= Night drive~ Sambucky =

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I feel like this ship isn't appreciated much😂

Also the song above is just EVERYTHING😭😭😭

Third person P.O.V

"Saaaaaamm c'mon pleeasseeee" Bucky whined desperately while rocking Sam's sleeping body.

It was 2am in the morning and the tower was quiet. Everyone went to sleep after a fair day of going on a mission and just enjoying the day with each other. Sam and Bucky went to bed early because they were too tired so they missed movie night. Bucky had woken up a few hours ago and he was bored so his mind wandered off to think of something good to do, in which he found, causing him to disturb his tired boyfriend.

"Leave me alone" Sam groaned and pushed the blanket up to his head wanting more sleep when Bucky pushing it off fast. Sam would've just punched Bucky and throw him out of the building but he loved him too much to do that.

"Just listen! A drive down the road, the breeze cool and the night peaceful, blasting our favourite songs singing on top of our lungs and being free!" Bucky beamed in happiness, slightly jumping up and down on their large bed.

Sam opened his eyes and looked at the alarm clock on their night stand. "At 2:30 am in the morning?!" Sam hissed quietly looking at his now smiling boyfriend.

"Yes!" He clapped his hands, his eyes widened in excitement.

"God, you're annoying" Sam sighed and flopped his head back into the soft pillow and shut his eyes.

"Baby please?!" Bucky asked a bit louder.


"For me?"


"I'll make you breakfast in bed?"


"I love you!"

"At this moment, I love my sleep more" Sam responded finally before he decided to ignore Bucky.

Bucky sat there defeated in silence pouting silently. "Fine" he gave up and crawled back into the covers disappointed. Sam noticed the sad sigh leaving his boyfriend's lips and immediately felt bad. Argh I can't believe I'm going to to this! He turned and moved closer to him, kissing his bare back softly repeatedly.

"Ok fine we can-"

"YEESS! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Bucky practically threw himself onto Sam and hugged him, making the other laugh. They got out of bed and wore some cozy clothes, Bucky wearing Sam's hoodie which was too big on his body but Sam found him absolutely adorable.

They headed to the garage and took one of Tony's cars. Tony allowed Sam to use his cars, just as long as he doesn't crash them. They got in a red Audi R8 sports car and drove off the Avengers Tower, Sam driving.

"So where do you wanna go?" Sam asked looking at his overexcited lover.

"Anywhere" he answered breathlessly taking in the peaceful surrounding.

The roads were empty and the night was young are alive, wind blowing slowly past their skin lingering into Bucky's long locks. The stars shine bright into the sky and the moon poured its light down the road, it was such a beautiful night. La Lune by Madeon came on and they enjoyed the ride. Bucky had his feet on the dash board, leaning back to his seat and closed his eyes, getting lost in the pure moment.

Bucky enjoyed this moments he had with his boyfriend Sam. Moments where he could be alone with him and do nothing but just be in each others presence without any interruption of missions. He felt free. He felt that no one could hurt him, he'd be himself fully without holding back his insecurities or fears, he felt loved and appreciated. Bucky did some horrible things back in the future and thought that no one would ever forgive him or give him a chance except from his best friend, Steve.

But then he met Sam, his world changed. Sam took care of him. He was there when Bucky would scream in the middle of the night because of a bad nightmare. He held him and made sure he would fall back asleep. He helped him with his panic attacks, he was there when no one was. He would remind him of how strong he was for overcoming so much. He loved him at his worst days.

"Baby? Are you ok?" Sam's concerned voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry" Bucky smiled genuinely and held Sam's free hand with his metal one making the other smile in response.

The trip was fun. Bucky would scream the lyrics on top of his lungs while Sam would just laugh and admire how happy and pure he was. He would join also, nodding his head to the beat while Bucky would just throw his hands up in the air and scream happily.

This was one of the rarest moment Sam would ever have to experience when Bucky was free, full of life and happy. This is when he didn't have to burden himself with his past problems and his own fears. He was breathtaking.

"I feel like Harry Styles is overrated" Bucky said when Golden started playing.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked tilting his head slightly his eyes still on the empty road.

"Sure he's hot and talented but like.... There is Louis! He's the one whose supposed to get all the attention!" Bucky complained making Sam laugh lightly.

"Psh please! Harry Styles is a god. Have you seen those eyes and that smile?! His practically sex on legs!"

"Yeah" Bucky sighed contented "but Louis is better" he mumbled smiling cheekily.

"Stop" The Falcon rolled his eyes. He finally stopped at an unknown place. The surrounding was full of green grass. They got out of the car and Bucky skipped around the grass, feeling alive and full of energy.

"I'd like to myself believe!" He sang on top of his lungs.

"That planet Earth runs slowlyyyyy" Sam laughed loudly.

"That's not even the right lyrics!" Sam was holding his chest, amused by his boyfriend's craziness.

"Ugh, let me have this moment Sam, just this one!" Bucky yelled throwing an old mango seed at him that he found on the ground, Sam dodging it.

"Come here baby" Sam called Bucky and he walked up to him, smiling widely. Sam was leaning onto the car as Bucky approached him and laid on him, his back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around the metal armed man and rested his head on his shoulders, kissing his neck once every minute. They were watching the sky in silence, the song playing softly at the background.

"I love this" Bucky whispered as he pushed himself further into his boyfriend's chest.

"I guess we'll have to do this more often if it means getting to see you like this, all beautiful and happy" Sam said turning his lover to face him. He pushed a strand of hair behind his ear and leaned in to kiss him, so soft and slow. None of them couldn't explain what they were feeling inside, they were falling deeper in love.

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
Coz everything's bursting at the seam.
The last song on the playlist ended, the night sounds taking over.

"I love you" Sam said when they broke the kiss, resting his forehead against Bucky's. Bucky smiled lazily and trailed his fingers down Sam's built chest, looking into his eyes.

"Say that again, please?" He whispered softly his vulnerable side showing. "It feels good when you say it to me" His blue eyes stared lovingly into the brown ones. Sam smiled and pecked his lips.

"I love you Bucky, so much it hurts." He said locking his fingers with Bucky's, kissing his knuckles.




Guess who sucks on titles again?! Hahahahha meeee!
:') <3

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