Chapter 1: A girl without potential

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The fifth grade boys were once again harassing the youngest ones in the neighborhood. It was becoming increasingly common every day, and their actions were growing more aggressive with each incident. - this was usually what happened when no one stopped right at the beginning, the limit each time it widened further. At the time I was around ten years old and I was returning home when I saw them playing a trick on another kid. The boy was already scratched and with signs that he had been bullied.

With determined steps, I walked towards then and shouted:

'Hey, you idiots. Stop this now' I positioned myself between the kid and the boys. They were so big... I felt my body shake.

'Huh, who are you? His girlfriend?' one of them mocked.

"She's that useless without quirk who hangs out with the blond guy who causes explosions" another chimed in.

The two looked at each other and then looked at the boy behind me.

"Tsk, whatever". He grabbed my shirt collar and hoisted me up. "Next time you want to play the heroine, at least bring your little friend along".

The boy behind me ran away, just leaving me there, alone.

"Look what you've done, useless. Now you will take his place".

I bit my lip, remembering that event on my way to school. On that day, I couldn't "save" the young boy and I was still beaten by the older boys, which led to a serious discussion afterwards between the parents. It was always problematic, even though in the end the boys still took it easy on me because I was a girl, I still got beaten up without being able to defend myself properly. Existing without an quirk has always been a tremendous struggle for me.

It all started in the city of Qing Qing in China, when news broke about the birth of a glowing, mysterious baby . Shortly after, similar phenomena began to appear all over the world, people being born with superpowers. What used to be something extraordinary is now commonplace. 80% of the world's population has developed these unique abilities, and a new era has begun: that of the superhumans. And in this world full of chaos, a new profession has emerged, the superheroes.

The big problem is that in this fantastic world where people could achieve the impossible, I was precisely in those 20% of people with outdated genetics, people with the remnants of the past: I didn't have any quirk. What was once common and normal has now become uncommon. But that barrier wouldn't stop me from fulfilling my big dream: to be a heroine. Preferably one as fantastic as Japan's greatest superhero: All Might.

As I continued to walk, a loud bang caught my attention. A fight had erupted in the middle of the city! A villain the size of a building and a mega pointy nose destroyed everything around while screaming. I know, I shouldn't have been so excited to see a villain in action. But I joined the crowd of onlookers and moved closer.

"Who is fighting?" I asked, hoping that one of the strangers would answer me, but they didn't have to. The hero soon appeared.

"AAAAAA, this is Kamui Woods!!! So this is that rookie hero who is catching the spotlight". I hurriedly grabbed my notebook from my backpack.

We were too far away to hear the conversation between the villain and the hero, but based on the position of the attacks I'd say that Kamui had unleashed his " Lacquered Chain Prison" move - his limbs stretched, forming a wooden chain that held the villain. I must have been mumbling about it – I had this hard-to-miss mania, because an old man next to me looked at me and smiled.

"You really like to talk huh! Are you a hero fanatic by any chance?"

I smiled back and shrugged my shoulders as if to say "maybe" because I was too embarrassed to admit to a stranger that yes, I was a mega hero fanatic.

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