= Uncle Loki~ SpiderFrost =

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Recap: Peter decides to skip school to go and hang out with his Uncle Loki.


Peter left the tower and headed to the car, his Pops Steve, driving him to school. Yeah, Peter is a straight A student, he's smart and all the teachers love him, he completes all his assignments without fail... You'd think he loves school but no. Peter hates every second he's in there. He'd rather stay at home, playing video games, fighting crime with his family, the Avengers, and spend time with his uncle Loki.

Lately, Peter has been hanging out with his Uncle Loki and he loved every single minute of it although his parents forbid him to get close to the God of Mischief. He actually didn't hate him and he didn't want to judge him without getting to know him. Tony and Steve don't really approve of their bond, considering that Loki tried to take over New York and they thought he would hurt their son but that wasn't the case. Loki was just misunderstood which hurt Peter.

"Thanks Pops!" Peter gave him a hug and got out of the car, running into the school compound. He met his best friends, Ned and Mj, and they went to their first class, Chemistry.

Time seemed to move very slow for Peter. He really wanted to get out of there. He knew his parents would be mad if they ever found out that their son skipped school but at this point, he really didn't seem to care.

"May I please go to the washroom?" Peter asked his teacher politely. He was allowed and he left quickly. In no time, he was out the building and was behind the school. He looked around to see if there was someone watching him. All clear.

He ran and climbed onto the walls, shooting his webs left to right until he reached a familiar tower he calls home. He got in and no one was around, he was thankful for that.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, where are the guys?" He asked heading to his room.

"Out on a mission, baby Stark." He informed him.

"Also, please don't tell them I skipped school, they'd be mad at me!" Peter pouted guilt filling his body.

"I promise I won't" the AL responded making Peter smile.

He was in his way to his room when he spotted Loki in the backyard sitting on the grass reading a book.

He practically ran to him and jumped on him from behind, hugging him.

"Uncle Loki!" Peter shouted in excitement, scaring the god.

He turned an saw his favorite nephew. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" He asked ruffling the younger one's brown hair.

"Yeah but I got bored!" He said sitting next to his uncle. "Please don't tell my dad! He'd kill me!" Peter said, fear filling the innocent boy's eyes.

Loki just smiled slightly "You have my word, Spiderchild" He said as he returned back to his reading.

"What are you reading?" Peter asked out of curiosity and curled himself in between the Frost Giant's legs, his back leaning onto Loki's chest.

"A book named " Call Me By Your Name". It's captivating. " He said, his sight never leaving the addicting novel. He found it laying on his brother's bed and decided to take it.

"What is it about?" He asked playing with end of Loki's shirt. It was rather warm outside today so they enjoyed the breeze.

"It explains about how a young 17-year-old, Elio Perlman, gets to meet a handsome doctoral student, Oliver, who workes as an intern for his father. Along the way, they get to discover a blossoming love between each other which changes their lived forever," he explained, petting the little one's hair.

Peter understood the book and he fell into a deep thought. Loki noticed how worried he was. No one in the family knew that Peter was gay, well except his Uncle Loki who found out when he caught Peter stalking at a certain menace who goes by the name Dead pool in the lab one day. He never judged him, instead, he helped him get through his breakdowns every time his parents would talk to him about getting a girlfriend. It would be so much for the 16 year old, considering he really wanted to tell his parents that he's into boys and liked a particular person but they'd never approve of it.

Peter sighed sadly, Loki immediately knowing what was wrong. He was never the guy who knew how to comfort people so he'd always distract his nephew by showing him some cool magic tricks. Peter loved them so much.

"Want to see something cool?" Loki asked and set his book aside. Peter knew he sensed his sadness and eagerly nodded.

Loki spread out his hand and soon, their surrounding was filled with small green butterflies flying over a dark sky which shone bright with small twinkling stars. Peter was breathless. His innocent brown eyes wandered the view making him look like an adorable puppy. His lips parted slightly, his hands slowly trying to reach one of the beautiful butterflies.

Loki would never admit it but seeing Peter like this, made him happy. He was the only person who didn't treat him like an outsider when he was first captured by the Avengers and locked him up. Peter would go visit him sometimes without anyone's notice and he'd make small talk with the former villain, showing him some videos in his phone after teaching him how it works, making him listen to music...he made Loki feel important. It has been over a year when Loki changed his ways and started living with the superheroes at peace, gaining their trusts but still not at peace with Tony and Steve. They were a bit still skeptical about him.

"This is beautiful Uncle Loki!" Peter beamed in pure happiness making Loki smile softly. They stayed there for a few minutes admiring the scene when Loki shut it off. Peter whined a little bit but he was thankful.

"I wish I could be cool like you and have such powers," Peter mumbled biting on his bottom lip softly. Peter always admired the older one's magic. He'd want nothing more than to have them rather than just shooting webs and climbing up buildings... It was lame.

"You're powers are incredible, Peter. Yes, I may be cool and amazing," Loki bragged, flipping his hair dramatically which made the Spiderman laugh, "but you, Spiderman, are the Earth's Mightiest Hero. You are unique, one of a kind and every child looks up to you. You are amazing Peter. Don't ever wish to be someone else." Loki said looking down at the smiling teen. He doesn't get why such a special person would want to be just like him. He was broken.

Peter sat up straight and hugged his uncle tightly, Loki returning it back, kissing the younger one's head. He was too attached to him but he didn't complain. He would protect his favorite nephew at any cost.

"Thank you so much Uncle Loki. You're truly amazing. " Peter whispered burying his face onto his neck. Loki smiled holding him. He really loved the kid.

"Anytime, young one" he said. "Now you may want to go back to school before they find out you are here." Loki whispered, pointing at the sky. He unwrapped himself out of Loki's hold and saw his dad, Iron Man, flying towards the tower.

"Oh shit!" He jumped up and landed on his feet, running inside the tower.
"Bye Uncle Loki! See you in the evening!" He shouted heading to his room so that he could sneak out without any of the guys seeing him and go back to school. He sure has a lot to explain to his chemistry teacher.

Loki laughed lightly shaking his head. That mortal....


I kinda hate this😂
And also,.I realized I'm not very good at title but I'm working on it!

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