= My Hero~ Stucky =

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Third person POV

Steve couldn't take it anymore. His mind was blocked, his throat was burning, his breathing got shorter by the second.... He needed to get out of here. The argument got so loud, Steve felt like he was going to pass out. He ran out of the tower, tears pouring down.

It felt like he was running forever but his legs gave out finally and he collapsed in the middle of a random park. It was already dark outside, the sun had set and Steve was literally having a panic attack. He held his chest tightly, trying so hard to breath. I think I'm dying.

"Hey c'mon stay with me, please!" A voice filled the super soldier's ears. It wasn't helping.

"Shit, you're getting worse. Umm.. Look at me," the stranger held Steve's face and focused his gaze onto him. "Focus on me, yeah?" He whispered softly, making the blonde nod slowly.

"Follow my breaths, in...out...in...out...in, there you go. You're doing great." The man continued to calm Steve down and it was working. After some minutes, Steve's breathing was normal and he was calm.

He looked up to see the man who helped him. His eyes met steel blue eyes which made his heart flatter.

"T-Thank you," Steve said shyly. The man smiled and got up, holding his arm out to help Steve. He took it gratefully and got up on his feet, dusting his jeans off.

"Are you OK?" The stranger asked concerned. He knew who he was. He was talking to one of the Earth's Mightiest Hero, Captain America. He just didn't understand why he'd have such a bad panic attack, does he have it all the time?

"Yes, thanks to you..."

"Bucky." He introduced himself smiling. He might seem normal but he was dying inside! He knew Steve Rogers AKA Captain America was attractive but damn, this up close?! Dear God those lips look so good...Wait-

"Steve" The super soldier smiled back looking at him.

"I know who you are, It's kinda big for me. I'm talking to Captain America." He laughed making the blonde's smile drop slightly. He remembered why he had an attack. He stumbled back slightly before Bucky went and caught him.

"Hey, calm down. I got you," The man walked him up to a bench and they sat down. Steve covered his face with his hands, sighing deeply.

"It's all my fault," he whispered. Bucky's heart immediately dropped when he heard the broken voice. He moved a bit closer to him.

"Don't over think it too much please? It's not good for you," he whispered softly to the blonde man. He didn't know what was going on but Bucky knew how Steve felt. He has had such attacks all his life and over thinking made things worse. Steve clearly didn't listen when he started shaking, tears flooding his eyes.

Bucky didn't even have time to think when he wrapped his arms around Steve. Steve didn't even care, instead he hugged the brunette hard, his face buried into his neck. He cried softly, wetting Bucky's shirt.

"I'm s-sorry," Steve hiccupped, making Bucky hold him more tighter.

"It's OK. Cry it all out. You don't have to talk about it if you're uncomfortable," Bucky said, running his hands up and down Steve's back to calm him. They were alone in the park. The lights were bright nicely and the night was silent. It was peaceful.

"Can l?" Steve asked after a few minutes of silence. Bucky was really sweet to him by helping him with his attack earlier and he was grateful so why not tell him his problems? He has been bottling up all his feelings and stress for a long time now and he desperately needed to talk to someone.

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