= Thunder~ Superfamily =

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Wait Superfamily consists of Steve,Tony and Peter right?!
Gosh idek I'm dumb😭😂

Anyways, please enjoy! It's gonna be short because my mind doesn't wanna be active today.


Thunder clapped louder in the sky making the 5 year old jump in fear. He was alone in his huge bedroom, in his car themed bed. He covered himself with his fluffy blanket all the way over his head and tightly cuddled his teddy bear, Poodle. He was terrified of storms. He silently cried in the blankets wanting so bad to go and sleep with his dads but he was scared.

"I'm stwong! Papa said I'm a stwong boy and I shouldn't be scawed of anything!" Peter finally said to himself, rubbing his wet eyes with both his fists, sobbing lightly.

He climbed down his bed and opened the door. The rain was getting heavier and Peter clutched onto his bear so hard, running as fast as his little legs could carry him. He climbed the stairs, two feet at a time crawling up until he made it. He saw his parents' door slightly open and he pushed himself in happily.

He walked to their bed when a loud thunder bolted through the sky unexpectedly, making Peter scream and fall down in his butt, crying uncontrollably. Steve immediately woke up, knowing that cry anywhere. He looked down and saw Peter on the floor, hugging his Puddle, balling his eyes out. He pushed Tony away from his hold hard and quickly got out of bed to go get Peter making the other man jolt awake on the floor, clearly pissed off!

"You son of a b-"

"Aww Bambino, ssh it's ok, come here" Steve picked up his son and hugged him rocking him back and fourth rubbing his back, ignoring Tony. Peter wrapped his small arms around his Pop's muscular neck and laid his head in his shoulder crying.

"The thunder scared ya, huh?" Steve asked softly, kissing the boy's cheek.

"I- I'm s-sowie for waking you u-up Papa," Peter sobbed into his neck, making the older man's heart break into pieces. Tony had now fully registered what was going in and got up. He walked to his husband and asked him to let him hold Peter, which he agreed.

"Daddy..." The small boy whispered hugging him tightly.

"Bambino it's fine. Please stop crying, it's ok we're here. The thunder won't hurt you" Tony said wiping his tears away, kissing his cheeks softly. Steve backed hugged his husband and they stayed their holding each other, calming Peter down. It finally worked after they heard Peter's soft snores coming out of his mouth. Steve smiled at him and kissed his head, and Tony's too.

They started walking to the door when Peter mumbled, "Can I cuddle with you, pwease?" His brown eyes were now open and he looked at both his parents, tears threatening to spill out again.

"Of course you can baby," Tony said and they went back to their bed. Peter was in the middle of them and he was facing Tony. He was playing with his arc reactor which glowed a dim blue colour, amazing Peter. He was trying to catch the blue light with his small hands, smiling each time it glowed.

Both the men heart's melted, admiring their son. The storm was long gone and it was slightly drizzling. They laid there, telling Peter bed time stories and tickling him now and then. Finally the little champ got tired. He yawned and closed his eyes "G'dnite Papa, G'dnite Daddy," he mumbled drifting off to sleep.

"G'dnite Kiddo," Tony replied softly and held him close. Steve pulled Tony close to him, his back facing him and kissed his husband's shoulder.

"I love you sweetheart," he whispered

"I love you too darling but push me out of the bed next time and I swear to God you're on the couch for a whole month and you're not getting any blowjob or sex for the rest of the year!" he silently shouted so that Peter couldn't hear.

"You did not-Gosh I'm so sorry that will never happen again, I promise!" Steve desperately whispered, burying his face into Tony's shoulders. The other man laughed and kissed Steve's knuckles which was around him and his son.

"Goodnight love," he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Goodnight," The three of them slept in peace.

Idk what this was😭 I'm tired OK?!😂❤
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