Chapter 13 - Extra - "New rival" my ass.

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Pov: Bakugo

The festival was approaching. Everyone in the classroom was trying hard, even if the outcome was already decided, I would win that shit. But okay, I guess somehow it was good for those weaklings to have something to cling to to keep going.

I'd like to say my focus was totally on training, but the bookshelves next to me said otherwise. It was the third time that week that I went there, to the library. What the fuck was I doing there? Every time I remembered her words to that bastard my feet automatically took me there.

In part I understood. The two motherfuckers pissed me off with that "rival" thing, who did she think she was to say that had a rival after all? And he must be pretty weak to consider her that way. Well, if it was the regular course, he probably sucked.

I would leave that place, I was just wasting my time. But then, he appeared. He walked among the shelves unpretentiously as if looking for something, my blood boiled.

"If it isn't the riffraff of the regular class". I told him to hear me across the hall. He looked at me with disinterest, which pissed me off even more. "I can't wait to break you all over".

As if I had finally caught his attention, he glared at me and came walking towards me, he was only a few inches taller, that purple hue to his eyes and the dark circles under giving him the look of an idiot goth.

"I have no interest in facing you." He stopped in front of me. "Actually, I already have a much better person that I'm going to defeat". He flashed a sarcastic smile. Before I could think of anything else, I launched a small explosion towards a bookshelf and then grabbed him by the collar of his uniform. Leaving the hand that just released the blast still warm near his face.

"I will face you. I will." I ground my teeth.

I wanted to destroy him right there. The bastard continued to smile at me.

"Hey, you two!" The librarian came running towards us. She looked at the burnt-out shelf and started yelling annoyed at us, I didn't pay any attention to anything. I got a formal warning for improper use of quirk and the guy the librarian called Shinso walked out of there intact and still with a smile on his face.

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