= 2023💫 =

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The team of superheroes were already seated on the big couch of the living room's tower, chattering and talking loudly, mostly getting themselves into position.

"Is everybody present?" Steve asked walking over and standing behind the camera, looking over his friends to see if they were all there.

"No, I can't find Clint and Pietro nor the others." Natasha said, her arm around Wanda's waist.

"And where the hell is Bruce?" Tony looked over Thor's side, who in return furrowed his eyebrows, "I could've sworn he was beside me a minute ago,"

Steve rolled his eyes, "Go find him and the rest please, we're running out of time."

Thor was up and gone to look for the missing people. Loki groaned loudly as he lifted his legs up to rest on top of his boyfriend's thighs, "Why are we here again?"

"We're here because we're good people and we want to do a good deed." Stephen patted the god's legs smiling.

"Okay but why?" Loki wasn't still moved. Stephen sighed and leaned forward closer to Loki who was beside him and whispered into his ears.

Turning instantly red and flustered, he bit his lip and smiled, "You should've led with that."  Stephen laughed as Loki rested his head on the couch, face still red.

"Found him!" Thor came in, carrying a whining Bruce in his arms and setting him on the god's lap, "He was in the lab."

Tony gasped, "How dare you go there after threatening to kill me if I dared enter the lab?!"

"I wanted to finish on some few papers, it's not a big deal!" Bruce was quick to jump in before Tony started complaining again. Thor had held the smaller man tightly, his large arms covering Bruce's waist as he started giving him multiple kisses on his face and neck, "Give yourself a break today and stay with me." Thor whined, earning giggles from the scientist who eventually agreed.

"Barf," Tony teased.

"Captain, keep him company before he gets bored." Loki said, eyeing Tony with a smirk.

"As much as I wanna cuddle with him, we have to get done with this so-"

"We're here, calm down, don't get your American whities in a bunch." Clint entered the large room, Vision, Scott, Peter, Wade, Valkyrie, Carol, Pietro, Bucky, Sam and Yelena following behind.

"Thank God!" Wanda sighed, waking Natasha up who had dozed off on the Maximoff's shoulder.

"Everyone, get in position." Steve had set the countdown and found his space in between Stephen and Tony, "Why you insisted on recording this with your old camera when we're in modern technology, I'll never understand." Tony shrugged, earning a hard nudge from Bucky.

"In three, two, one...."

"Hello everyone!" Steve smiled brightly at the camera, "We are the Avengers and we have a special message for you."

Yes, you. You. The one reading this, it's you. Don't look behind, it's still you, darling.

"It has been quite a year, hasn't it? Some will say it has been good, some will say it has been the worst, some don't even have a description to it but to me as always it has been a blast," Tony's smirk had the whole group groaning, "but that's not the point!"

"Exactly, the point is you've made it to the last day of this year and we're so proud of you," Steve said smiling warmly.

"You have gone through what can possibly be the worst days of your lives and thought you'd never make it, but here you are, looking as beautiful as ever in your pajamas, breathing in and out calmly as you listen to us," Wanda spoke up, her accent smooth and soft.

"Don't worry, we've also had our tough moments and obstacles, so never stop to think that you are alone," Carol said, her hands intertwined with Valkyrie, "We are here with you." The king of Asgard finished her girlfriend's words.

"So what we want you to do is, keep the following in your hearts and never forget what we're going to say," Clint followed.

"This year is your best one yet, it's your year, I can literally feel it in my veins!" Peter started cheerfully.

"You are beautiful and precious, just the way you are." Wade smiled.

"No matter what this year will through at you, you're stronger and braver than ever to conquer it," Thor's voice boomed with power.

"And it's okay to take a break when you need it, you're only human. Breath and relax, it's also okay to not be okay, feel your emotions. It means you're alive." Bruce said and immediately started blushing at Thor's silent praises to him.

"You're gorgeous and let me tell you this, you own your life so no matter what your family or friends tell you, remember the avengers said it better, you're important and where you are right now is where you're supposed to be. Drop the idiots who are trying to bring you down." Pietro nodded at his words, making the others laugh.

"Exactly, you're the CEO of your own life babe. Hire, fire, promote accordingly." Natasha winked, smirking so effortlessly.

"Continue smiling and being a light to this world, don't let the darkness take that lovely light away from you," Loki stated coolly.

"Your energy and worth are very valuable and priceless, don't give any of it to the low lives and don't settle for less." Yelena warned with a vicious yet warm tone.

"Don't compare yourself to anyone because you're perfect just the way you are, your flaws and scars only show that you've lived and they are beautiful in their own way." Bucky spoke up, smiling.

"You are valid. All of every single one of you." Sam wrapped his hand around Bucky's shoulders, "no one has the right to tell you otherwise."

"Be silly, live life, love unconditionally, laugh so fucking loud, trust me, it's so much fun doing it because you don't care what anyone says or who is looking. You only have one life, don't waste it focusing on who thinks what blah blah, please be weird!" Scott high fives Peter.

And last but not least, Vision, "We are proud of you. The avengers are proud of you for how far you've come. We want you to give yourself some credit because we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your love and support. Feel that beating heart in your chest? Protect it, it's special, just like you." He concluded with a soft smile.

"Till the end of the line," Steve and Bucky chorused.

"Always and forever," the rest of the group followed.

" We love you 3000. Happy new year."


Hopefully this brings a tiny smile on your face, the avengers did send me to share this to all of you loves sooo...👀

Thank you for your support on this book, I love each and every one of you beautiful souls and I can't wait to upload more chapters.

Happy 2023, mwah x.

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