= You're happy, that's okay =

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Oh shi- I'm alive😳


Steve chugged his third drink that morning as he waited for his best friends to get ready.

"It's too early for drinking, smartass." Natasha finally came down, looking gorgeous as always, in a white dress hugging her perfectly and her blonde hair neatly straightened, falling back.

"Took you long enough," Steve mumbled as he poured another glass of whiskey until Bucky stopped him. "You're not coming with us if you're going to be wasted." Bucky, instead, took the glass and drank it himself, putting it and bottle away in the kitchen.

"I'm fine. Who wouldn't be excited to go to their lover's wedding?" Steve asked with fake enthusiasm. They knew how much their friend was trying to be strong.

It was Tony's wedding today and it took everything for Steve not to breakdown because he knew his Tony had finally moved on. Don't get him wrong, he was happy for him. He found a better man who made him happy. Steve just wished he wasn't happier though.

"I know this isn't going to be easy but it's already done. You can't change anything sweetie. The best thing you can do right now is be there for his best day." Natasha smiled down at his friend.

"But what if I didn't want him to move on with someone else?" Steve asked, feeling small and useless. God, he wished it was Tony's special day with him, not with another.

Bucky walked up to him and patted his back, "C'mon jerk, would he want the same for you if it was you getting married? Now get your ass up, we're going to be late." Bucky practically lifted Steve up and dragged him out of the house.

Here we go.


It was buzzing with joyful people as the garden was filled with different decorations, white and red petals spilled everywhere the green grass, every type of foods and drinks filled different tables- it was beautiful and a little bit dramatic with the glass figures and doves, just like how Tony liked it.

"I can't believe you actually came," Sam interrupted Steve's thoughts. He was wearing a dark blue suit which made him stand out.

"I came for the cake." Steve smirked as he hugged his other best friend.

"Of course you did. I brought tissues just in case you decide to turn into a baby," Sam winked making the blonde laugh. He really did know how to bring the mood up.

"Could you not insult my best friend at his worst day?" Bucky interrupted them, wrapping his arms around Sam's waist. "He's my best friend too!" Sam defended back but was cut off by a kiss. He smiled in and gave in to the offer. Steve rolled his eyes as he departed from the lovers, mumbling a 'disgusting'

"You love us!" Bucky shouted as Steve pulled up a middle finger at them. He didn't show it much but he admired the way they were both made for each other, it made him believe that maybe a 'forever' type of love was waiting for him out there, now that his one shot is already taken.
He entered the house and wondered into the rooms, hoping to find a familiar face, in which he did.

God, there he was. Looking beautiful and graceful as an angel, just utterly perfect before him as ever in his white suit. Tony looked up from his mirror and brown met blue.

"Hey." Tony said breathless, as he turned around to see him.

"Hi darling." Steve smiled. Tony would've lied if he said the name didn't do things to him, especially that smile. "You look stunning." Steve stepped closer to the other, leaving a respectable gap between them.

"Uh, thanks. It's my wedding so," Tony remarked making Steve chuckle. He really missed his little sassy man.
"Thanks for coming, I didn't think you'd make it." Tony tilted his head as he smiled.

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