= Cuddling~ Hawksilver =

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It was a normal day at the Avengers Towers. No bad guys attacking the city, no lives are at stake..it was peaceful and the superheroes couldn't be more glad.

They were relaxing in the living room, some watching a movie on the big screen like Natasha, Bruce, Thor and Bucky. Loki and Vision were reading a book, Peter and Wade were in their own world, staring at each other, giggling every once in a while, Steve and Tony had fallen asleep on top of each other and Clint, Wanda and Sam were just laying on the floor, specifically not doing anything.

"Guys, where's Pietro?" Clint asked after realizing the speedster wasn't around.

"He went back to bed," Bucky replied, filling his mouth with a handful of Pop tarts that he stole from Thor's bowl. The god of thunder slapped his hand away, making Bucky yelp in pain.

"Do not steal my meal," he growled in anger. Bucky just shrugged and continued anyway.

Hours passed and the gang were now watching Mean Girls. Their attention were fully on the show, they didn't realize that Pietro walked in. He lazily walked towards his friends, looking for a specific person. He found Clint and he went and hugged the archer from behind, startling his lover.

"Someone's finally awake," Clint said his eyes never leaving the screen. Pietro noticed his boyfriend wasn't returning the affection so he hugged him even tighter, whining slowly.

"And clearly clingy," Steve added looking at him. Clint turned to his boyfriend and kissed his forehead.
"What's wrong babe?" Clint asked him, wrapping his arms around the speedster's neck. Pietro didn't answer, instead he got in between Clint's legs and sat on him, facing him while his legs were wrapped around the archer's waist. He buried his face into his neck "Hold me please," he whispered softly making the other worried. Clint ran his fingers through his lover's soft silver hair, placing a longing kiss on his cheek.

"Are you ok?" He asked him clearly worried. It was rare to see Pietro quiet, sad or mad. He's always running around the house, shouting, playing, doing ridiculous things... Yes it annoyed the Avengers sometimes but that's Pietro for them, a loving, sweet chaotic idiot. The sad teen didn't reply instead he started whimpering softly holding onto Clint harder. "I want to be alone with y-you," he said, his body slightly shaking.

Clint quickly got up, carrying the silver headed boy back to their room, ignoring the others confused yet worried look. When they got there, he shut the door and slowly walked to their bed. Clint placed Pietro down ready to comfort him when all of a sudden, Pietro's hands grabbed his boyfriend by the shoulders and kissed him hard, Clint falling on top of him.

Clint was taken back but quickly melted into the kiss. He ran his hands all over the speedster's hair, grabbing his hair softly. It was short lived when Pietro pulled back, smiling ear to ear.
Clint was confused but later his eyes widened knowing that he had fallen into his boyfriend's trap.

"No, no, no, no, no Pietro! No!" He quickly got up and headed to the door but was blocked by the Quicksiver.

"C'mon babe, pleeaseeeeee!" Pietro begged nearly falling on his knees.

"You know I don't like cuddling," the archer whined, crossing his arms over his chest. It's no secret Clint doesn't like to cuddle. He wasn't a fan of staying in one position holding someone for a long time, even though it was his boyfriend.

"Clint please! Just this one time, I promise." He pouted.


"Just...please?" His voice slightly broke at the end, making Clint look at his boyfriend. His beautiful eyes slightly glossy, his lips pouting. God how could I say no to that face? Clint thought.
"I just want to be with you"

"F-fine! Only this one time and-" He didn't get to finish when he was attacked with a hug.

"Thank you!" He said smiling. Clint just chuckled and carried his boyfriend over to the bed. They took off their shoes and entered but Pietro stopped.

"I'll be right back!" He got up and ran to their closet, coming back in a split second, wearing Clint's huge blue hoodie which reached his mid thigh, showing off his smooth legs. His hair was a mess making him look cute and his cheeks were bright pink. The sleeves were hanging out making him have sweater paws... Damn, that's mine?! Clint thought referring to Pietro.

Clint was totally speechless.

"How do I look?" He asked twirling shyly in front of his boyfriend.

"God you're so beautiful," he replied breathlessly still admiring his lover. Pietro blushed and went to join Clint in bed. He held him, Pietro sliding in between his legs, his back leaning against his chest. The speedster leaned his head onto his lover's shoulders, looking up at him. Clint admired his boyfriend and slowly leaned in to kiss him.

"I love you baby," Clint said against his lips. "I need you to be wearing my hoodies more often. They look way better on you than on me"

He giggled. "That's a deal. I love you too bubba," Pietro replied smiling into the kiss. They continued cuddling, sharing short sweet kisses now and then, Clint slowly dragging his fingers up and down Pietro's smooth thighs calming the teen, having little conversations... It was peaceful.

Clint could definitely get used to this.


WC: 917

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