= Babysitting ~ Spiderfrost =

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Requested by: hazza-luobear124 ty! <3

Summary: Tony and Steve are out for a business meeting and Loki is forced to babysit baby Peter.


"You cannot be serious!" Loki said looking at Tony and Steve with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry snowflake but we have no other option! We have to go for this meeting and someone needs to take care of Peter while we're gone." Tony responded while he was fixing his tie.

Peter was in the bed, playing with spiderman and deadpool action figures happily.

"What about Pepper? She can take care of him"

"She's coming with us"


"I love Clint but I don't want to come and pick my baby from the chimney"


"He's basically 'allergic' to kids"


"Loki, please? We chose you because we trust you. I promise we won't be gone for long" Steve cut him off, smiling at him. Loki looked back at his small nephew and sighed in defeat.

"Ok ok, I'll look over Peter" Loki rolled his eyes.

"Thank you sweetie" Tony hugged him. Peter looked up at his dad, his big brown eyes starting to fill with tears.

"Daddy?" Peter spoke, his lips slightly shaking. Tony went and picked his son.

"Aw baby. Pops and I are going to work so uncle Loki will take care of you. We'll be back, don't worry ok?" Tony kissed his son cheeks and smiled at him.

"If you behave like a good boy, we'll come back with many toys" Steve suggested making the 2 year old eyes light up.

He nodded fast and hugged both his dads. Pepper walked in a few seconds later in a black suit and her blonde hair tied up in a ponytail.

"Are we ready to go guys?" She asked as she approached the three males.
She saw Peter and kissed him on the forehead leaving a faint red lipstick on him making him giggle.

"Aw, such an angel" Pepper cooed as Tony handled him to a bored Loki. "Yes we're ready, let's go. Bye Loki" The three headed to the door

"Don't kill my son Loki!" Steve shouted in the doorway before closing it.

"Wouldn't dream of it!" Loki responded sarcastically. He left the couple's shared bedroom and headed downstairs to get a light snack. It was 2pm in the afternoon and Loki didn't have anything to do.

He went and set Peter down on the couch and looked at him. "So, what do you want to do?" He asked the baby. Peter just looked up at him with big innocent eyes and started sucking on his fingers, giggling lightly.

Loki sighed. "Of course you can't respond" He mumbled to himself. So, he just took his bowl of potato crisps and sat down on the couch next to Peter and picked up his book.

He was so focused onto the storyline that he didn't notice Peter was on top of him playing with his long black locks, until he pulled it down hard.

"Ow! You beast, get down!" Loki hissed and took Peter off of his back and placed him next to him.

"Do not touch my hair again." Loki warned him as if he could agree. Peter stared blankly at him and started looking at his book which was laying on his chest. Loki took it and continued reading.

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