= Sinners~ Stony =

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Requested by @SomeoneWhoIForgotImSoSorryButThisIsSuchAnAmazingRequest!

Oh look, an update! *proud of myself :')*

Trigger warning: mild homophobic.

Steve's P.O.V

I can't believe it. I'm finally graduating! I finished highschool two days ago and my mum decided to throw a big party for his 'perfect' son, little did she know, I had planned something different.

I was finally going to come out.

The room was filled with the people who helped me to become the person I am right now and I was shaking. I wondered my way to the stage to make my special announcement. All eyes were on me as I stood in front of them, gripping the microphone hard, my knuckles turning white.

I was a mess. My palms were sweaty, my heart beat was racing, I felt like I was going to pass out. My parents were deeply religious and it's scaring me how they're going to react but I already made my decision and there was no turning back.

"All my life, I've been hiding a part of me from the world," I paused to see my parents' face. They were definitely not ready for this.

"And by ending this amazing chapter, I felt that I needed to start the next chapter of my life being the real me so I'm here to tell you that," I took a deep breath.

"I'm gay." I announced it louder for everyone to hear. I physically felt the room tense and everything was quiet. I closed my eyes to calm myself down when I felt a strong grip on my arm pulling me out of the room. It was my mother.

Her face was red and her eyes had tears, she was angry and ashamed.
"What is wrong with you?! Are you out of your mind!?" She asked, her voice poisoned in anger.

"Mum, I'm sorry but this is who I am-"

"No son of mine is going to be like this! You will get rid of those horrible feelings and thoughts, I don't know nor care how, I will not allow you to become a disgrace to our family!" My mother left me there, heartbroken and hurt. Why couldn't she ever accept me?

She knew I was gay from the start but refused to believe it. I was taking a shower when my mum came in my room to pick up the laundry when my phone was left unlocked on the bed, a message came in and curiosity got the best of her as she checked. She saw all the pictures and videos I had of two men kissing, porn... and everything that could tell that I'm gay. She tried talking me out of it but I didn't listen. I never will.

"I'm so fucking proud of you, punk!" My best friend, Bucky, came and jumped into my back, disrupting my train of thoughts.

"Thanks Buck." I smiled at him. I've always been jealous of him. He's openly gay and his parents (who were both gay men) fully support him. He never cared what the others would say, as long as he was happy with who he was. Nothing else mattered.

"So, how did your mother take it?" He asked softly.

"Not too well." It's all I could say. Bucky wrapped his hand around my shoulder "C'mon, let's get out of here and go home so that we can watch all the gay movies you want!" He smirked at me and I couldn't help but laugh. I don't know where I'd be without him.

x x

"I'm home!" Bucky entered his house as I followed behind. The house was filled with fresh smell of chocolate cookies and my stomach couldn't help but grumble.

"Coming!" A voice shouted from the kitchen and George, Bucky's dad, came with a big smile.

"Steve! I didn't know you were coming!" He hugged me and I happily accepted it. We all went to the living room and George later brought us the cookies with a glass of milk. God, they were so good! What?! Can't a 19 year old enjoy milk and cookies?

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