= Hawksilver =

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Oh look! A ship other than SamBucky!!!!

This ship has been requested a lot and I felt bad for not giving it enough attention so here it is babies!

Warning: Light smut!

*:..。o○  ○o。..:*

Clint was at the back of the garage, seated on the soft grass of his farm and looking into the far distance of the silent night. He took another puff of the drug and let it out, feeling himself getting lighter by the second.

"I didn't know you smoke such things." Pietro literally came out of nowhere and stood behind Clint, who wasn't surprisingly bothered by his presence which shocked the speedster. He walked closer to the other and not seeing any abrupt movement, he decided to take a seat next to him. Pietro looked over him and for the first time, he looked... relaxed. He looked a little younger, his shoulders loose from all the tension and his face relaxed and calm. He looked good.

"How did you even get that?" Pietro asked curiously as Clint took another puff, blowing it away from the younger one. He looked over Pietro and gave him a loopy smile, "What? I can't just have drugs on my own?"

"Sounds unprofessional but whatever," Pietro shrugged and they sat there in comfortable silence. The speedster was sent to call Clint back in the house for dinner but soon forgot because the comfort at that very moment was relaxing and he didn't want to ruin it.

"You better get back in there, you'll start smelling like shit and I don't want your sister to decapitate me." Clint said as he let the weed stay in his mouth for a while, laying back on his hands on the grass. Something about that lit a dim flame in Pietro's stomach as he watch the archer remove it and lick his lips before blowing it all away so... smoothly.

"You're staring baby boy," He smirked and Pietro felt a tiny blush paint his cheeks as he turned away. The sudden urge of smoking it consumed him and without realizing it, he had already snatched the puff from Clint's hand with superspeed and staring at it like it was from another planet. He heard Clint's soft chuckle as he got up and did something unexpected.

"C'mere" Pietro slowly scooted next to Clint and Clint took the puff away from him. "Part your lips," He gazed down at them as Pietro followed shyly and Clint guided the drug into his lips, holding his chin. "Now inhale slowly for me," He whispered as they locked eyes, Pietro's blue eyes innocently boring into the others completely forgetting about the weed until he started coughing into fits, letting the smoke out of him fast. Clint leaned back and laughed loudly.

"That was horrible, what the hell?!" Pietro struggled to speak as Clint just looked at him. The coughing soon stopped and the younger one was feeling... fuzzy in a good way. "How does it feel?" Clint asked as he lazily smiled at him. He was already light headed and kind of out of it to express the free feeling he was experiencing. Oh how he wanted to have that feeling in his system forever. Pietro found himself taking the hits more and more. his whole body and mind feeling like they are floating on fluffy cotton candy.

At this point, they were both laid on the grass, legs tangled to each other and Pietro was laughing basically at everything Clint was saying even if it was just calling his name.

"Wanda is so going to kill me." Clint said as he played with Pietro's pinky finger. Pietro tried to get up but he ended up falling back down but onto Clint's chest immediately purring at the strong muscular contact. He giggled, "She's not the boss of me," His accent came out strong and it did things to the other man. The puff was over by now and both their minds were warm and fuzzy, their bodies feeing completely different and free.

"But she's still questions your reckless decisions," Clint bopped the kid's nose and immediately found it super adorable how he reacted when he scrunched his nose and smiled. "I'm 12 minutes older than her and besides, it's you whose dragged me into this." He replied. Clint ran his fingers into Pietro's soft silver hair as Pietro was babbling about random childhood stories.

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