= Sinners (2) =

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After years and years, she finally does a part 2 on this...

Steve couldn't take it anymore. He doesn't even know what he's doing in a lecture hall among his other fellow people, listening to a really old man talking about Adam and Eve, emphasis being on Eve because she's female and that's how it should always be, how the creator created man and woman for a reason, not Adam and Adam or whatever. He honestly stopped concentrating the second he sat on those lectures chairs.

It's only been three days and the most he got out of this horror of a place was hangouts with Sam, Clint, Wade and sometimes Tony. The blonde found himself smiling when he thought about Tony. He found him really fun and bold, his confidence always so arousing, and overall, how charming he is. The way he walks like he owns the place, his signature smile dances on his lips whenever he'd talk to Steve, his voice smooth like honey and laughs like the angels- Steve had to stop there. He wasn't falling for the guy... was he?

Speaking of Tony, he felt a tap on his shoulder and looked behind, torn from his thoughts when he met Tony smiling at him. He then pointed the exit signalling it with his head that 'we should leave'. Steve was hesitant but agreed, slowly making his way through the other students, getting out faster before being spotted. Tony was already out, leaning at the wall beside the door, "Come on, let's go." Is all he said.

Steve was confused but walked beside him, following him, "Where? Won't the man notice we weren't there?"

"The man is like 100 years old, he probably thinks he's teaching high schoolers, he wouldn't notice." Tony snickered making Steve feel at ease.

"Then where are we going?"

"You haven't happen to see Clint anywhere, have you?" Tony ignored the blonde as they took a left to the halls. Steve shook his head, saying that Clint stayed in the room because he wasn't feeling well so he couldn't attend the discussion in the hall.

Tony smirked as they stopped in front of a door with the label "Out of bounds". Steve was confused but that was washed away, replaced with a feeling of shock when Tony opened the door.

"Okay love birds, time's up!" Tony announced, leaning towards the door frame, a smug look on his face. Clint jumped, backing away from a silver headed boy who he was just kissing like there was no tomorrow.

Clint then rolled his eyes, "Fuck you Stark, you don't just barge in here like that!" He then moved closer to the boy and wrapped his hands around the now red faced boy. Steve was still dumbfounded and could only blink.

"I'm the only person who knows you always come here with Jack Frost over here, hi pumpkin." Tony winked at the other who returned his greeting with a scowl, "I told you to stop calling me that."

"Uh..." Steve finally spoke, still confused. Tony and Clint couldn't help but laugh, "Sorry Steve, this is Pietro, baby, that's my friend Steve. He's cool, don't worry." Pietro waved a small hello at Steve who smiled at him.

Still not knowing how to approach the situation because well, they are in an anti-gay institute and they could easily get caught breaking all the rules, but nevertheless, he didn't even care, he's just glad he found two gays kissing!

"Been together for a year and no one suspects a thing, except for me because I'm amazing and I can smell gay from a mile away." Tony said, grabbing Steve's hand and getting in the small closet then locked the door.

"I don't even know why you're close to this guy, he'll just poison your brain," Clint said, earning a tiny gasp from the shorter man, "That's no way to speak about your best friend, legalos!"

"You wish."

The four continued chatting for a while, trying to pass time as the discussion continues, which ends at 5pm but it was currently 3:45pm.

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