Chapter 15 - Obstacle Race - Part 2

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It wasn't one of the best things I'd ever done, in fact, nor should it please spectators, watching a seemingly ordinary girl with a huge chunk of metal struggling to advance in the race. Okay, not the time to worry about something like that, the last obstacle lay in front of me, a minefield.

Kacchan blew up a bunch of mines without a care, but it slowed him down compared to Todoroki, even if the difference was short-lived. In a few seconds they were both running side by side. The two of them were frighteningly close to the finish line and I hadn't even entered the minefield yet, just watching the others advancing and taking explosions at their feet.

I could drop the sheet metal on the floor to see if it would explode and then follow the safe path after checking, but that would take a long time. Seeing Kacchan being flung upwards once more, I had an idea. Luckily it was possible to see on the ground where some mines were buried. I would only have a few minutes, three or four at most, so I started digging in and when I piled up a few, it fell down with the sheet metal on top. I was thrown forward with the plate and all, but there was one big problem, it would be impossible to control a falling object. And worse, my body had its back to the finish line. I saw Kacchan's face as I passed him.

He yelled something I couldn't understand and quickened his pace, almost approaching. I would hit the ground before the goal. I propelled the steel plate to the ground and it caused more explosions that messed up Todoroki and Bakugou. I rolled over to the finish line, stuffing my clothes with dirt and scraping my elbows. When I got to my feet, Present Mic announced that I had won the race. In fact, I was only a few inches ahead of the victory line, and I felt a little woozy from the impact and the sound of the explosions. I surpassed them all! Todoroki came in second and Kacchan in third.

Todoroki came to me.

"I didn't expect it to show up like this". For a moment it looked like he was going to reach out to help me up, but his body froze listening to Kacchan's screams about me having won (or about him being third?), it was sometimes difficult to understand his babble. The one who helped me up was Ochako.

"What was that?! It was amazing!!"

"You were amazing, I did what I could".

I didn't like being the only one not using the quirk, but I was afraid of crippling myself right away.

"Go fuck yourself!" Kacchan yelled. "You again..."

Ochako pulled me away from him, Iida appeared complaining that she still needed to train more and Todoroki didn't follow us.

"I hope our friendship survives this festival". – I said to Ochako, not referring to just the two of us, but also to me and Todoroki, since he declared me as a "rival", he became more introspective than usual, staring at me from afar.

We waited for everyone to finish the race and when it was finally over, Midnight reported that the top 44 finishers would go on to the next stage. Incredibly, everyone in room 1-A was ranked.

"Now, let's go to the second test!" Midnight pointed to a screen, I couldn't believe it when saw the word "Prison" written on the screen. What would that be like?

"You will have to form groups of 4 people and will have to arrest the members of the other team in our prison. To secure it, just remove the armband that each one will have on the arm and take it to the "prison". Each participant is worth 20 points. With the exception of the first place that is worth 100 points. After all, being first has its perks, right? But it can also be soooo laborious. You do not lose if one of the members is arrested, but you lose the point he is worth and he must be stopped for the rest of the game. In the end, the teams with the most free points are ranked. It will only be 15 minutes of play. Now go! Assemble your teams!"

My body froze. ONE HUNDRED POINTS?

I looked around, everyone was staring at me. It took seconds for the confusion to set in, I would be doubly targeted. Teaming with me was interesting because it increased their chances of finishing in first place, but it would be the most attacked team to take the most obvious first place.

It would be a game mainly of defense and escape, there would be few teams that would go for the spontaneous attack.

In the midst of all that talk I looked for Kacchan, our eyes met. How likely would it be that we were on the same team? From his hateful face, I'd say 0.

"Let's be on the same team, Deku". Ochako took my arm.

I felt so much emotion that my eyes watered. Even if I had the advantage of starting points, being the main target of attack would not be any good.

"You're an angel". - I said to her and she smiled.

If we could use her quirk to float us, it would be perfect, other quirks that would be very useful would be Todoroki and Iida's, but it was obvious that the former already had his team formed. But I was surprised by the refusal of the second one, who stayed in Todoroki's team.

"I was already noticing, but you are amazing, Midoriya. And I don't want to be left behind. No, if I just follow you I'll never grow up. You are a dear friend. But Bakugou, Todoroki and that guy from 1-B aren't your only rivals here!"

He walked away from us and I glared at Ochako, who shrugged.

"Now I even feel strange here". She said, laughing. "I want to grow up and I will. By your side". I nodded, still excited. "This rival talk must be some man fetish".

"It sure is".

We heard an unknown voice and turned around, a girl with pink hair and eyes was standing behind us. She wore large goggles on her head and other supportive gear around her waist and feet.

"My name is Hatsume Mei and I would like to use you, Midoriya. Now that you're number one, everyone will be watching you, this is the perfect opportunity for me to introduce my babies! And maybe some big company will notice!"

Mei got so close to me that our breasts (hers much more) tightened, and I could feel her hot breath on my cheek, her glazed, excited eyes fixed on mine.

"What are you talking about?" Ochako pulled me back a little.

Mei took several kind of equipment from her pants pockets.

"I'm from the support department! We develop items for heroes and it's the perfect chance to show them off."

She turned around and I could see that she was also wearing a jet pack.

"Perfect! You can participate!"

I still preferred Iida, but Mei could be useful if the other things she showed were as good as the backpack. I looked to the side looking for the fourth and last person. I saw him from afar with his bird's beak. There was no team yet, people unfortunately avoided animorphs.

"Come join our team". I said, approaching him. "Your quirk creates a physical shadow, doesn't it?"

"It's not exactly that. But why should I join your team?" His voice was beautiful and thick, somehow matching the black fuzz.

"Well, I'll bring you victory".

I reached for him, trying to smile confidently (and probably failing).

He looked at it for a few seconds, then held my hand.

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