough for me sweetheart. Don't be so hard on yourself, I'll figure it out anyway" I whispered locking my eyes into his.

"You don't have to do it on your own. I'm always here for you, all of you baby. I want you to be happy. We have each other now, we need to keep each other strong." Peter said caressing my cheek and I slowly gave in to his touch.
"You are perfect just the way you are Wade. Your flaws are so beautiful, you just need to notice that and start loving them. I know it's not going to be easy but I'm here and I'll be with you every step of the way." I don't deserve this pure human being... How did I get so lucky?

"You're so strong, I admire that about you so much" I stated making him smile

"I honestly learnt it from the best" He replied kissing me softly.

"I love you, so very much Peter" I said once we broke out from the loving kiss. "Thank you for accepting me"

"I love you too Wade. I'll always be here for you, my beautiful angel."
Peter said and we both drifted into a peaceful sleep after some minutes of you know.... *wink wink*


Idek what the last sentence was honestly😂😭

Thank you for reading loves! Please vote and comment! Tell me what you think about this:)

Remember loves, y'all are beautiful and amazing just the way you are!❤


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