= Stony/Stucky =

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Do people still read this? Lol

Also I'll stop giving titles to my one shots coz I suck at them hehe. I'll just be writing the ship names instead.


Thanos' army started fading slowly, disappearing one by one, Thanos finally being the last.

It's over. We did it. Steve thought smiling through teary eyes.

Everyone went and hugged each other, holding each other desperately crying happily. They won.

"Tony?" Steve looked around for his lover and so were the others. Until Rhodey spotted him, weak and nearly dying.

"Oh my God...." Rhodey whispered and everyone looked at his direction. They ran to Tony. He was leaning on a stone, half of his face burnt, his body very weak and his arc reactor slowly starting to dim.

"Hey baby i-it's me, I'm h-here" Steve kneeled down facing his husband. Tears rolled down his cheeks nonstop his heart deeply aching.

"C-Capsicle...." Tony whispered faintly, looking at him with a tiny smile.

"We won doll, we did it, you did it." Steve held into Tony's hands, kissing his fingers lightly holding against his lips. This was not supposed to happen. They were supposed to win the war and go home. They were supposed to retire and start a brand new life with their lovely children Peter and Morgan somewhere else. They were supposed to grow old with each other. They promised each other. Tony dying was not part of the plan.

Steve was trembling, crying so hard while the others were sobbing silently behind him. He couldn't handle the thought of Tony leaving him, it was too early, too soon.

"You a-are s-so brave b-baby, you k-know that? God I-I can't e-even explain h-how proud I a-am o-of you" Tony whispered, his breath getting slower by the second. Steve's heart broke more. He didn't want him to leave yet.

"I know Tony it's ok" Steve leaned his forehead against Tony's, stroking his cheek softly.

"T-Take care o-of Peter a-and M-Morgan ok? Take c-care of e-everyone" Tony's eyes got heavy. Peter watched his parents and cried silently, hugging Pepper. He was heartbroken that he was going to lose his father but nothing could ever match the pain his Pops, Steve, was feeling. He needed this moment with his husband.

"B-Bucky?" Tony called onto the metal armed man weakly, Bucky coming to his side quickly. "Yes?" Bucky was in tears too.

"Take c-care of my S-Stevie p-please? He's m-my everything" Tony's weak voice filled the dying atmosphere.

"I will. I p-promise" Bucky responded as he looked at Steve with such a broken expression.

Steve choked, sobbing loudly. "I love you so much Tony I will take care of our family. P-Please wait for me?" Steve looked into his lover's eyes, which were pale.

Tony smiled weakly, meaning he would wait. His eyes slowly moved over to the group. His family. He smiled, telling them it's going to be okay. They will be fine.

"J.A.R.V.I.S? Vitals?" Steve asked, his voice breaking. It felt like they waithed forever but finally responded

"His heart beat is dropping slowly Mister Rogers...." The AL responded.

"You can rest now" Steve said, trying his best not to scream. His Tony was leaving him.

Tony's eyes closed and his arc reactor went black. He was gone. And so was Steve's heart.

He got up after a few minutes of crying silently, his mind going blank and heart numb.


The funeral was a small gathering, only the Avengers attending with the Guardians of Galaxy. Nick Fury, Agent Hill and Carol Danvers also joined to pay their respect to their Earth's Mightiest Defender.

Peter was beside his Pops, holding each other with Steve carrying little Morgan, as they watched the bouquet of flowers swim away.... "proof that Tony Stark has a heart"

The funeral ended and everyone went back to their respective homes, Carol, Thor, Loki, Nick, Maria and the Guardians of Galaxy promising Steve that they'll be dropping by regularly to check in on him. Steve was so grateful of his family. He wouldn't know what to do without them.

Steve was now alone in his bedroom, staring at New York City's view. He remembered how much him and Tony would stay up all night, cuddling while admiring the view, telling each other everything and anything, kissing him slowly and passionately and making love to him like there was no tomorrow. Memories flooded in making his heart break more. He wasn't going to experience it anymore.

"Stevie?" A soft voice broke his thoughts as he turned his gaze to see Bucky, standing on the door way with a small smile.

"H-Hey Buck" Steve responded as he looked down. Bucky got in and closed the door. He walked to Steve and lifted his face up, his fingers under his chin. Steve didn't even realize he was crying when Bucky wiped his cheeks slowly.

"Hey, I know it's not going to be easy but I promise, I'll be here for you everyday. I'll help you get through this. Tony wouldn't want to see you cry over him would he? He'd want you to be happy and to continue to live your best life, being the happy, energetic and lovely Stevie you've always been. Full of life" Bucky whispered softly holding Steve's red face in his hands.

"I...." Steve breathed out, his voice cracking. "I just really miss him Buck" he said as he closed his eyes, more tears streaming down his face. Bucky hugged him, Steve hugging him back strongly but not too much, burying his face into Bucky's neck. The other soldier rubbed his back soothingly, calming him down. He didn't say anything, he didn't have to. He knew Steve needed someone and he was there for him. He made sure Steve would be happy again. He deserved it.

"Darling? Look," Bucky pointed at the sky from inside the large room and Steve pulled out of his grip. He saw a star shining so bright, dominating the others beautifully.

"That's Tony telling you that you'll be okay, everything will be okay. Don't cry any more" Bucky held Steve's hands and admired the star also.

Steve smiled through his teary blue eyes, looking up the sky.

"Doll? My love, please tell me this is a sign that you're here with me. I'll try to continue with my life, for you and for the others. Please wait for me. Always look after me and our family, all of us. I love you so much. Steve said in his mind, hoping Tony heard him. Little did he know, his Tony heard everything.

"I'll look after everyone baby. I'm always with you Capsicle. I love you too dearly, Forever and always. I'll be waiting for you."

Steve breathed in deeply and closed his eyes. He felt his lover in the air. His heart was finally at peace. Tony was there with him. He opened his eyes and saw Bucky looking at him with a proud smile. He leaned in and rested his head on Bucky's shoulders, Bucky stroking his hair softly and planted a soft kiss on his forehead

Steve knew he was going to be ok. He was going to be just fine.

Friendly reminder: Always be there for your loved ones. Check in on them and make sure that they're okay. You don't know what they might be going through...😔❤
WC: 1175

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