= I'm with you (till the end of time) =

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The lovely title was inspired from Sebastian's comment on Anthony's post in IG a while ago and I NEED IT TO BE TATTOOED ON ME ISTG-

At this point, yall just gotta accept that this has become a SamBucky one-shot book.



The smell of bacon danced in the air and fresh brewed coffee filled his nose as Bucky got out of the shower, shirtless and his joggers hanging slightly low as water dripped from his hair onto his chest and abs, heading to the kitchen where he found Sam humming a familiar tune, fixing the delicious treat in two plated with is sweater hanging over one of his shoulders, exposing his beautiful skin. Bucky slowly walked up to him and wrapped his hands around the other's waist, kissing the exposed skin repeatedly

"You impending my actions, Buck." Sam chuckled as he fell back to his hold, enjoying the fresh smell of Lavender and honey shampoo on him. "I don't care," Bucky shrugged as he picked Sam up and placed him on the counter, further from their breakfast as Sam wrapped his hands around Bucky's neck and Bucky moved forward between his legs and settled on the crook of his neck, placing light kisses.

"Why do you have to come downstairs like this? I'm tryna have breakfast, not you." Sam teased as he brushed his fingers through the wet hair, untangling some knots. Bucky blushed and rolled his eyes.

"I wanna stay in your arms forever," Bucky said softly, his eyes falling into Sam's dark ones which were filled with so much love and adoration. He would never understand how he got so lucky to have such a strong and loving man right beside him but he doesn't take it for granted, he made him happy.

"And I'll let you," Sam replied back, leaning forward and resting his head on the other's. Their lips met a few seconds later, nothing but love and adoration between them as they held each other.

"I'm with you till the end of..." Bucky started off but didn't finish as he felt the next word foreign in his tongue and a dull ache rising to his chest. Sam must've noticed when he held his cheek and smiled at him, "Till the end of time, sweetheart."


"Baby, wake up c'mon." Bucky held Sam down softly on the bed as he turned and turned, crying in his sleep and finally shot up with a scream. He looks around frantically, breathing heavily and sweating as his eyes met worried ones.

"B-Bucky?" He crocked, his voice being rough and scared. "I'm here love, I'm right here." Bucky immediately wrapped his arms around Sam and held him, letting his love cry his heart out, clutching to his shirt. Bucky rubbed soothing circles in his back as he kissed his head, whispering sweet nothings to him.

"You're here with me. Nothing is going to hurt you. I love you, okay? I'm with you till the end of time." Bucky said as he held Sam's beautiful face between his palms. Sam nodded as he sunk back to Bucky's hold.

"Till the end of time."


It was raining heavily and the couple were sprawled in the couch with blankets all over and snacks, watching Tangled (Bucky's pick). Sam wasn't really paying attention to the movie for he was admiring his boyfriend who was so lost in it, making small adorable expressions whenever he saw something he likes or a dialogue he finds amusing, his eyes wide and bright whenever a song started paying, especially "I See The Light." Sam could never get over how pure and innocent he looks while watching the scene and he sent a silent thank you to God for letting it rain because it was dark and they had switched off the lights so the scene clearly luminated the room into a rather dim orange light, focusing on Bucky's face mostly.

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