= I Guess I'm In Love =

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You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find- Clinton Keane


"Uh, Steve?" Natasha called out to him while her eyes never left a certain super soldier in the kitchen. Steve followed her gaze and held the same expression that Natasha had: confusion. He then got up from the bar stool and walked to his best friend, "Buck?"


"You do know that the sugar goes inside the coffee, right? And the cereal goes in the bowl?"

"Uh huh."

"Then why are you drowning the cereal box with coffee and dumping the honey puffs into the coffee machine?" Natasha pointed out, snapping Bucky out of a deep haze he was in.

Bucky cursed lowly under his breathe as he discarded the half box of soggy honey puffs into the trashcan. "You okay pal?" Steve asked worriedly, watching his best friend leave the kitchen and slump down the round couch in the living room. It was morning and only the three avengers were awake, as usual, by 7am. Bucky was especially excited for this particular day, beating Steve by being the first one to witness the sun rise, coloring the sky pink and orange hues as the city slowly woke up. He found the peace alluring and watching the sun rise, thinking it was oddly romantic, which brought him to this exact point, being stressed.

"Sam isn't up yet?" Nat asked, giving Bucky a cup of coffee which he was immediately grateful for. "No, he didn't join us for our run, which is also another worrying thing.." Steve took his spot next to Bucky.

His eyebrows furrowed and he held his hands together, "Is there something going on with you two?"  Bucky's eyes went wide, "What? No!"

"Oh thank God!" Steve breathed out dramatically, feeling relieved, "Drama queen." Natasha rolled her eyes at him, "Then why is your mind all over the place?"

Bucky gnawed on his bottom lip, "Today's a special day..." He mumbled as he set his eyes on his hands, fiddling with them. Nat and Steve shared a look before an erupt of loud squeals, especially from Natasha, startled the nervous super soldier.

"Today is you and Sam's third anniversary!" Natasha almost yelled, making Bucky hush her by throwing a pillow but she dodged it, "Shut up, you'll wake everyone up!" 

"Well, too late." Tony walked to them with a cup of lemon water in his hand, "I'm not gonna greet anyone with a good morning because Natasha ruined it."

"Please, you weren't even asleep."

"Yeah, but still." Tony went and kissed his husband, "Only my baby gets a good morning." Steve smiled and wrapped his hands around the other's waist, holding him on his one lap, "Good morning to you too, my love."

"Ugh, wrap it up please." Bucky rolled his eyes, earning a comeback from Tony, "Aw, did someone not get cuddles last night?"

"Eat my ass."

"Tempting offer..." 

"No."  Steve deadpanned. Tony laughed and kissed Steve's cheek, "I'm joking, your ass is way better."

It was Natasha's time to roll her eyes, "Ew. Can we please go back to why Bucky's nervous instead of being happy?"

Bucky groaned as his head hit the pillow behind him when all the attention was directed to him, "I wanna do something romantic for Sam this year but I can't, I hate romantic shit."

"Yet you like all the romantic 'shit' he does for you," Tony replied, taking a sip of his drink.

"Okay, are we going to ignore the fact he's drinking lemon water?" Bucky pointed at Tony.

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