= Shopping~ WinterFrost =

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I personally didn't know this ship existed🙈😂

"I WANT TO GO SHOPPING! SOMEONE TAKE ME" Bucky yelled like a baby and crossed his arms over his chest pouting angrily.

The others didn't say anything, they just looked at each other for a few seconds then looked back at an angry Bucky.

"Not it!"

"1,2,3 Loki, you're it!" The Avengers yelled and pointed at a horrified Loki.

"What?! Why me?" He pouted.

"Hey, we always take him out for shopping, it's your turn now" Steve responded and the others agreed.

"Fine" Loki sighed and looked at Bucky. This can't be bad.

"Go get ready, we're leaving in five minutes"

x x

"Oooh! I want this one!"

"I want more clothes!"

"Loki, can we get a tiger?"

"I definitely need more of these candy"


At this point, Loki was ready to snap Bucky's neck.

"Bucky, please stop screaming it won't make things better" Loki rubbed in between his eyes to stop the migraine coming in his head.

"Loki, I want those shoes!" Bucky tagged onto Loki's sleeve sweater and pointed up at the highest shoes, his eyes big and wide.

"I can't reach them and so can you" Loki answered looking at them also.

"I'll climb on your shoulders and you'll boost me up!" And before Loki could protest, Bucky was already standing on his shoulders with his shoes on, smudging mud and dirt all over Loki's favourite sweater.

"Have you gotten them yet?" Loki asked impatiently. Bucky nodded and picked them but returned them again.

"Damn, these look pretty" He took another pair and admired them, forgetting about Loki.

"Bucky, come down you're starting to get heavy!" Loki growled at him.

"Will you chill? I want to pick the best ones!" Bucky exclaimed still looking over the expensive shoes.

"Well you better do faster because I'm hungry and you know I get grumpy when I'm hungry" Loki said.

"Ok I'm done! Wait no NOT THESE ONES LOKI!" Bucky shouted at Loki and returned the previous sneakers.

"What?! Oh my God, just pick one pair of shoes, it's not that hard!" Loki was getting frustrated by the minute.

"I'll take my time" Bucky said calmly.

"Get down, now!" Loki snapped.




"That's it!" Loki grabbed Bucky and put him down angrily.

"If you continue acting like a baby, we'll get home and I'll ignore you for the rest of the day, got it?! No cuddling, no kissing, no eye contacts, nothing! You'll sleep on the couch tonight!" Loki growled in anger staring at a blank Bucky.

"No" he simply replied.

"What the f- Screw it, we're going home!" Loki snapped and grabbed Bucky's wrist but Bucky got out of his grip.

"I haven't gotten my shoes yet" Bucky whined.

Loki's fists clenched and saw did his jaw, "Then be a good boy and be quiet then we'll get your shoes"

Bucky huffed in response and they continued shopping in silence.

They later got home.

"Why is your face red?"

"Why are you carrying Bucky's stuff?"

"Why is Bucky mad?"

"Did you get food?"

Loki didn't answer any of them because he was too tired to talk and his head was aching.

Bucky just sat on the couch silently, his bottom lip slightly out. Loki looked over his boyfriend and sighed.

"Come here baby" Loki opened his arms and Bucky instantly jumped in, snuggling his head into the holder's chest.

" 'M sorry" Bucky mumbled against his chest and Loki kissed his head.

"It's ok darling. I love you" Loki whispered.

"I love you too Loki" Bucky looked up and kissed him.

The others just looked at them confused.

".......so no food?" Pietro asked making the others laugh.

Enjoy this short one!
Also a friendly reminder, request are open!
WC: 635

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