= Please Don't Leave Me~ Stony =

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"I can't do this anymore Tony.." Steve said running his hands through his blonde hair

"W-what do you mean you can't do this?" Tony was on the verge of tears. He screwed up again. He knew it.

"I can't just sit here and pretend everything is fine! We keep fighting day and night, it's not healthy for Peter! He keeps having panic attacks every time we raise our voice and none of us is always there for him! For Heaven's sake Tony when was the last time any of us asked him how he was? Or how school was? Or why he keeps coming home with bruises covering his body every fucking day?! You always lock yourself in the lab and never come out!
Peter rarely comes out of his room and every time I want to be there for you or him, you all push me away! I try so hard to be there for you Tony, but how do you repay me? Shouting at me telling me how bad of a parent and husband I am and how useless I'll forever be to this family...." Steve paused to take a deep breath. It hurts.

Tony stayed silent. Tears silently ran down his worn out face. Steve was right. He knew his family was falling apart but he didn't want to accept it.

"So what now? " He looked up at Steve who was slightly shaking. He knew what was coming next...

"We need to take a break.." He said sighing deeply. Tony closed his eyes. He would be lying when he said he didn't expect those words to come out of the super soldier. But he refused to take them.

"We can't!" Tony growled in anger. He can't lose the only thing that kept him alive besides Peter. "Peter needs us! We can to fix this....we can fix us! You leaving won't make things better-"

"And staying would save us huh?!"
At this moment Steve was a crying mess. "Every time we try to fix things, to fix us, we break us more! None of us will accept our mistakes! We just keep fighting more and I- I can't start start hating you Tony.... I love you too much to start hating you." He whispered the last part. He turned his back to face Tony. Tony slowly stood up and back hugged him. They were both crying silently. "I'll make it better. I'll do everything to keep our family together and happy, just please don't go. I- I need you. Y-You promised me, please don't leave."
Tony chocked, his grip getting tighter around his lover's waist.

"I'm sorry Tony..." Steve turned and kissed his forehead." It's better this way. Take care of Pete. He needs you more. I have to go" He untangled himself from Tony and walked to the door. Tony couldn't do anything. He watched the love of his life leave. As soon as he heard the main door shut, his knees met the cold kitchen tiles and he broke down immediately. That was the last time he'd ever see Steve.


Tony's POV.

Five months later.... I was as broken as ever.

I locked myself in the lab one week ago after I kicked The Avengers out. Yeah, you heard me. I kicked them out because they kept lecturing me about how I'm always drowning myself with vodkas and how I need to move on and start to focus on missions more... but how could I? Peter left two months ago when I couldn't take care of him or myself.

We got into a bad fight when he found me in the kitchen on a Saturday afternoon trying to swallow a bottle of Xanax and chugging it all down with vodka. He tried helping me but my bad side got the best of me and I started shouting some hurtful words, so did he which kept playing on my head on repeat like a broken record.

"Maybe if you were good enough, Pops would've stayed!" Peter shouted at me crying so hard.

"Fine! Get the hell out of here! You both never meant anything to me! I hate you! Go die with your Pops, he'll make you happier in hell!" I shouted every word suffocating me and killing me.

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