= Happy ending ~Stony =

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I was somehow inspired by a comment on this amazing song!😂❤

Bonus, the song is really good. I prefer it slower.

Prompt: It was Tony's birthday and his "friends" were supposed to celebrate with him but stood him up until he met a group of amazing people.

Side ships: SamBucky

*They're living normal lives!*


Tony was so excited for it was his 20th birthday. It was on a weekend so he first decided to just sleep in late that day. Until, his parents barged in with a wide smile on their faces. He mentally groaned.

"Sweetie, how are you still not up? It's 9am!" His mum sat at the end of the bed while his dad stayed at the door.

"It's Saturday muuum" Tony whined and covered my head with the blanket to block them out.

"And it's also your birthday so get up and come have breakfast!" She tries to pull down the blanket but Tony held onto it tighter.

"Gimme 10 more minutes" he groaned and his mum finally let go of the covers and stood up.

"Ok fine. I guess you don't want pancakes then-"

Tony was already out of the room and ran down and the flight of stairs to the kitchen making his parents laugh. They joined him later at the counter, enjoying their breakfast.

"So, what's the plan for your birthday buddy?" His dad asked.

"M' don't know" Tony spoke up, his mouth slightly full with the delicious pancakes.

"Manners," his mom warned. "We should just do what we do every year! Eat amazing breakfast, go expensive shopping, come back and bake stuff then end up watching a movie with ice cream," she said as she cleared out the dishes off the counter.

"C'mon! I'm 20 now! I don't wanna continue with that dumb tradition!" Tony complained as he went and flopped on the couch, surfing the smart TV for something to watch.

"Oh I know you didn't mean that!" His dad shouted from the kitchen making Tony smile. He wouldn't admit it but he loved every single minute his spends with his parents on his birthday. They always have a good time and he was grateful for that.

"Sorry hun but until you have a good plan, you're stuck with us," she kissed his son's forehead and headed upstairs to get her laptop to do some little work.

Half of the day, Tony spent it with his parents by baking cakes and cookies for tonight, texting with his friends while receiving amazing wishes. It was now evening and they decided to go shopping. They preferred going shopping late in the evening because the mall wasn't too crowded like it is during the day. They spent money on so many expensive things, they almost bought the whole mall!

After 2 hours, Mr. Stark was finishing up paying the things they bought when Tony got a text.

Ryan: Yo! Meet me up at the park! We have something special planned!

"Mum, dad I gotta go! My friends need have something for me!" Tony exclaimed in happiness when his. parents looked at him confused.

"Why? We still haven't eaten the cake," his dad said.

"I know but please? You guys have had your fun with me for 19 years now! I'm grown up!" Tony pouted, making his parents give in.

"Fine you can go, but you better be home before 11!" He hugged them and headed out of the store and ran to the said spot. The brunette was wearing a grey long sleeved shirt and some blue jeans with white sneakers. His hair was designed in a cute mess, some strands falling on his face.

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