= SamBucky =

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Bucky was happy. He finally found someone who made him loved and complete. Someone who accepted him for who he was, a broken mess. He loved him with his whole heart.

It was Sam.

They have been saying for 2 months and they were happy together, at least that's what Bucky thought.

"Hey babe, wanna go out for dinner? There's a new restaurant down the road-"

"I would love to but I have something to attend to," Sam replied looking at Bucky with a small guilty smile.

"Oh, it's ok. Maybe next time" Bucky responded and kissed his boyfriend's cheek.

* * *

"Sam? C'mom it's sunny today! It's the perfect time for swimming!" Bucky pouted at his bored boyfriend who was laying on their bed. Bucky has been nudging him for almost 30 minutes and all Sam said was "no" "don't wanna" "please stop"

"Baby, please? I-"

Sam's phone interrupted him as he grabbed it from the nightstand. A huge smirk appeared on his face as he opened a text message. Bucky looked at him furrowing.

"What's that?" Bucky asked

Sam quickly wiped the smirk off his face "Uh, n-nothing! Hey, I have to go and clear some errands if you don't mind," He got up quickly and started dressing, splashing himself with so much cologne.

"But it's Sunday," Bucky exclaimed, covering his nose from the strong smell. "What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, I'll be back before dinner, ok?" Sam replied, fixing his outfit. Bucky sighed and nodded. Sam left.

* * *

It has been three weeks since Sam has started disappearing randomly. Bucky would wake up in the middle of the night, cold from lose of touch. His side was empty most of the time and when he would come back, he says that work got him going in weird hours. Bucky believed him. Sam also starred acting distant. He no longer kissed Bucky with passion and love, cuddle him or just stay close to him. Bucky was worried and he would talk to Steve about it.

"I told you Buck, Sam isn't a good person for you. What if he's cheating on you?" Steve asked him once and since, the question kept lingering in his head.

No. He'd never cheat in me, I love him and he loves me. Bucky would tell himself everyday.

* * *

It was their 3 months anniversary and Bucky was in the living room alone. The dining room was set, beautiful roses around the room, candles lit, foods arranged neatly on the table...it was perfect, but no. Bucky was waiting for Sam for 4 hours but he hadn't showed up so he ate the dinner alone, tears flowing freely. He blew out the candles, drank the whole bottle of wine and went to sleep, empty and heartbroken.

When he got in the covers and closed his eyes, the door opened and he heard a voice.

"Ssh, your boyfriend might here us" A female voice whispered throughout the apartment.

"No he won't, he's asleep. Now c'mon baby, kiss meeee" Sam pouted and giggles filled the living room.

Bucky could've sworn he was going to throw up. That was Sam, his boyfriend, the love if his life, kissing someone else? He didn't even sound drunk!

Bucky slowly got up and tiptoed to where the sounds were coming from, praying that his fears don't come true.

There he was. A half naked Sam was sucking a girl's face, moaning loudly, squeezing her ass while her hands travelled everywhere on his abs and cheat being on top of him. His heart broke into a million pieces and his face went place, his stomach turning.

"Sam..." Bucky's voice broke the moment, being so hurt. Sam immediately got up and the girl fell on the floor.

"B-Bucky! I swear it isn't what it looks like-"

"Oh really?! Explain then! Explain why the fuck you were half naked, making out with some slut on our couch!!" Bucky shouted, his face red.

Sam opened his mouth to explain but closed his immediately. Of course he couldn't explain.

"That's what I thought," Bucky whispered and looked down at his feet "Did you even remember our anniversary?" His voice croaked and he closed his eyes. The pain he was feeling at the moment was too much to bear.

Sam's heart stopped. He slowly approach his boyfriend "Bucky I'm-"

"Stop!" Bucky snapped and backed away.

"All this time, I thought you were actually busy. Going out all the time because you had errands to run, turning down my dates because you were busy and I was cool with it. I gave you all the space you needed, I was there for you when you were tired and exhausted, making you food and taking care if you and then I found out that you are cheating on me! Fuck, I was so stupid..." Bucky finished as he ran to their bedroom. He couldn't take it anymore.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked as he followed Bucky "Please, we can work this out! I love you"

"Steve was right.... I should've never trusted you from the start. You're a liar " Bucky took his bag and pushed Sam out of the way. He was going to stay at Steve's until he could be fine again to start a new life somewhere else. Sam followed him ranting about how much he lives him and how they can solve their issues

"Goodbye Sam, I hope you and your slut have a good life" Bucky looked at him one last time before leaving for good.


I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I lost motivation and inspiration in everything and life and my mental health is just fucked up haha.
(It's not like anyone cares lol, ignore this)

This is a draft, I just wanted y'all to known I'm still alive, sadly. I've gotten some requests and don't worry, I'll get to them soon! Please request some more, I love your ideas!

Also this is bad, I know but I'm working on something good, I promise.

Ty for reading! <3
WC: 1011

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