Chapter 14 - Extra - Tough as my willpower

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Pov: Kirishima

The weight of the robots that fell on top of me would have killed anyone else, but by toughening my skin with my quirk I managed to emerge back into the race.

"As if I were going to die!" I screamed.

I sure as hell wouldn't, but anyone who wasn't male enough might not be so lucky, what was going through Todoroki's mind to make that kind of approach? It was as if there wasn't a single iota of concern for the others in the room. Anyone else could have died, I shouted exactly that at him, even though he was already too far away to hear me.

The ground beside me cracked, a boy emerged from it, hardened much like mine, the only difference being that his skin felt like smooth metal. He yelled at how detestable room 1A was and that anyone other than him could have died.

I stopped for a few seconds thinking about all the similarity in that scene, but I didn't allow much beyond that, I needed to get back to the race, Present Mic had just shouted that Bakugou was in the front right behind Todoroki, I needed to catch up with them, Bakugou was showing himself to be one of the guys more males than I'd ever met, despite the over-the-top personality.

I passed by Midoriya to the point of seeing her use a piece of robot to cut another in half, and also used the piece of metal to defend herself, I had already noticed how much she avoided using her own quirk, probably because of how much it hurt her.

The second obstacle was terrible for anyone who didn't have some quirk to help with the jump, as we had to jump between columns of earth inside an "abyss", Bakugou passed with thunderous ease, the explosions of his hands acting like rockets.

When I jumped onto one of the pillars, Midoriya jumped with me, losing his balance. She fell into the abyss and I instinctively pulled her close. Even if she was, at that moment, a competitor, I could never have let a girl get hurt falling into that hole, it just wasn't how I functioned.

"Thank you, Kirishima. I owe you this one."

"You would do better without that piece of metal". I replied, but she had already gone to the next column, she looked at me over her shoulder and smiled.

"I'm still going to need him a lot". She jumped another column away from me, Midoriya had a strange way of moving forward.

And speaking of "front", there he was, Bakugo, standing on the other edge of the chasm. Looking at Midoriya, as if to check if she was still behind him or if she had fallen into the abyss. Our eyes met for a few seconds and I jumped to the next column.

He could say whatever swear word he wanted, for me, I couldn't change the conception that he was a man of respect.

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