= Superfamily🌈 =

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I was inspired by such a lovely person!
Her IG is @_accmultifandom and she writes the most amazing AU's on her page! Y'all should go and check it out!💜

Peter entered the building, clutching his backpack tightly. He finally survived another day of school. Things have been really hard for him in the past few months. There was a new boy at his school and his name was Wade. Peter was the first one to get to know him when he was told to guide him through everything that was happening at school on the first day. Since then they've been really good friends alongside Ned and Mj.

He was really grateful for having such a friend. He was sweet, kind, funny, sorta smart, outgoing and really cute. That was the problem. Peter couldn't think straight whenever he was around Wade. His dazzling smile made his heart skip a beat, his eyes was filled with so much admiration and curiosity at the same time whenever Peter was doing his science projects and he found it so adorable, his laughter was music to his ears and every time they would touch, Peter's skin would burn up, aching more for his touch. He liked him- fuck that, he was deeply in love with him.

He hadn't considered himself gay nor bisexual. He was always into girls but when Wade came, his whole perspective changed. He hadn't told anyone about his secret crush or his sudden change of sexuality which made him nervous. What if his best friends hate him? What if his family doesn't support it?

He reached his room and flopped on the bed, emotionally exhausted and physically drained. His mind was running wild, thoughts filling up every second.

"Hey kiddo!" He heard his dad, Tony, greeting him on the door. He mumbled a 'hey' back tiredly on the covers, Tony not quite hearing him. The Iron Man walked in and sat on the edge of his son's bed.

"What's up?" He asked rubbing his back smoothly. Peter quickly relaxed and got ready to tell him the truth. He couldn't keep it in anymore.

"Dad? I have something to tell you," he got up from his earlier position and sat up straight, looking down at his hands.

"Is everything okay kid?" Tony asked, his voice lased with worry. Peter nodded and asked him if he could call Steve so that they could all talk together. A few minutes later, Steve came to his son's room after J.A.R.V.I.S informed him.

"What's going on?" Steve asked as he closed the door.

"Peter wants to say something," Tony said looking at his tensed up son. Steve nodded and went and sat beside Peter, making him be in the middle of his two superhero parents.

"I-I like someone..." He mumbled shutting his eyes hard.

"Ok, cool. Is it Mj?" Tony asked. Peter shook his head, his heart feeling heavy already. He already felt that his parents wouldn't approve.

"Who is it?" Steve asked calmly.

"It's a b-boy. His name is Wade." Peter finally said. His hands were slightly shaking.

"Wade?" Tony asked a bit confused. The team knows Peter's friends, Ned and Mj only. He never mentioned anyone else.

"Yeah. He's a new boy at my school and he's a year older than me," Peter told them.

"Cool." Both his parents said at the same time.

"No, no that's not cool!" Peter got up, frustrated. He didn't know how to handle all this.... His sexuality, his feelings for the boy... It was all new to him.

"And why is it not cool Peter?" Steve asked looking at the nervous boy in front of him.

"Because I'm gay!" He shouted. His parents were taken back a little by the shouting. "I'm sorry," he whispered covering his face with his hands and tried so hard not to cry.

"Come here" Steve patted the empty spot on the bed and Peter obeyed him.

"So what if you're gay? There's nothing wrong with that. Your dad is gay, I'm bisexual, Aunt Nat is lesbian and Uncle Sam and Bucky are gay too, that's great!" Steve said holding his son's hand. Peter sighed deeply and looked at his Pops.

"I just... I don't know," he said his mind blocked and tired.

"If someone told you that that's not cool, well that's their problem. Love is love Peter. As long as you're happy with whom you're with, it doesn't matter what others think. Being gay is being happy, being yourself is being happy and if you ask me, that's pretty cool," Steve said smiling at his now relaxed son.

"You aren't doing anything wrong. Love whoever you want, feel whatever you want, just as long as you're comfortable. We love you for who you are, not for who you love or like. We will always love you Peter, ok?" Tony spoke up, hugging the small superhero. Peter nodded, hugging his dad back. The huge weight was lifted off of him and for the first time in a long time he felt amazing. He felt safe and good.

"Thank you so much guys for the support and love.. I was really scared." Peter admitted, earning a kiss on the head from Steve.

"We're always here for you honey, don't ever be scared of anything as long as we're here." He made the point clear.

Tony let him go and Peter was smiling. "Maybe I'll tell Wade that I like him," he said blushing.

"Now that's my boy!" Steve shouted, giving his son a big high- five! They laughed and hugged each other.


Happy Pride Month y'all!!!🌈❤

Be whoever you want to be, feel whatever you want, love whoever you want and be happy!

Don't ever be ashamed of what you are just because people don't approve of it! Be proud of who you are! You're all such beautiful souls. We're here for you guys, I'm here for you! Here we love and support everyone no matter what circumstances you're in❤

No hate, no homophobic people, no racist, no sexism, just plain positivity, love and happiness being spread around here! I love you all and always remember to be yourself!😊✨
I'm not part of the LGBTQ+ but I support it with my whole heart!


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