= The Night Is Still Young =

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Peter Parker was in his room, bored out of his mind as he was mindlessly scrolling through his laptop, avoiding his many projects which were due... well sometime near close. It was 11pm and the tower was awfully quiet, the night animals taking advantage of it to be louder. The young hero's patience wasn't getting any better as he groaned loudly and pushed his laptop away and laid back flat on his bed, staring at the ceiling. 

Lately, he has been feeling like his life was just passing by, like leaving him day by day when he wasn't doing the things he loves. Sure, being an avenger and fighting along the best superheroes ever is a dream come true and he loved it, but he misses being a normal kid, and doing normal teenage things, like reckless driving or thrift shopping or countless parties, but not exactly those, Peter can't imagine getting drunk every night.

He doesn't want to be the old guy on his front porch, staring far at the distance of his home regretting and wishing he'd live a much fulfilling life, just in the name of being a superhero and saving lives everyday, no offense. Everywhere he turns, it's demanding from him: at school it's homework, projects, SATs, graduation while at home it's being the responsible one, the one that gets everything to line, the pressure of being the one with a beautiful family and his own money on top of his hero life... it never stops.

He just wants to breath.

"Ugh, this queen just hits the right nerves with this song!" The door suddenly busted open, inviting Wade, in his pink pajamas and red headphones. Peter turned and felt the corner of his eyes wet.... was he crying? Getting rid of the evidence, he smiled to his boyfriend who flopped next to him on the bed.

"Why are you up- never mind you can't hear me."

"THE NIGHT IS STILL YOUNG, AND, SO ARE WE!" screamed Wade while his hands flew everywhere, clearly feeling the song. Peter chuckled and removed the headphones from his boyfriend's ears," It's almost midnight, I don't think the rest will enjoy your free concert."

"They'd be lucky to get one," Wade pouted but nevertheless smiled and got up to peck Peter's cheek," Why are you awake right now, Bambi?"

"Can ask you the same question, Faline."

"Don't switch the question to me," Wade said and sat crisscross to face Peter, who was trying to face away from Wade because he knew Wade would see the sadness in his eyes, and he was right.

Shifting closer with a concerned look, Wade took Peter's hand on his rough ones, "Are you okay? Is there something bothering you? Can I make it better?"

Bless this sweet soul, Peter thought and simply smiled, "you being here makes everything better, sweetheart." Wade blushed as a response, in the lowly dim lit room. 

"It's just that I'm feeling.... I don't know, my life is passing by so fast, like..." Peter shrugged and faced away from Wade's soft gaze and continued, "I just want to be a normal kid."

Wade's heart shuttered as he heard these words because he knew how much Peter yearned for a fun life, away from heavy, heart-wrenching responsibilities of being a hero. So, he took his headphones and made Peter face him, then placed them over his head to his ears.

"What are you-"

"Shh, just listen." Wade smiled and took his phone, the hit the play button to the song he was singing earlier. Peter rolled hie yes but still smiled, as he listened to Wade's favorite music artist.

He was feeling a little better to be honest, because, well, it's Nicki Minaj's The Night Is Still Young.

Then, out of nowhere, his eyes widened and he was out of his bed to the closet, rummaging through his clothes, leaving Wade on the bed with the most confusing, scared expression on his face.

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