= SamBucky Smut =

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Idk what the title is BUT I present you......
Top Sam and Bottom Bucky...
Coz it's hot😽


x x

Sam was in his office working when Bucky entered without him realizing it.

"Sam?" Bucky called to him softly but Sam was too deep into his work to hear his boyfriend. Bucky walked to him and sat on his lap, stranding him and distracting him.

"Bucky? Baby, I gotta work, please get off me." Sam whined as he tried to get to his laptop but the other didn't let him.

"You've been working all morning Sam and you haven't even had breakfast. Take a break please? I'm lonely." Bucky said as he started to press light kisses on his neck.

Sam wanted to complain but his baby boy was making him feel so good. "Okay fine. You should distract me like this more often baby boy," Sam smiled as he snaked his hands around Bucky's waist, pulling him closer. Bucky smiled against his skin and started grinding down on Sam's crotch.

"Mmh, daddy" Bucky moaned as he buried his face into his boyfriend's neck. Sam smirked and lifted Bucky's shirt up, tracing his fingers on his thighs, up to his ass.

"Want daddy to take care of you?" Sam whispered as he grabbed Bucky's ass suddenly, making the other moan loudly.

"Yes please! Oh God yes" He was practically going faster before Sam stopped him.

"Let's go somewhere comfortable sweetheart."

x x

Bucky fell on the large bed as Sam came and climbed on top of him, immediately attacking his lips. The two were a moaning mess, Bucky opening his mouth and Sam kissing every inch of his mouth. He went down to his neck, kissing and sucking his skin, leaving marks there. Sam got rid of Bucky's shirt and went down his chest, kiss after kiss, sucking and pinching his nipples making them erect.

"Fuck," Bucky whispered as he closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling that filled his stomach. Sam got up and removed his shirt, going back to the boy's v-line. He gently unzipped his pants and got rid of them , throwing it in a corner. Sam smirked as he saw a small patch of wetness infront of his boxers. Precum.

"You're dripping for me baby boy. How much do you want me?" Sam asked as he kissed the boner through the boxers making the other gasp.

"Oh daddy, I want you inside me so b-bad. Fill me up with your cock please" Bucky cried as he thrusted his hips up, wanting more from Sam's mouth. Sam smiled and got rid of the boxers and his pants also. Bucky's dick was hard and precum was dripping down from his slit. God, that sight drove Sam mad.

He took in Bucky's dick into his mouth, licking his slit and the long vein beneath. Bucky's eyes widened as he moaned softly. In a few minutes, Bucky released into Sam's mouth with a long moan. Sam gracefully drank all of his white liquid, getting up and kissing him.

"Taste yourself baby. You taste so good, like fucking heaven." Bucky kissed him, moaning at the taste.

"Can I suck you daddy?" Bucky asked eagerly, his eyes were diluted, his cheeks were flushed and his lips were swollen from the kiss. Sam would cum right there just at the sight of his hot, horny boyfriend. Sam got up and Bucky followed him right after, immediately dropping on his knees. He grabbed the 10 inch dick and put it in his mouth, moaning as he started bobbing his head in and out slowly. Sam moaned and gripped his hair.

"Fuck my love, your mouth is a masterpiece" He praised his baby boy, earning a response of moaning. Bucky looked up at him and stopped.

"Daddy, fuck my mouth please. I need it rough." Oh God, how Sam wanted to destroy his precious boy right here. Pounding him and breaking him, making him scream and beg for him. He started thrusting his hips in and our harshly, making Bucky choke and gag in pleasure, saliva dripping down his chin. Tears were spilling from his eyes and he moaned like crazy, sending vibrations through the man's dick, rolling his eyes back when he came for the second time. Sam followed as he shot his load inside his mouth, Bucky drinking it all but some pouring out. He collected them with his fingers and licked them, looking directly into Sam's eyes.

"Such a good boy for daddy huh? You did so well. Now, get in bed and spread your legs for me" Sam ordered and Bucky obeyed, making Sam admire his pink hole. The dark skinned man started licking and flickering his tongue inside his hole,, driving Bucky absolutely nuts. He got up and went for the lube, coating his fingers with it. He entered one, thrusting in and out.

"Mmh, just fuck me already Sam, I'm ready" Bucky whimpered and made Sam laugh.

"Patience baby. I'll make you feel good." He kissed his inner thigh as he entered his second finger, scissoring his hole. It was ready and he pulled his four fingers out, admiring the way it was puckered. He lined himself and thrusted forward, Bucky immediately grabbed the sheets as Sam picked up the pace. He grabbed his legs and placed them in his shoulders, going faster.

Bucky moaned and cried, wanting Sam to go faster and harder.

"Mmh, you like that baby? When I pound your tight little hole? God, you're so fucking tight around me. Such a good boy" Sam whispered in his ears as he went faster and harder.

"Oh God yes! Sam, you fill me up so good, fucking destroy my insides daddy!" Bucky gasped when Sam picked up the pace. The room was filled with the sound of skin-slapping, loud moans and bed creaks. Sam groaned as he mercilessly fucked Bucky, aiming for his prostate and he found it.

"Fuck! Right there daddy! Don't stop fuck yessss" Bucky moaned as he grabbed on his arms, possibly digging his nails in.

"Shit baby" Sam went in and out like his life depended on it. Bucky could've sworn he started seeing stars.

"Ohmygod yes yes Sam I'm so close"

"Just hold it in for a little longer my love, think you can do that for me?" Sam asked breathlessly as he continued to pound him, in and out, kissing his neck.

Bucky closed his eyes as bliss filled him, he couldn't get correct words out of his mouth, he was a moaning mess.

"S-Sam I can't please daddy-" Bucky begged nearly in tears. He wanted to release so badly.

Sam grabbed the other's dick.and stroked it faster, "So good baby boy. Cum for me baby, I got you. Fucking cum for daddy."

With those words and one last thrust, Bucky screamed as he spilled into Sam's hand, chest and his own stomach, shaking so hard from the intense climax. Sam felt himself getting too close.

"Cum inside me daddy" Bucky managed to say as he managed to finish, small streaks of white liquid coming out. Sam released in him, moaning inside his baby's neck and stayed inside as they both finished their climax. Sam finally pulled out, his cum oozing out of Bucky's hole, Bucky moaning at the feeling.

"You filled me up so good daddy," He smiled as he sat up, ass on the air and shook it, more cum dripping down his legs. Sam licked all of it, not swallowing it but kissing his lover, passing the cum to him.

They fell on the bed and Sam pulled Bucky close to him, cuddling him.

"We need to clean up." Bucky stated but he was honestly too tired to wake up so Sam laughed when he heard soft snores coming out from him. Hr kissed his forehead and drifted off to sleep.

I'm sorry for this. My best friend might or might have not made me sorta horny-

If there's any spelling mistakes or incorrect grammar, I'll check it out later coz I wrote this in class heheh. Or y'all could correct it if you wanna.

Also PLEASEEEEEEE can you guys request which ships I can do? I swear this book will be filled with Stony and SamBucky and I'm not even complaining lmaooo! I only know a few (like 5 ships) and I know there are many, I just don't know them khkdjkska so please drop some names. Thank you babiesss<3

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