= Happy Father's Day! =

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Peter and Harley ran into the Avenger's tower after school, breathing heavily and passing the others nearly knocking them down.

"Woah champs, slow down! What's all the rush?" Clint asked from the couch. Pietro was laying down on his lap his eyes still stuck on the large screen.

"Sorry Uncle Clint! Can't talk right right now!" The young children both said in sync. They ran into the kitchen and started removing recipes from the cabinets clumsily, pans flying out everywhere as they mix ingredients.... It was a confusing sight for the others.

"Apparently, the young Starks had forgotten this celebration known as 'Father's Day' " Loki chimed in and sat beside Clint and Pietro.

"Ssssh! Dad and Pops can not know that!" Harley hissed at his Uncle making the three laugh.

"Relax, they are out. I'm sure they'd appreciate the effort but please stop. You'll burn down the kitchen" Natasha came and snatched the spatulas away from them. Peter and Harley always ended up either burning the food or sometimes start a small fire whenever they cooked so they leave the job to either their aunt Nat or their Pops Steve or they would just order but since it was father's day, they wanted to make an effort and make something for their two superdads.

"Aunt Naaaaat" Peter whined stumbling his feet on the tiles.

"I mean it." She kissed both their foreheads.

"I can't believe you guys forgot about father's day," Pietro spoke up his accent thick from not speaking for a long time.

"Well, juggling a superhero's life and a normal life is not that easy you tend to forget most things" Harley flopped down on the soft carpet in the living room, Peter following behind.

"Especially when you have school" Peter said rubbing his temples. The others nodded, feeling bad for them. They knew how hard they work hard, juggling two lives and their responsibilities.

"Tell you what, what if we just have an outdoor activity? Fire up the grill, do something fun then end it with an outdoor movie? It's not much but at least it's a last minute thing you can pull off easily" Clint suggested making Peter and Harley's face erupt with a huge smile.

"Oh yes! Thank you so much uncle Clint!" Peter attacked him with a hug, nearly suffocating his Russian boyfriend under him.

"Hey, I still exist!" Pietro pushed his nephew off making the other laugh.

So Bruce and Thor prepared the blankets and pillows for the movie, sometimes they would start a small pillow fight or just forget what they were doing and start cuddling each other in the soft heap of blankets, Wanda and Pietro were picking out the snacks and movie, having fights about which movie to watch: Men in Black, Avatar or Titanic. Loki and Sam were too lazy to do anything so they just sat on the grass ordering everyone around annoying them. Bucky would get irritated with Sam for shouting too loud and threw rocks at him while he decorated the backyard with lights, Clint and Natasha were making the foods, the archer being behind the grills and the assassin whipping up some delicious desserts. Peter and Harley were setting up the table.

After some chaotic hours, the backyard was finally set up and it was just in time.

"Alert, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers have entered the building." J.A.R.V.I.S alerted the group making everyone stay in position.

"I swear you two owe us big time-" Sam was slapped on the arm by Bucky telling him to shut up.

"I can't believe our own children forgot about father's day" Tony sighed as he got out of his suit. Peter wanted to jump and go hug him, apologizing to him nonstop but Harley held onto him arm tightly before he would do something stupid.

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