= It's okay not to be okay =

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The water droplets hit Bucky's skin, washing away all his fears and stress as he sat at the rooftop with nothing but his tank top and sweatpants. The wind wasn't strong but the smell of the wet earth danced in his nose, making him sync with the world.

This is where he always wants to be. In the rain, alone, where no one can see his sadness, where he can't disturb anyone with his problems but he can't exactly stay away from everyone.

"Buck..." Even through the rain, his soft voice, that always gave Bucky butterflies, his favorite sound ever called out to him. Bucky didn't turn, he closed his eyes as he tried to battle the incoming tears. That voice held so many emotions. Sympathy, warmth, sadness but mostly love. Bucky didn't need that now because he knew Sam would tear him down, layers by layers until he was too vulnerable. Bucky didn't want to explain anything, it would make his heart ache more.

Sam's presence joined Bucky, the rain getting more violent but in the best way. Bucky's gaze remained at the view under his feet as Sam studied him, his heart aching for him. Sam knew how much Bucky was struggling and how strong he was trying to be on his own, he didn't want that. Sam needed Bucky to know that he's never alone.

He intervened his fingers with Bucky's already cold ones and felt Bucky stiffen, letting go of a breath he's been holding. They stayed there in silence, the raindrops filling the silence. Bucky then looked up at the sky, with his eyes closed, squeezing Sam's hand. Not everyone would see it, but Sam saw it. Teardrops ran down that gorgeous face, joining the raindrops as they raced to hit the ground. He was ready to break down completely but didn't want to scare Sam away, he couldn't handle being alone right now.

Sam lifted their intervened hand and placed a soft kiss on Bucky's hand, lingering for a while, looking at him. "It's okay, I'm here."

Those words did it. It took those words for Bucky to remove a sob from his throat before letting it all out. The pain, the hurt, everything.

Sam wrapped his arms around the fragile man, having his head laid against his chest and held him, kissing his wet hair and running his hand up and down his back. "I dont wanna feel like this Sammy," Bucky mumbled, his eyes shut while more tears fell. He felt like his heart was ready to explode, he felt like he was out of breathe, his throat was closing up and his head pondering. His emotions were everywhere and he hated it.

"I know baby, I know." If it were possible, Sam could've taken all Bucky's pain and suffering out of him and carried it all because the poor soul has been through enough. Bucky was grateful for one thing though, he was grateful that Sam was here for him. Will he be there for long though?

"Please don't give up on me yet? I'm trying so hard." Bucky chocked a sob as he held onto Sam as if he was ready to run away and leave him.

Sam blinked tears as he slowly lifted Buck's face to meet his gaze. No matter what state Bucky was in, he never failed to take Sam's breath away. His blue orbs held so much sadness, his lips and cheeks were red, highlighting his pale face and strands of his hair stuck on his face. His beautiful broken love.

"I will never give up on you, no matter what. I'll always be here for you through everything, no matter how things get hard or bad, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Got that?" Bucky looked deep into his lover's eyes and felt like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders. Sam was here with him, he was here for him.

"You don't have to go through this alone, you know that. I want to share everything with you; your joy, your success and mostly your pain. We're in this for the long run, it's me and you against the world." Bucky felt the world came to a stop, that it was only him and Sam.

He closed the gap between them and kissed him slowly, wanting to feel everything the man had to offer, and he offered so much. Sam could taste Bucky's salty tears but it didn't matter, he brought his hand and cupped his face, wiping whatever tears that were left, even though it didn't do anything because of the rain. Sam was so gentle with him it almost made Bucky cry again. No one treated him like this except Sam. He never got why he gave him so much love yet he felt like he couldn't return it back.

They broke off, resting on each other's foreheads. Bucky broke a smile, hitting Sam's chest playfully, "I hate how considerate you always are," He mumbled, hiding his face against Sam's neck. The other man laughed, bringing music to Bucky's ears.

"The rain might cover your tears but that won't fool me, I know those sad blue eyes when I see them," He said, rubbing his back slowly while kissing is head. Bucky internally rolled his eyes, not at Sam but at his stupidly generosity and perfection. How did he get so lucky?

"You wanna go back in the house?" Sam asked, feeling Bucky shiver slightly at the cold. He nodded and Sam got up first, untangling himself from his lover, already missing the warmth despite of the cold and reaching his hand out to lift Bucky up. They stayed there for a while, looking at each other before Sam pecking Bucky's lips.

At the end of the night, Sam got Bucky his favorite bath, filling the bathtub with his favorite soap and bubbles. pepped him with kisses all over making Bucky giggle, bringing untold happiness to Sam, made him hot cocoa with marshmallows, got him in Sam's sweater and watched Luca while cuddled up together, feeling nothing but love and secure.

It's how he wanted to feel forever. And with Sam, he knew he'd feel it.


Oh how to be them-

It's a short one but oh well


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