= Stay~ Thorki >Platonic!< =

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If you're not a fan of Thorki, kindly skip this chapter. There's no need for hate comments or irrelevant opinions 🙄



The palace was quiet and the moon shone bright, the light falling into the halls. Thor couldn't sleep so he decided to go to the back garden and relax, watching the sky. On his way to the garden, he passed Loki's room and heard some light sniffles. He tried to ignore it but it got louder.

He approached the door and knocked softly, "Loki?" Thor waited for a response but got none so he opened the door and saw his younger brother crawled up in his corner, hugging his knees and crying softly. Thor's heart dropped at the sight. He closed the door and walked to his brother.

"Loki? What's the matter?" He kneeled to his height. Loki didn't answer as he continued crying. It's no secret that Thor and Loki haven't been close. They always fought, disagreed, argued and sometimes they'd tried to kill one other but never succeeded. Sure it looks like they hate each other but deep down they'd die for each other. They love each other so much.

Loki looked up and saw Thor's sad expression. He wiped the tears that stained his cheek and coughed slightly "What are you doing here? It's late you should be in bed," he remarked, his voice sounding quiet.

"I couldn't sleep so I was on my way to the garden until I heard your sorrow... Are you ok brother?" The god of thunder looked into his brother's eyes seeing the emptiness inside.

Loki shook his head and looked down on his knees. "Do you want to talk about it?" The older one asked. Again, Loki shook his head. Thor understood but he really wanted Loki to tell him what was bothering him.

So, he moved and sat next to the younger one and tuck his knees to his broad chest. Loki was confused as he saw his brother smile at him. "It's ok," he whispered. The younger one found himself smiling a little and all his sorrows were slowly fading away. They stayed there for quite a while, Loki now completely fine when Thor pulled him into his lap and cuddled him there on the floor, rocking him back and fourth singing him his favorite lullaby mother used to sing to him when he was a young child.

Loki had already fallen asleep, his face tucked into Thor's large neck. Thor slowly got up and walked to his younger brother's bed and laid him down softly, careful not to wake him up. He heard Loki whimper a bit, his body moving a little bit so Thor sat next to him and made sure he was asleep again. Beautiful... Thor thought when he looked at his brother sleeping. He rarely sees Loki like this and he wishes to see this peaceful and vunerable side more often so that he could care for him.

He leaned down and gave Loki a soft peck on the cheek "Goodnight Loki," he said. He got up to head to the door when he felt a hand stop him. He looked down and saw Loki's adorable eyes glistening with tears.

"Please stay?" He whispered. He looked fragile and tired. Thor immediately agreed and kicked off his shoes. He slipped in the soft white sheets and covered them both with the heavy light green blanket. Thor wrapped his arms around Loki's waist and kissed his head. Loki turned and laid his head against the older's chest.

"Thank you" Loki's voice was quiet but Thor heard him. "For what?" He looked down at his brother.

"For being here," he replied as he closed his eyes shut, gripping Thor's light shirt softly into his fists. Thor sighed and held the other closer.

"I'll always be here for you no matter what Loki. Never forget that" he ran his hands through the mischief's hair, Loki softly moaning into his touch. He nodded.

"I love you brother" he said as he drifted off to sleep.

"I love you too"


I'm writing more Thorki, someone stop me!😤

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