= Happy birthday Tony =

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I know I'm kinda late but HAPPY

Words can't explain how much I love and miss him, he'll forever be in my heart. I'm so glad I was born in an era where I got to experience Anthony Edward Stark. He'll forever be icon and we all know we ain't gonna forget him! Forever and always in our hearts... I love you 3000❤️



Third's person POV

Dear Daddy,

Hii daddy! It's me Morgan. I've grown so much now! But not that much, Pops doesn't want his little princess to grow up yet hihi!

School is great! I've made so many friends, they're all cool and they like the same things I like! I enjoy drawing and riding bikes but they don't seem as cool as building stuff like you daddy! I really want to do that but Peter said I'm too young for all of that :( but he promised me he'll teach me all the things that I need to know I become a little bit older!

I miss you so much daddy everyday. I still have nightmares but Pops is always there to take care of me. I wish you were here though. Nothing is the same without you.
Happy birthday daddy. I hope one day I'll see you again so that I can hug you and get to see that pretty smile! I love you 3000.

Love, Morgan.


Dear Dad,

Hey Dad. It's Peter. It's your birthday and my only wish is that you could be here with us so that we could celebrate like we always did every year.... together as a family.

I graduated from high school by the way and enrolled to MIT just like you. It's pretty amazing there. Also, it really sounds crazy but do you remember Ned and MJ? They are DATING! I totally didn't see that coming, considering how they really don't match hehe...but it's cool. They're love/hate relationship gave it all away. They are happy together. I just wish I could find someone who makes me happy the way you made Pops happy... I miss you so much Dad. I miss you hugging me and being there for all of us, making us happy.

I kept the promise dad. I'm looking out for my family. Morgan is doing great, she always talks about you. Pops is struggling, but he'll be ok. Happy birthday dad. I hope you're watching over us. I love you, oh how I wish I could hear you saying it back.

Love, Peter.


Dear Tony, the love of my life,

Tony.... I miss you. So very much. The kids had this plan of us writing a letter to you on your birthday, they really miss you. I'm not going to lie and say that everything's fine. I'm broken without you Tony. I've lost all interest of living in this empty world.

I'm lost, empty, and hopeless without you. I open my eyes everyday hoping to see you, laying next to me holding me like how you always did every morning. I miss seeing your smile, full of happiness when you'd play with our kids, the way you'd always jump up and down when you finished doing your projects in the lab, the way you're eyes would shine whenever they looked into mine....they were so full of life and love.

I miss kissing you and telling you how beautiful you are, I miss the way you'd always let me carry you around even though you hated it, the nicknames you call me.... I miss everything about you. You made me so happy every minute of my life. My husband, lover, best friend, soulmate, patter in crime, diary...you were the reason I was able to overcome my fears, now they're just tomenting me, wanting me to end my life.

You have no idea how much I want to be up there with you. To hold you, to kiss you, to caress you, to love you.... I need you so that I can continue living. I can't do this anymore my love. Please come back to me.

But you made me promise... To stay strong. For myself,our family, for you. It'll make you happy when you see me happy with my family. I will Tony. I will stay strong for us all. Peter and Morgan are the reason why I'm still here and I'll always be there for them. I promise you that I'll be a better father to them, they'll be happy and they'll always remember the person who made them strong, you.

Happy birthday my love. I love you so much. Please look after us. I'll be with you soon.

Love, Steve.


The three finished writing their letter and met at the balcony, where the rest of the former Avengers were. They all had their letters and balloons ready to send them off to the sky. It was at night, the skies full of stars, the crickets' and the bird's noise heard from afar peacefully, the air clear, making the night beautiful. They could see the New York view perfectly.

There was a long table full of foods, snacks and drinks for them to celebrate the amazing life lived by their beloved friend, husband and father. Each one of them wished that he would be here with them physically but they all knew he was, watching over them.

"Tony was an amazing person. Always looked out for other's safety," Steve started. "As selfish as he was sometimes", some laughed remembering how the genius used to put himself first. "He was always there for everyone, making us laugh, making us feel loved and most of all, he made us feel strong...as a family. He was a hero we all admired and needed.... He'll forever be in our hearts. Happy birthday Tony," Steve finished off, his eyes glossy from tears.
Everyone smiled clapping at the man while wishing happy birthday to the gone hero.

"Ready?" Natasha asked looking at Steve and the kids who were beside his Pops. Steve looked at everyone who they all nodded in approval.
(Yes, she's not dead! I can't handle another death here🤧)

"Yes" he smiled and finally, they all let go of their balloons which had their letters inside. It was beautiful. Morgan hugged his Pops, making him carry her and hugged his son. They all looked up, seeing the balloons fly high to their angel who they all dearly loved and missed.

"Happy birthday Tony, we love you 3000."


I might have cried while writing this at 2 am in the morning.

I really miss him🤧🖤 and the edits I keep seeing on IG of him are really not helping 😭 but they are so beautiful!!

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