= I'm back~ Thorki =

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Thor had watched his brother get murdered by Thanos right in front of his eyes and he couldn't do anything for he was trapped. He watched as Thanos threw his lifeless body to the ground and he shouted, muffles coming out of his mouth. When he was set free from his metal traps, he slowly crawled his way to his brother's body in pain.

"No, Loki" He laid his head on top of his chest, not caring if the whole place was going to be blown up in ashes. Thanos was going to pay fo what he did.

"I promise you brother, the sun will shine on us again."

He wanted his brother back.

The war had began, the team was fighting aliens and monsters in Wakanda when Thor came with a huge thunder strike, killing thousands of those creatures instantly.

"Bring me Thanos!" He shouted as he continued to kill half of them, having one thought in mind, Thanos must pay for his brother's death. They tried to keep them out of Vision's reach so that they couldn't get the mind stone. Thanos was one stone away from wiping half of the universe, they couldn't let that happen.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve alerted one of the them and Bruce went right after him. He fought one off but others kept coming and his suit armor was failing, he needed help. Captain America came and helped Vision and so did the others when Vision's stone acted up.

"What is it?" Wanda asked.

"He's here."

And there he was, with his gauntlet in his hand, ready to stop the Avengers. The superheroes gave everything they had but it was no use. Thanos was too powerful with the five stones.

"Don't worry, you can't hurt me. I only feel you." Vision said to his lover as Wanda used her powers to destroy the last stone. She was heartbroken, she didn't want to see him gone but it was the right thing to do, to save the universe. Before Thanos could get to him, the stone had already been destroyed to pieces but he had other plans.

He used the Time Stone to go back a few minutes ago. Wanda tried to stop him but he knocked her over and took the stone off of Vision's head by force, leaving him cold and gone. He had gotten all the stones.

Just when he was about to snap his fingers, Thor came flying in and threw stormbreaker right at him, piercing through his chest to his heart.

"I told you, you'll pay for that." Thor growled as he pushed stormbreaker deeper into Thanos making his scream in agony and pain.

"You...you should've gone for the head" And he snapped his fingers. Thor stood there speechless as he watched Thanos disappear into a portal, his weapon dropping.

It started with Bucky. One by one, everyone vanished, leaving the few who stayed scared and confused.

They had lost.

Thor was in his room at the Avengers Towers with a big bottle of his strong whiskey which was from Asgard, it wasn't made for mortal beings.

He tried to drink himself to forget everything. His dead mother, his dead father, his dead best friend, Asgard falling and finally his dead brother. The only one who kept him going after losing everything.

"Well here we are" Thor's voice echoed through his dark room as he took a big gulp. "Everyone's gone, you're gone Loki. I couldn't do anything to prevent that." Thor scoffed, "such a hero I am."

Tears balanced in his eyes as he looked down.
"Not going to pretend or lie, I'm not doing so great without you brother. So wherever you are, please come back. I'm trying to start over but I just can't seem to do it."

"I don't know what to do, I'm lost. I've lost." And with that he got up and angrily threw his bottle to the wall, expecting it to smash into pieces.

But it didn't.

In fact, someone had caught it.

"To what? I'm gone for a short while and you think it's okay to waste such a good whiskey?"


Thor didn't move a muscle. He stood there shocked. Loki was here, in his room, alive?

"Loki..." Thor managed to whisper

"Hi brother." Loki's lips formed into a smirk. Oh how Thor missed that stupid smirk.

"H-How am I seeing you right now?" He was sure it was his famous illusion tricks but his hopes were too high for that, he believed it was the real Loki, he just wanted assurance.

"Because I'm not dead." Loki took a step closer to his scared brother.

Loki took a sip of the drink, "I mean this drink is good but I doubt it's 'I see dead people good' " Loki laughed a little bit.

Thor was overwhelmed. He felt like everything was lifted off his shoulders. The pain, the agony, the sadness, everything had disappeared when he heard his brother's voice.

"C'mon, did you really think I'd attack Thanos with a pocket knife? I thought you knew me better than that, I'm disappointed." Loki then looked into Thor's eyes and saw the confused but relief and happy look which made him smile a little bit.

"I'm back brother, I'm back." Thor launched at him and hugged him, holding him dearly as he cried into his brother's shoulder. He was truly here.

"I'm back for good." Loki whispered softly to his ear and hugged him with much strength. And that was the truth, Loki was back, for good.

Bruh, I didn't even want this to go this way-
I was watching The Vampire Diaries while writing this and the part where Damian came back- MY FINGERS COULDN'T RESIST SO THEY TYPED THE SCENE RIGHT AWAY! Well, sorta lmao but this is trash so enjoy </3
Wc: 976

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